Thanks for the link. This is an old concept for spaceflight, a lot of similar iterations have been around in the last decades.
Personally, I think it has zero probability of implementation. The TRL is too low, and the funds/manhours needed to bring it up are too substantial. Especially for any quasi-private entity.
launch "wedge-shaped aircraft with scramjets" to high-altitude at Mach 10, where they will then fire a small payload into orbit using conventional rocket propulsion
More details about the constellation can be found here "High-resolution images (mostly) from CZ-11's prep and sea launch.
I found a series of images from a seminar. They seem to indicate an effort at a space plane using combined cycle rocket engine. My technical Chinese is very limited, so I was unable to translate these. For our Chinese speaking members, do you spot anything interesting?
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute of CASC has apparently , intended for a single-stage reusable space plane.
Corrections:Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute of CASC has apparently , intended for a single-stage reusable space plane.
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The bold texts indicated that the engine or test craft was launched by a rocket. This indicates that the engine was only tested in the Ramjet->Rocket Inducted transition->Scramjet regime, excluding the turbine powered phase (Ma 1 to 2). It means that they have not built a flyable air-frame with autonomous flight control system that could enable taking off horizontally from a runway. That should be the next milestone for use to watch.2020年金秋清晨,位于我国西北的某靶场上,伴随着巨大的响声,一支穿云箭划破宁静,缕缕白烟在蓝天与黄沙的映衬下分外惹眼,仿佛架起天与地连接的桥梁。