This profile and account appeared to have been created back in January of 2022, the same year and month "her" FB account was also created and perhaps other social media sites/applications as well. However, as my interest on this person piqued my curiosity I started digging into who this person (if she even actually exists) and if she's not a deep fake, an artificial creation in tandem with the rise/presidency of President Marcos Jr.
My reasoning for this is that this lady who's name is supposed to be THEA TAN appears to be a very well-read, highly attuned to policy, politics, and very good with framing and articulating the arguments in support of her views and the candidate this figure clearly is PROPPING UP: MARCOS JR.
That thread alone defending point by point the argument against Chinese claims and interpretation of the PCA ruling in favour of the PH against China will give an objective person a view that this THEA TAN knows her shit, appears to understand and how to interpret an intentional tribunal's ruling. A talented SOPHIST.
I am of the opinion that this figure is an artificially created entity established and created to foment, misinform, disinform and provide the sophisticated defense of the Marcos regime and the attack dog against Filipinos that are pro, neutral, objective with their opinions and stances on anything China related, especially when it comes to the SCS issue. It's not even inconceivable that this figure was created by a certain 3 letter western agency for the exact purposes I mentioned.
Consider the following: THE SAME "THEA TAN" at least from this QUORA page never once posted anything SCS related, China discussions pro or against. She did not even discussed any political topics, issues etc. This page talked about business related issues, personal development topics, hokey stuff.
She does not have any video appearances on any of the platforms I searched. For a person that supposed to be one of the, if not the go-to-person when it comes to the China vs U.S. (PH) issue she never avails herself in a video format. And for a person that's always online on all of the social media platforms spewing her commentaries, arguments she appears to be shy to be seen on camera. What gives?
@ansy1968 and many other Chinese-pinoys and Filipinos on this forum I am certain you have heard and seen of this character. Have you guys seen her on T.V. or any other social media platforms talking about the very topic she's clearly so very passionate about?