"In the next five years, our nation will continue development of two super heavy lift launch vehicles.未来5年,我国除了继续推进两型“重量级”火箭研制...
She said one of them is a new man-rated launch vehicle, so I'm guessing 921 and LM9 are both going ahead?
"In the next five years, our nation will continue development of two super heavy lift launch vehicles.未来5年,我国除了继续推进两型“重量级”火箭研制...
Of course.
So everything looks the same because the fundamentals remain the same. Martian's wheel is as round as the Earthling's wheel.
- 50 tonnes TLI is the minimum meaningful payload to the moon.
- 150 translates to about 50 to 70 tonnes TLI depending on the mode of launch.
- Ares and CZ-9 are aimed for that payload.
- SLS is the reincarnation of Ares.
"In the next five years, our nation will continue development of two super heavy lift launch vehicles.
She said one of them is a new man-rated launch vehicle, so I'm guessing 921 and LM9 are both going ahead?
I always thought that part of Ares plan was pretty smart. To have one big, none man rated rocket to loft big payloads like lunar landing stack or space stations or parts of a Mars capable nuclear thermal rocket spacecraft into LEO, then people ride a smaller man rated rocket up to meet up with it. Docking in LEO is hardly errrm, brain surgery.I think that's possible.
LM9 with an LEO payload of 100 tonnes would not be capable of sending the manned command capsule + service module + landing module to the moon in one go.
In that case, 921 could be responsible for sending part of the overall moon mission payload possibly just on the part of the manned module.
III. Manned lunar exploration program initial conceptNot sure if it's already posted here, Could someone please translate what it says?
View attachment 69444
文章来源: 发布时间:2021-03-03 09:26:45 责任编辑:李高思
科技日报北京3月2日电 (记者付毅飞)记者3月2日从中国航天科技集团一院获悉,“十四五”期间中国航天将持续推进新一代载人运载火箭和重型运载火箭的研制,突破现有火箭的箭体尺寸以及发动机推力,从而支撑后续更远距离的深空探测。
The answer is a 100%. There was never a doubt. 921 is the reincarnation of CZ-5DY which is the dedicated crew launcher for the moon landing. CZ-9 has never been tasked to send man to the moon at least not in the beginning.
"In the next five years, our nation will continue development of two super heavy lift launch vehicles.
She said one of them is a new man-rated launch vehicle, so I'm guessing 921 and LM9 are both going ahead?
I think your thought is based on the 100t figure. However, CZ-9's payload figure has been 140t for more than 10 years, recently new figure 150t was mentioned. Luan Enjie's recent speech was "100t class", instead of "100t exactly". The "100t class" has been used in many research papers to refer to the proposed CZ-9/Heavy lifter, but in the mean time PPT states 140t. With 140/150 LEO (LTO 50t) being set, your concerns are not needed.I think that could be the case.
LM9 with an LEO payload of 100 tonnes would not be capable of sending the manned command capsule + service module + landing module to the moon in one go.
In that case, 921 could be responsible for sending part of the overall moon mission payload possibly just on the part of the manned module.