Shenzou-14 crew entered the Space Station at 20:50 UTC+8, June 5.在神舟十四号载人飞船与空间站组合体成功实现自主快速交会对接后,航天员乘组从返回舱进入轨道舱。按程序完成各项准备后,航天员陈冬成功开启天和核心舱舱门,北京时间2022年6月5日20时50分,航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲依次全部进入天和核心舱。后续,航天员乘组将按计划开展相关工作。
Shenzou-14 crew entered the Space Station at 20:50 UTC+8, June 5.
End of a trip and beginning of a career.
Corporate owned satellite navigation???The “Geely Future Mobility Constellation”, which provides centimeter accuracy for vehicle navigation including autonomous driving, will eventually consists of 240 satellites. Of these, 72 will be launched before 2025. So I guess China will probably have 2 independent GPS systems when it's done.
The “Geely Future Mobility Constellation”, which provides centimeter accuracy for vehicle navigation including autonomous driving, will eventually consists of 240 satellites. Of these, 72 will be launched before 2025. So I guess China will probably have 2 independent GPS systems when it's done.
No. GeeSat is an augmentation system, not an independent navigation on its own. It is similar to cellular network augmenting GPS, Beidou systems, similar in principle of A-GPS.Corporate owned satellite navigation???