China's Space Program News Thread

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It is an experimental satellite for communication technology and will be used to perform tests on the Ka frequency band in broadband communications.
TXJSSY-1 has successfully deployed China's first large mesh reflector antenna:
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Apparently, this ring has something to do with the CZ-9:

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View attachment 23679

I have a question: does China plan on building an interim rocket that bridges the gap between the LM-5 and the LM-9? Something in the class of the SLS Block I, perhaps?

I think by varying the booster size and upper stage configuration the rockets can be used to carry different weight loads. So LM-5 using bigger booster may bridge the gap between standard LM-5 and LM-9.



...Any news update on CZ-9?
Lunar mission moves a step closer:
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China has developed the manufacturing techniques for a key part to be used on its super-heavy rocket that will fulfill the nation's manned missions to the moon.The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, working with other Chinese institutes, has developed a super-large interstage ring to be used to connect stages of the rocket, tentatively called the Long March 9.

The development was announced in a news release by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the country's major space contractor. The release said an interstage ring is a key component in a multistage rocket, and that those used on China's current rockets were made in sections before being assembled.

In contrast, the ring on the Long March 9 will be made through a casting method that produces it in one piece.The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology has begun preliminary research on the Long March 9. The work has been approved by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, which is in charge of the nation's space programs.
According to sources at the academy, it plans to take up to five years to design and develop a liquid oxygen/kerosene engine with 460 metric tons of thrust and a oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine with 220 tons of thrust.

The rocket will have a launch weight of 3,000 tons and is scheduled to make its maiden flight around 2030, the sources said, adding that it will play a key role in helping to land astronauts on the moon. The Long March 9's technical specifications have still to be disclosed.

But Li Tongyu, head of aerospace products at the academy, said its diameter and height will be much greater than those of the Long March 5, which is undergoing final tests and will make its first flight soon. The Long March 9's thrust will also be much stronger, Li said.

"Our current launch vehicles, including the Long March 5, will be able to undertake the country's space activities planned for the next 10 years, but they will not have the capacity to carry out the nation's long-term space programs," according to Li.

Li Jinghong, deputy chief designer of the Long March 3A at the academy, cited technical estimates stating that the Long March 5 will require four launches before fulfilling a manned mission to the moon, while the Long March 9 will need only one.

The senior engineer also said that the Long March 9 will not be used solely for lunar missions, hinting that it will be required for other deep-space exploration projects.Tian Yulong, secretary-general of the China National Space Administration, said it has started preliminary research on a Mars exploration program.
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China plans more than 20 launches in 2016.

To accommodate the frequent space missions, the academy has increased its annual manufacturing capacity from a maximum of eight rockets to up to 20 and has substantially reduced the time required to develop each new rocket.

China will conduct more than 20 space missions this year, including a manned one and the maiden flights of two rockets, according to the nation's major space contractor.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp said it plans to launch the Tiangong 2 space laboratory and the Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft and to test-fly the Long March 5 and Long March 7 rockets.

China will also launch two satellites for the domestically developed Beidou Navigation Satellite System and the Gaofen 3 for the Gaofen High-Resolution Earth Observation System.

The company said in a statement on its website, "This year will see more than 20 space launches, the most missions in a single year."

It added that the company will also launch a communications satellite for Belarus, marking the first time China has exported a communications satellite to Europe.

China is scheduled to launch the Tiangong 2 space laboratory in the first half of the year to test life support and space rendezvous technologies for the country's future space station.

After this, the Shenzhou XI spacecraft will be launched by a Long March 2F rocket to send astronauts to and dock with the space laboratory.

The nation plans to launch the core module of its space station in 2018 to test related technologies and to research engineering issues. The station will become fully operational in about 2022, according to government sources.

With these ambitious space projects proceeding well, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp is finalizing the development of the next-generation carrier rockets.

The company's China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology is carrying out final tests on the Long March 5, the heaviest and most technologically challenging member of the nation's rocket family.

To accommodate the frequent space missions, the academy has increased its annual manufacturing capacity from a maximum of eight rockets to up to 20 and has substantially reduced the time required to develop each new rocket.
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Lieutenant General
China advance in hyperspectral photography.Soon a new satellite will be launched with this sensor. The "Ghost Army famed of WW2 " will soon be useless against this new sensor
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Hyperspectral imaging expert Xiang Libin (right) receives the prestigious accolade from President Xi Jinping during the annual national science and technology awards ceremony in Beijing on Friday. Credit: Xinhua
A scientist who specialises in optics and has been developing a “super camera” for use in reconnaissance satellites has pocketed China’s top science award for his latest technological breakthrough, hinting at how formidable the nation’s military is becoming and the measures taken to keep such developments under wraps.

