Are you sure it is to be mounted on Tianzhou II? It is a cargo ship.Food/drink heater and hot water dispenser, to be installed on Tianzhou II.
Are you sure it is to be mounted on Tianzhou II? It is a cargo ship.Food/drink heater and hot water dispenser, to be installed on Tianzhou II.
Are you sure it is to be mounted on Tianzhou II? It is a cargo ship.
Didn't the spaceX failed three times and exploded in air and on ground?China seems to be behind SpaceX in regards to the starship. I think that if US military uses starship then that could potentially be a force multiplier in regards to the new capabilities low orbit constellations deployed with a low cost, offer to the overall US military intelligence gathering and even real time targeting data provided to ground units from the satellites
"100吨近地轨道运载能力,是长征五号的4倍"Somebody posted an audio recording of the interview
passcode: auss
The recording is transcribed word for word to the following texts in the report. The blue texts are the reporter. The red are Li Hong.
Li Hong did not say anything about CZ-9's flight, partial test or maiden. The "CZ-9 flight in 5 years" is the reporter's own words without any reference to the interviewee.
The recording apparently is recorded over telephone, not a face to face interview. Since the original report in text ended at exactly the red texts, I believe the recording is complete in case of CZ-9.
Regardless, the report is so bad in quality and only added confusion.
100 ton is like a magnitude, not an absolute number. Like someone else pointed out 055 is called "万吨大驱“ or "10,000 ton destroyer" and not "13,000 ton destroyer"."100吨近地轨道运载能力,是长征五号的4倍"
I thought that LM-9 has a LEO payload of 140 tons instead of 100 tons.
In this particular interview/report, it was the mistake of the reporter who made up the number from her back end. Her competence has been severely doubted in 9ifly (a space dedicated Chinese BBS)."100吨近地轨道运载能力,是长征五号的4倍"
I thought that LM-9 has a LEO payload of 140 tons instead of 100 tons.