I was thinking maybe a rough and dirty estimation by finding out the length of the Tiangong +SZ10, then finding out the distance that they have moved during 1/36th of a second by measuring their subsequent locations on the exposed photo.
Dividing that distance by 1/36th second would give a good idea of speed. Of course the error margin would be quite large as the T+sz10 is just a smudge on the photo. But I think thir orbiting speed is public data anyway.
edit the details are here: Hydrogen-alpha solar transit of Shenzhou-10 module docked to Tiangong-1, taken from Southern France on June 17th 2013 at 12h34min24s UT.
Transit duration: 0.46s. Distance to observer: 368 km. Speed in orbit: 7.4km/s (26500 km/h or 16500 mph).
My own estimation via pic is low at 20700Km/h
The high resolution photos and info is here: