China's Space Program News Thread

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese Satellites

escobar, you are posting some outstanding information. Well done. Keep up the great work.


Re: Chinese Satellites

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Barcelona Moon Team, the only Spanish based team in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, has signed an agreement with China Great Wall Industry Corporation. The agreement completes the team’s capabilities in the lunar mission areas requiring the entry of foreign technology partners. The Chinese company will provide the team with the launch vehicle and propulsion system to place the Barcelona Moon Team spacecraft into lunar orbit, from where it can deploy the robot that ultimately will conduct the international competition objectives. To win the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a privately-funded team must successfully place a robot on the Moon’s surface that explores at least 500 meters and transmits high definition video and images back to Earth.

This alliance complements an industrial consortium that is working to make the mission possible during the second half of 2014. Established in 2010 and led by Galactic Suite and ALTRAN, the consortium includes all Spain’s leading space companies (in chronological order of incorporation: CTAE, UPC, GMV, EADS CASA Espacio, Thales Alenia Space Spain and INTA). The team in Spain has already completed a successful study phase. This agreement adds China Great Wall Industry Corporation, a Chinese National corporation commercializing services provided by the Chinese National Institutes.


“Along with the technical agreement, the Chinese contribution to the project provides a vital step forward in securing sponsorship from private companies to finance the launch” stated the Barcelona Moon Team leader Xavier Claramunt. “This allows Spanish sponsors to concentrate on the most important part of the mission: landing on the Moon and complete the rest of the Google Lunar X PRIZE objectives”.

Other consequences of the agreement

The choice of a Chinese launcher for the Barcelona Moon Team has other consequences of great importance to the mission and future capabilities of the Spanish industry. Being strictly forbidden by the USA to launch American security-sensitive technology onboard Chinese launchers, the Spanish mission has been designed not to have American components that may interfere with the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). This regulation is preventing many American companies to bring their products to the market. However, it is already exploited by other international companies, which see a market niche to develop alternative technology to avoid that ban in the satellite construction.

A mission looking at the future

Barcelona Moon Team’s success in this mission will open the door to the Spanish space industry to lead other complex missions in the future. Thus the team has designed its mission to carry up to 25Kg extra payload in addition to the Google Lunar X PRIZE objectives dedicated rover. That extra payload is being offered to commercial and pharmaceutical companies, universities and even the national agencies, which may see in the Spanish mission a test bed for future mission to our satellite.

“The greatest contribution of the Barcelona Moon Team is to offer to the Spanish space industry the opportunity to carry out a highly complex mission, with private funding and national leadership. It represents a training and demonstration mission that will certainly seize a competitive advantage for future missions”, said Claramunt.

Barcelona Moon Team

Is the only Spanish-based team to enter the competition and gathers together private companies, universities and technology centers. The team is led by Galactic Suite Moonrace, a company fostering the low-cost access to space, and Altran, a multinational technological partner. Other members joining the team are, in chronological order, the Aerospace Technology Center (CTAE), based in Barcelona, and the Technical University of Catalonia, contributing with robotics and nanoengineering; and the Madrid based companies GMV, specialized in mission analysis, navigation and onboard control systems, and all elements of the ground segment, and technical leader of the mission; EADS CASA Espacio, the leading Spanish prime contractor and responsible of the landing platform; THALES ALENIA SPACE España, leading communications company, and the National Aerospace Technology Insitute (INTA), contributing with systems on the rover and landing platform, as well as operational support with the ground stations of Maspalomas and Robledo de Chavela.
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China Great Wall Industry Corporation

Established in 1980, China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) is the sole commercial organization authorized by the Chinese government to provide satellites, commercial launch services and to carry out international space cooperation. CGWIC is devoted to the internationalized development of China’s space industry by providing comprehensive solutions for commercial launch services, satellite export, satellite ground tracking and control station construction, satellite applications, project financing, project insurance and technical training, etc.

