China's Space Program News Thread

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Eh, I know that everyone is happy about this but the reality is, it was done with help from Argentina and France, the latter is a NATO member. The idea of complete autarky for China or any single country is unrealistic. China should have learned this from the Qing dynasty. Even the US has to pay attention to how it is viewed abroad and the opinions of its allies.
The fact that this was done without the help of a NATO members shows the limits of American power. America couldn't stop a proud and independent France from collaborating with AmeriKKKa's sworn enemy. Argentina was actually the most important partner, since they provide a tracking station which saves China from deployment of one ship in the yuanwang fleet.


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Guys ... first of all congratulations for a huge success but this is not the moment t post hatred comments against the West at all, all Westerner's hubris and arrogance and do the same in return!

I deleted all these clearly political posts and beg you all to stay on topic!

And now, lets celebrate this success and enjoy the show...


Junior Member
It is surprising. China managed to successfully do the entire orbiter + lander + rover combo on Mars on the very first go with all systems being totally indigenous, new, and 100% untested and unproven ... until now.

I was expecting the lander part to be a failure and that wouldn't even be particularly bad. There are only four space agencies capable of putting such payloads into Mars orbit - China, US, Roscosmos, and ESA. To say nothing on landing which has only been done now by two nations. Great to hear for sure but definitely surprising.

I guess all the tests and simulations they did of the lander during development paid off



It is surprising. China managed to successfully do the entire orbiter + lander + rover combo on Mars on the very first go with all systems being totally indigenous, new, and 100% untested and unproven ... until now.

I was expecting the lander part to be a failure and that wouldn't even be particularly bad. There are only four space agencies capable of putting such payloads into Mars orbit - China, US, Roscosmos, and ESA. To say nothing on landing which has only been done now by two nations. Great to hear for sure but definitely surprising.

No joke. I recall a so-called expert on youtube making a prediction it's likely to be a failure for China's first Mars landing attempt, which makes it an especially sweeter vindication for China by landing successfully on Mars on its first attempt.


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WSJ just can't resist to call China's space achievements a political statement by the CPC. Yeah right, like the American space achievements during the Cold War were not a political statement.

The US blocked China from any collaboration with NASA. Blocked China from the ISS. Are those not political statements?

Despite all those dirty American acts of slowing China's space program down. China was still able to achieve so much. This makes the success of the Tianwen-1 mission so much more sweeter to celebrate. So my big congratulations to China!


Junior Member

how fragile the white anglo is to be so threatened by scientific discovery.

On that point there's precious little news about the UAE's mars mission launched on a Japanese H-2 rocket that arrived in orbit around mars a day before the Tianwen either.

Just lots about that NASA mars helicopter with the software control bug

It's the crowd that hates China combined with the crowd that considers itself exceptional and "superior" so need to find excuses and reasons for everything that seems to put those assumptions into question.

However this vocal stuff is actually good as the balanced and reasonable part of western populations can see the blatant hate and dismissive attitudes and recognise that China and Chinese people indeed are treated and considered quite unfairly from the streets to the highest echelons of politics. It wakes some people up... don't doubt that it does. While a minority, since tribalism is rife in humanity, it is something and something worthwhile and decent.

Oh and of course paid/unpaid Indian trolls that are everywhere on the English speaking internet whenever the word "China" comes up. That is their main hustle next to demanding explicit photos from western women.

Well India will always claim they got to Mars orbit before any other Asian country and there will be the backhanded jibes in the media about how Russia has never managed to successfully soft land something on Mars! When the pictures from the Chinese rover do get released, we'll get the 'China Threat, need to invest more in space" stories, usual western media circus!

So perseverance has been collecting soil samples for a sample return mission slated for the 2030s given all the talk of 'competition' odds of a Chinese sample return mission like Chang'e 5 on the books? If they manage an 'all in one' mission again that will be one for the history books.
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