SCMP journalism here, folks.
Enjoy this very high-quality article
Some excerpts from the COMMENT Section of the SCMP article:
"Let us pause here to imagine how blistering his or Zhao Lijian’s criticism of the US government would have been had the debris belonged to NASA".
What I find absurd is how the author, Robert Delaney, is allowed to make a HYPOTHETICAL ASSUMPTION about China's reaction based on a hypothetical event. And don't you compare the alleged hubris of China with that of the US. Nothing China has done compares to the arrogance, hubris, belligerence and rude behaviour of the United States and some of its top diplomats and unelected Cabinet officials (hint Mike Pompeo and Peter Navarro).
China has been embarrassingly restrained in the face of relentless attacks by the US and its Colonial Eyes. And since when does a tweet on Weibo by an unknown person that was swiftly taken down, become an official post of the CPC? Compare that to the racist behaviour of US officials, including the former POTUS who continued to level racist name calling against the Chinese despite worldwide and domestic condemnation - not even close.
Case in point: China never said a thing about SpaceX's debris that fell on a farm... in the US a few weeks ago.
I will agree there appears to be some blind spots in Chinese reactions to certain events. Room for improvement. But no, it isn't close to the total lack of self awareness on the part of "the West." For example, if Americans think Zhao Lijian is a Wolf Warrior -- what would you call the likes of Mike Pompeo -- Asylum Escapee?
Then there is Australia, getting all 'Karen'-ed up because China dared to call it out for the very real capital crimes committed by its special armed forces in Afghanistan -- and calling what was clearly an artwork as if China was trying to present doctored photographic evidence of Australian guilt. The fact that Scott Morrison can get so worked up over a tweet -- about the truth in fact, rather than being morally offended by the crimes of his armed forces is... well it's beyond words. But then he also didn't think Australians ever used the Aborigines as slaves -- even though it was well documented by photos and historical accounts.
It should be kept in mind that the “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy, and Chinese nationalism at large, is partly a response to the constant barrage of criticism of China, some may be fair, but many are not.
Many Chinese perceive that no matter what China does, China will be demonized by the West. So then WHY BOTHER playing nice? Like Trump's tweets, “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy gains attention, which helps broadcast China's grievances and forces others to see China's viewpoints! For China to abandon its “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy, how the West interacts with China and portrays China also needs to become more balanced. Criticize where it is warranted, but give credit where credit is due.
The author, Robert Delaney, doesn't hold a balanced viewpoint when he comes to talking about China. Show me some proof as to when and where and what President Xi talked about that sounds like President Trump. They are not in the same bracket of human grades. In USA, people like to uphold freedom of speech for themselves but when other people criticize American policies and acts, they would be offended and brushed aside! The entire mainstream news media (MSM) these days have joined a chorus singing "Chinese are wolf warriors" in whatever news on China. And in this case, I don't see how that label has anything to do with falling debris from the sky in the middle of a big ocean!
All major western scientists even the Pentagon were very sure the Chinese space rocket debris would hit urban cities. But Chinese scientists said it was very unlikely it would poses danger because the re-entry controlled and was targeted at sea. The Chinese scientists were right. Are the western scientiest really that dumb with their calculations? Or did they have a hidden agenda to make China look bad, makes you wonder...
And does any one still remember about the lots of fusses made in the West in 2018 upon the re-entry of Tiangong-1 spacelab?
In the end, the Chinese aerospace scientists and engineers were right: the debris from this rocket landed in the Indian Ocean. Not anywhere on any land. BTW, what is a controlled debris to return to the Earth? Any control mechanisms, electronic or mechanical, would have been burned and render them useless after entering the atmosphere.
Every nation that has gone to space have had uncontrolled debris re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. It is indeed hypocritical to just point out fingers at China. Another case of double standards and demonising China!
China is wholly justified in using so called "Wolf Warrior diplomacy" which in my view isn't bad at all. It has to defend itself against constant unfounded criticism from both Western governments and Western media. What would the Western media say if that rocket debris came from United States? Does anybody seriously think that relations with the West will improve if China tones down its rhetoric or makes compromises?
No comparison. China removed the dual picture of India/rocket after netizens criticized. This shows that it realized its inappropriateness. Meanwhile, the US went from genocide to forced labour to human rights abuses in Xinjiang, never retracting one as it flip-flopped from one to the other. And we haven't even mentioned the lack of evidence in Huawei spying, HiKvision spying, Covid-19 from a Wuhan lab. The only thing the US retracted was labeling China as a currency manipulator, but that one was easy as it doesn't improve China's 'image' in any way, but apologizing to Huawei would cause a civil war in the US. What China says, it can get out of; what the US says ends up being its own handcuffs.
The reference to China and the SARS-CoV-2 virus again. If there is uncontrolled pandemic in some countries it is not due to China keeping mum for a few weeks early on, it is due to the actions and lack of actions taken by those countries with their governments and individuals. Bolsanaro did it to Brazil, Trump did it to the United States plus all those people who refuse to take simple precautions to mitigate the spread of the disease, the EU countries many of which had disastrous approaches to the disease as well as spending more time at debating than vaccinating causing slow vaccination, India with its two massive unrestrained religious festivals and massive political rallies that are causing the latest disaster, etc.