Google Lunar X PRIZE

The $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE is an unprecedented competition to challenge and inspire engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. To win the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a privately-funded team must successfully place a robot on the Moon’s surface that explores at least 500 meters and transmits high definition video and images back to Earth. The first team to do so will claim a $20 million Grand Prize, while the second team will earn a $5 million Prize. Teams are also eligible to win a $1 million award for stimulating diversity in the field of space exploration and as much as $4 million in bonus prizes for accomplishing additional technical tasks such as moving ten times as far, surviving the frigid lunar night, or visiting the site of a previous lunar mission.
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X PRIZE Foundation

Founded in 1995, the X PRIZE Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization solving the world’s Grand Challenges by creating and managing large-scale, high-profile, incentivized prize competitions that stimulate investment in research and development worth far more than the prize itself. The organization motivates and inspires brilliant innovators from all disciplines to leverage their intellectual and financial capital for the benefit of humanity. The X PRIZE Foundation conducts competitions in four Prize Groups: Education & Global Development; Energy & Environment; Life Sciences; and Exploration (Ocean and Deep Space). Prizes won include the $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private, suborbital space flight; the $10 million Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE for creating safe, affordable, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 MPG energy equivalent (MPGe); the $2 million Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander X PRIZE CHALLENGE for advanced rocket development; and the $1.4 million Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup X CHALLENGE. Active prizes include the $30 million Google Lunar X PRIZE, and the $10 million Archon Genomics X PRIZE.
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Re: Chinese Satellites

China's first high-resolution remote sensing satellite ZY-1-02C has carried out orbital tests, and images delivered from it reach international standards, China's Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application said Wednesday.

As for the ZY-1-03C, the highest resolution is 2.1 meters. The resolution of our current satellites has reached the level of the same kind in France, Japan and India,” said Yu Wenyong.

According to Yu, the test of ZY-1-02C and ZY-1-03C has entered the final stage, and they are about to be used. China will launch three more land resources satellites, and the pixelation will reach 1 meter, which will offer important technical support to China’s land resources and stereo mapping figures.[/QUOTE]

So India and Japan have developed and launched resources satellites better than 2.1 m ? .. amazing !

Just found the article of the most advanced Indian remote sensing satellite 'Resourcesat-2" launched in 2011, the resolution is 5.8 m :)
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Re: Chinese Satellites

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China has yet to put a man on the moon, but continues to work diligently on its space refrigerator program, signing a new contract with electronics and home appliance company Haier, reports the Shenzhen-based Securities Times.

Haier first began developing a space fridge in 2006. In 2011, the first Chinese-made fridge was launched into space on the unmanned Shenzhou 8 shuttle. With no one on board to fill the fridge with leftovers and beer, the Shenzhou 8 trip only tested the machine. The test was successful, and now the Astronaut Research and Training Center has decided to work with Haier again to develop its next-generation space refrigerator. China is the third nation to develop its own space refrigerator, after the United States and Russia.

The "no mistakes" standards of creating machines for space has given Haier the opportunity to prove itself capable of developing high-tech products on par with companies from the US and Europe. Haier began as a small company in 1984, only operating one factory that was built in 1920.


Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Satellites

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China has yet to put a man on the moon, but continues to work diligently on its space refrigerator program, signing a new contract with electronics and home appliance company Haier, reports the Shenzhen-based Securities Times.

Haier first began developing a space fridge in 2006. In 2011, the first Chinese-made fridge was launched into space on the unmanned Shenzhou 8 shuttle. With no one on board to fill the fridge with leftovers and beer, the Shenzhou 8 trip only tested the machine. The test was successful, and now the Astronaut Research and Training Center has decided to work with Haier again to develop its next-generation space refrigerator. China is the third nation to develop its own space refrigerator, after the United States and Russia.

The "no mistakes" standards of creating machines for space has given Haier the opportunity to prove itself capable of developing high-tech products on par with companies from the US and Europe. Haier began as a small company in 1984, only operating one factory that was built in 1920. is very cold in itself (when not facing the sun directly) why not just put stuff in cooler or container and air locked it to the outside attachment of a ship, shuttle or space station?