Hyperspectral imaging expert Xiang Libin, 49, received the prestigious gong from President Xi Jinping during the annual national science and technology awards ceremony in Beijing on Friday.

During an official group photo session with state leaders, Professor Xiang was pictured in a prominent position behind Xi, hinting at the level of importance attached to his work.

This level of official recognition suggests China may have fully acquired the technology to locate and track military targets that are usually camouflaged or hidden underground, such as missile launch sites and testing facilities for nuclear weapons.

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Due to the sensitivity of the research, however, Xiang’s name did not appear on the list of award recipients; neither were his efforts trumpeted with the usual pomp and ceremony preserved for patriotic milestones by China’s state-run media.

But Xiang, a former director at the Academy of Opto-Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is well known among China’s optical research community for his pioneering works on hyperspectral imaging sensors. He now runs the Shanghai Engineering Centre for Microsatellites.

While traditional cameras can capture an object’s appearance, a hyperspectral camera is able to determine what the object is.

For example, a military spy satellite equipped with hyperspectral sensors would be able to tell the difference between a genuine and “counterfeit” fighter jet if they were parked side by side at an airport. In contrast, the two would appear identical to cameras that use optical, infrared or microwave rays, now matter how sharp the images they produce.

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The hyperspectral imaging technology did the trick by examining the electromagnetic “fingerprint” of the target. The camera collected spectral data over a continuous range of electromagnetic bands for each pixel. The resulting data revealed the object’s true chemical composition and physical traits.

Now scientists claim that a military or government intelligence service could use such a satellite to search for any “object of interest” anywhere in the world. This could be a specific vehicle, a strategic missile launch site, camouflaged roadside bombs, or even nuclear-testing facilities hidden underground as they all have their own hyperspectral “fingerprint”.

Over the last decade, Yuan Yan, a professor of optical science at Beihang University in Beijing, has co-authored many research papers with Xiang on the theme of a hyperspectral imaging sensor for use in a satellite.

She confirmed to the South China Morning Post that Xiang was the man standing behind Xi in the aforementioned group photo.

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But Yuan declined to provide more details on Xiang’s award-winning breakthrough.

“It is classified … for good reason,” she said.

Professor Sun Liqun, an optical scientist at Tsinghua University who has been involved in various military research projects, said Xiang was a figurehead in the field, even though he is little known outside of this small circle of people due to the sensitive nature of his work.

The use of hyperspectral technology by China’s military had been a closely guarded secret for years, but there is enough evidence to suggest the country embarked on this field of research relatively early, and apparently with the aim of overtaking the US by launching a new satellite this year.

The first-known camera of its kind deployed by the US Army was the Artemis system, according to its developer Raytheon Company. This was tested on the TacSat-3 satellite, which was launched in 2010, the major US defence contractor said.

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Meanwhile, a civilian satellite that China plans to launch this year will be equipped with a more advanced hyperspectral camera than that linked to the Artemis, Chinese researchers said during an international conference held by the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2014.

The China Commercial Remote-sensing Satellite System (CCRSS) will be able to collect data on 328 bands offering very high resolution of up to 15 metres, according to the researchers from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth in Beijing. This means each pixel in the image measures 15 metres squared.

Hyperspectral research efforts have been going on in China for several decades, having begun at the start of the 1970s, the team said in a presentation.

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The technology was tested extensively and improved over time on aircraft-based platforms, before researchers shifted their attention to devices in space.

The first satellite-based hyperspectral camera, called the CMODIS, was installed on Shenzhou-3, an unmanned spacecraft that China launched in 2002.

The camera was fairly primitive with just 34 spectral bands and resolution as low as 500 metres, but it was soon replaced as Chinese technology in this area developed at a fast clip.

By 2008 the small satellite constellation known as HJ-1 was able to scan 115 bands with resolution of 100 metres, according to the researchers.

But as these developments and sensors all took place in equipment destined for the civilian sector,many suspect the cameras used by China’s military can perform significantly better.

However, the hyperspectral imaging technology could theoretically be applied in a number of sectors including vegetation identification (agriculture), mineral detection and the assessment of polluted waters in oceans, coastal zones and inland waterways.

The technology could also be used for space exploration missions.

China has deployed a hyperspectral camera for use on previous lunar missions, during which it produced one of the largest and most detailed maps of mineral distribution on the surface of the moon to date.


Lieutenant General
China advance in hyperspectral photography.Soon a new satellite will be launched with this sensor. The "Ghost Army famed of WW2 " will soon be useless against this new sensor
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Hyperspectral imaging expert Xiang Libin (right) receives the prestigious accolade from President Xi Jinping during the annual national science and technology awards ceremony in Beijing on Friday. Credit: Xinhua
A scientist who specialises in optics and has been developing a “super camera” for use in reconnaissance satellites has pocketed China’s top science award for his latest technological breakthrough, hinting at how formidable the nation’s military is becoming and the measures taken to keep such developments under wraps.

