China's Space Program News Thread

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China launched the second TH-1 Tianhui-1 satellite - Tianhui-1B - on Sunday, using a Long March 2D (Chang Zheng-2D) launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Launch took place at 07:10UTC from the 603 launch pad from the LC-43 launch complex.

Like the first satellite, launched on August 24th, 2010, the new satellite will be used for mapping using stereo-topographic techniques from orbit.

The Tianhui-1 (Sky drawing) satellites - built by the Hangtian Dongfanghong Weixing Corporation and established by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST) - are equipped with a three-dimensional survey camera and a CCD camera with a ground resolution of 5 meters, spectral region of 0.51μm to 0.69μm, and with a camera angle of 25 degrees.

A multi-spectrum camera – with a ground resolution of 10 meters, and spectral region of 0.43μm to 0.52μm, 0.52μm to 0.61μm, 0.61μm to 0.69μm, and 0.76μm to 0.90μm - was also be aboard. The cameras form an image of 60 kilometres wide.

The satellites operate on a 500 km circular orbit and are equipped with two deployable solar panels for energy generation that is stored on onboard batteries.

The Tianhui-1 satellites are part of the Ziyuan program that cover different civil and military earth observation as well as remote sensing programs. The Ziyuan-1 program is focused on Earth resources and looks to have two distinct military and civil branches (this one being operated together with Brazil).

The satellites are operated jointly by the Center for Earth Operation and Digital Earth (CEODE) and the Brazilian INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais National Institute of Space Research).

Ziyuan-3 satellites are operated by the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. There have also been indications that the development of Tianhui-1 program was merged with the Ziyuan-3 project planned for launch in 2011.

This launch was the 161st Chinese successful orbital launch and the 161st launch of a Chang Zheng launch vehicle, being also the 52nd orbital launch from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.
This was also the first orbital launch from Jiuquan this year and the sixth Chinese orbital launch in 2012.

The road to Shenzhou-9:

On May 5, the China Academy of Launch Technology (CALT) plant conducted the delivery ceremony for the Chang Zheng-2F launch vehicle that will be used for the launch of SZ-9 Shenzhou-9 manned mission.

The rocket passed a readiness review on April 11, allowing for the different launcher components to be sent by rail to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center where the manned SZ-9 capsule is already being prepared for launch after arriving on April 9.

Shenzhou-9 launch is now expected to take place at the end of June or in the first days of July. The Shenzhou-9 should be the first manned docking on the Chinese space program.

Also, on the subject of the crew, the latest statements from CALT confirms the presence of the first Chinese taikonauta female on board. The name of Liu Yang has been posted for the main SZ-9 crew, as much as this is still lacking official confirmation.






China’s Evolving Space Capabilities: Implications for U.S. Interests
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The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has made significant advances in its space program and is emerging as a space power. With preservation of its monopoly on power as an overriding goal, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) bolsters its legitimacy through achievements in space.

The Chinese military manages China’s space program and there is significant overlap between civilian and military space operations, which mutually reinforce one another. An increasingly sophisticated R&D and industrial establishment supplies the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) with military space systems. The PLA General Armaments Department (GAD) appears to oversee space systems acquisitions and operations. Other important organizations in the space program include the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC). As a rough NASA counterpart, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) facilitates international exchanges and cooperative programs with other space-faring nations


Shenlong ‘Divine Dragon’ Takes Flight: Is China developing its first spaceplane?
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The age of the spaceplane upon us, and it is trans-Pacific, with the U.S. and China the only current active participants. Winged spaceplanes operate as spacecraft in space and aircraft in Earth’s atmosphere, and typically land on runways. They range from hypersonic cruise vehicles (HCV) capable of maneuvering at Mach 5 (3,840+ mph/6,150+ kmh) or more to reusable launch vehicles (RLV)s like the Space Shuttle designed primarily to ferry cargo to orbit and back.

...Meanwhile, across the Pacific, Beijing may be entering the spaceplane era faster than many would have predicted. A similarly-militarily-relevant system appears to be emerging with the development of China’s own vehicle. Multiple Chinese-language media outlets state that on 8 January 2011, China completed a test flight of the Shenlong (??/Divine Dragon) spaceplane...


talk about the docking system of SZ-8 and TQ-1.
Say that the R&D of the docking technology lasted 17 years.they had contacted the Russians for access to this technology but because of exorbitant prices and concerns to maintain control and independence of the system, they finally decided to develop one even if it takes time.









Banned Idiot
The Gemini - Agena was the first to achieve docking in space. Gemini paved the way for the rendezvous and docking of two space craft

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Project Gemini 1962-1966

Its objective was to develop space travel techniques in support of Apollo, which had the goal of landing men on the Moon. Gemini achieved missions long enough for a trip to the Moon and back, perfected extra-vehicular activity (working outside a spacecraft), and orbital maneuvers necessary to achieve rendezvous and docking. All manned Gemini flights were launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida using the Titan II GLV launch vehicle.

The Russian Salyut 7, the tenth space station of any kind launched, and Soyuz T-13 were docked in what author David S. F. Portree describes as "one of the most impressive feats of in-space repairs in history


Almost two years after the launch of TH-1 and at the launch of its twin TH-1B, we learn that the payload of TH-1 was activated four days after its launch in August 28, 2010 and its first data have been used in the anti-terrorist exercise "Peace Mission 2010".
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