China's Security Partnerships?


The Capitalist
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Surely the question would be what help would China want? Its hardly short of basic manpower.

While the Russian Army would be useful in a punch up, does the PLA really need support from a Brigade of the Krygyz National Army?

Often the most important things that other countries could give would be diplomatic support and ensure that enemies were not able to operate from their territories and that Pipelines and Supply lines were kept open and that military equipment could be purchased if required. Intelligence and access to Intelligence gathering assets would also be more useful than just ground troops.

If it were a major conflict then Russia would support China as it needs the Strategic Space that only a Multipolar world can give it. Likewise the SCO may have concentrated on building economic relationships, but these are the very things that carry real value and which are worth fighting to defend as opposed to vague ideological values or simply expressions of friendship.

China also has many friends across the globe and while they may not be able to join the fight, they would again give diplomatic support and not withhold such logistical assistance that they could provide.


Junior Member
All true, but such involvement would stem largely out of a sense of self-preservation or existing grudges.

What if NK was invaded, and China decided to get involved, who would be willing to help China?

What if Malaysia or Indonesia carried out another ethnic cleansing against Chinese, and China decided to send in troops, who else would be willing to join in?

Good points, it also brings out the fact that it is true for all nations for sometimes you need to do it alone. like the Falklands campaign where the UK went at it alone, or the first Indochina war which France went it alone, the Soviet Afghanistan war which the Soviets went it alone and similarly, the American invasion of Panama, the USA went it alone.

All of these countries have security partnerships, such as NATO, Warsaw pact, yet no allies helped the belligerent officially.

Thus is it too much to expect security partnerships to actually react to war of national interest? So I don't think China can expect anyone to join in if Malaya or Indonesia have another ethnic Chinese cleansing and China decides to invade. Singapore may help with Malaysia, while Papa New Guinea may help with Indonesia, but they harbor their own national interest.


Junior Member
Thus is it too much to expect security partnerships to actually react to war of national interest? So I don't think China can expect anyone to join in if Malaya or Indonesia have another ethnic Chinese cleansing and China decides to invade. Singapore may help with Malaysia, while Papa New Guinea may help with Indonesia, but they harbor their own national interest.

Sino-Indonesian relationship is quite good now. Malaysia may be a trouble country in the future.

But now, Malaysia is within PLAAF reach using tankers.
If there are future ethnic cleansings of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia or Indonesia, the most effective way for China to get involved is to pressure those countries diplomatically and economically. Use of military force would be strictly under the U.N. umbrella otherwise China would be breaking its own policy of non-interference on other countries' internal affairs.


If there are future ethnic cleansings of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia or Indonesia, the most effective way for China to get involved is to pressure those countries diplomatically and economically. Use of military force would be strictly under the U.N. umbrella otherwise China would be breaking its own policy of non-interference on other countries' internal affairs.

It's not like diplomatic and economic pressure have stopped genocides before... In any case, I only meant it as a hypothetical scenario.


Junior Member
Russia did not made any diplomatic pressure before invading Georgia.
Because in those cases, there won't be enough time to talk.