Hyperspectral imaging expert Xiang Libin, 49, received the prestigious gong from President Xi Jinping during the annual national science and technology awards ceremony in Beijing on Friday.

During an official group photo session with state leaders, Professor Xiang was pictured in a prominent position behind Xi, hinting at the level of importance attached to his work.

This level of official recognition suggests China may have fully acquired the technology to locate and track military targets that are usually camouflaged or hidden underground, such as missile launch sites and testing facilities for nuclear weapons.

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Due to the sensitivity of the research, however, Xiang’s name did not appear on the list of award recipients; neither were his efforts trumpeted with the usual pomp and ceremony preserved for patriotic milestones by China’s state-run media.

But Xiang, a former director at the Academy of Opto-Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is well known among China’s optical research community for his pioneering works on hyperspectral imaging sensors. He now runs the Shanghai Engineering Centre for Microsatellites.

While traditional cameras can capture an object’s appearance, a hyperspectral camera is able to determine what the object is.

For example, a military spy satellite equipped with hyperspectral sensors would be able to tell the difference between a genuine and “counterfeit” fighter jet if they were parked side by side at an airport. In contrast, the two would appear identical to cameras that use optical, infrared or microwave rays, now matter how sharp the images they produce.

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The hyperspectral imaging technology did the trick by examining the electromagnetic “fingerprint” of the target. The camera collected spectral data over a continuous range of electromagnetic bands for each pixel. The resulting data revealed the object’s true chemical composition and physical traits.

Now scientists claim that a military or government intelligence service could use such a satellite to search for any “object of interest” anywhere in the world. This could be a specific vehicle, a strategic missile launch site, camouflaged roadside bombs, or even nuclear-testing facilities hidden underground as they all have their own hyperspectral “fingerprint”.

Over the last decade, Yuan Yan, a professor of optical science at Beihang University in Beijing, has co-authored many research papers with Xiang on the theme of a hyperspectral imaging sensor for use in a satellite.

She confirmed to the South China Morning Post that Xiang was the man standing behind Xi in the aforementioned group photo.

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But Yuan declined to provide more details on Xiang’s award-winning breakthrough.

“It is classified … for good reason,” she said.

Professor Sun Liqun, an optical scientist at Tsinghua University who has been involved in various military research projects, said Xiang was a figurehead in the field, even though he is little known outside of this small circle of people due to the sensitive nature of his work.

The use of hyperspectral technology by China’s military had been a closely guarded secret for years, but there is enough evidence to suggest the country embarked on this field of research relatively early, and apparently with the aim of overtaking the US by launching a new satellite this year.

The first-known camera of its kind deployed by the US Army was the Artemis system, according to its developer Raytheon Company. This was tested on the TacSat-3 satellite, which was launched in 2010, the major US defence contractor said.

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Meanwhile, a civilian satellite that China plans to launch this year will be equipped with a more advanced hyperspectral camera than that linked to the Artemis, Chinese researchers said during an international conference held by the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2014.

The China Commercial Remote-sensing Satellite System (CCRSS) will be able to collect data on 328 bands offering very high resolution of up to 15 metres, according to the researchers from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth in Beijing. This means each pixel in the image measures 15 metres squared.

Hyperspectral research efforts have been going on in China for several decades, having begun at the start of the 1970s, the team said in a presentation.

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The technology was tested extensively and improved over time on aircraft-based platforms, before researchers shifted their attention to devices in space.

The first satellite-based hyperspectral camera, called the CMODIS, was installed on Shenzhou-3, an unmanned spacecraft that China launched in 2002.

The camera was fairly primitive with just 34 spectral bands and resolution as low as 500 metres, but it was soon replaced as Chinese technology in this area developed at a fast clip.

By 2008 the small satellite constellation known as HJ-1 was able to scan 115 bands with resolution of 100 metres, according to the researchers.

But as these developments and sensors all took place in equipment destined for the civilian sector,many suspect the cameras used by China’s military can perform significantly better.

However, the hyperspectral imaging technology could theoretically be applied in a number of sectors including vegetation identification (agriculture), mineral detection and the assessment of polluted waters in oceans, coastal zones and inland waterways.

The technology could also be used for space exploration missions.

China has deployed a hyperspectral camera for use on previous lunar missions, during which it produced one of the largest and most detailed maps of mineral distribution on the surface of the moon to date.

I bet it could be use to look for submarines.;)
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