Re: Chinese Satellites

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China has selected two female astronauts among seven candidates for its next manned space mission that will be launched between June and August.

Three Chinese astronauts, also known as taikonauts, will be chosen from the candidates to fly aboard the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft that will manually dock with Tiangong-1, an orbiting module of the country's planned space station, and conduct scientific experiments, said Li Wei, deputy designer for spacecraft systems with the China Aerospace and Technology Corporation.

The two female astronauts, whose identity will be released before the launch, were selected from 15 women who must be married and have given birth naturally, Space International magazine under the China Academy of Space Technology said Saturday. They also must have no scars nor body odor.

Pang Zhihao, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, said: "They even must not have decayed teeth because any small flaw might cause great trouble or a disaster in space."

Pang said a scar might open and start bleeding in space and the cramped conditions would intensify body odor.

Xu Xianrong, a professor with the General Hospital of the PLA Air Force, said the female astronauts must be married and have given birth naturally because that ensures their body and mental condition are mature enough.

Meanwhile, Pang said female astronauts tend to be more "keen and sensitive with better communication skills than their male counterparts."

He added women were also good at dealing with relationships with their space partners, which would be an important quality on a long mission such as a trip to Mars.

The former Soviet Union sent the world's first female astronaut, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, into space in 1963.

The seven candidates for the Shenzhou-9 were picked from fighter pilots. Another 45 astronauts, 15 female and 30 male, were selected as backups, Li said.


Senior Member
Re: Chinese Satellites

Facing uncertainties with their own abilities to continue to send men to the ISS later this decade, the west is trying to hitch a ride on Shenzhou.

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ESA, China Discuss Shenzhou Docking At ISS
By Amy Svitak [email protected]
KOUROU, French Guiana

European Space Agency Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain met with his Chinese counterpart March 22-23 to discuss future cooperation in manned spaceflight, including the potential for a Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station (ISS).

The two sides met at Dordain’s request on the sidelines of the European Space Agency’s third Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) launch to the ISS March 23 to further establish a dialogue and lay the groundwork for potential Sino-European cooperation in manned spaceflight.

“For the moment we cannot dock and rendezvous with the ISS, because our system is not the same as the Americans or the Russians,” said Wang Zhaoyao, the newly named director general of the China Manned Space Engineering Office (Cmseo), adding that experts from both agencies are expected to establish a working group that will meet in Paris next month to discuss Shenzhou’s compatibility with a planned ISS common docking mechanism. “We would like to have cooperation.”


Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Satellites

Facing uncertainties with their own abilities to continue to send men to the ISS later this decade, the west is trying to hitch a ride on Shenzhou.

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ESA, China Discuss Shenzhou Docking At ISS
By Amy Svitak [email protected]
KOUROU, French Guiana

European Space Agency Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain met with his Chinese counterpart March 22-23 to discuss future cooperation in manned spaceflight, including the potential for a Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station (ISS).

The two sides met at Dordain’s request on the sidelines of the European Space Agency’s third Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) launch to the ISS March 23 to further establish a dialogue and lay the groundwork for potential Sino-European cooperation in manned spaceflight.

“For the moment we cannot dock and rendezvous with the ISS, because our system is not the same as the Americans or the Russians,” said Wang Zhaoyao, the newly named director general of the China Manned Space Engineering Office (Cmseo), adding that experts from both agencies are expected to establish a working group that will meet in Paris next month to discuss Shenzhou’s compatibility with a planned ISS common docking mechanism. “We would like to have cooperation.”

Whoa...seriously?! That's cool if it happens.:)


Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Satellites

I wonder how much the US has veto power over it. The Russians seem to get away with space tourism to the ISS.

I bet it has something to do with getting China to follow their standardization. With a growing Chinese manned space programme and everyone else stagnant or declining, it seems similar to how the US and Europe protested China toying into different telecom technology a while back. The US and Europe didn't want to have to spend the extra money to adapt their products to work in China.
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