Are you in the US? Cus you just have to say you don't like police brutality for that to happen to you in America. But no, he means that your life is just going to suck, disappointment after disappointment if you think you can talk China out of rising, and rising its own way.Why, are you going to bundle me into a black van at night and disappear me to China where I can be put on trial for "hurting the feelings of 1.4 billion people"?
I honestly find it sad that at this point, you still don't understand that you can't twist logic and fool this crowd into thinking that China is evil and the West is righteous.I honestly find it sad that you take a view that the strong are justified in doing what they want and everyone else gets pushed around. That's classic bully talk, plus it justifies China's treatment when it suffered defeats or atrocities in the past.
Justified or not, it happened. Now that China's on top, it's not justified? Oh wait, Western nations start wars in the middle east all the time with countries that aren't strong enough to fight back. That's justified, right?
For satisfaction seeing their country evolve into a power far mightier than any that had once attacked and disparaged it? Your ancestors must be quite active down there too; hell, if the UK was in any worse shape, they'd all pop out of the ground and you'd have real authentic Halloween! Once the British Empire touted themselves as the supreme race and that the more Brits there are, the more land occupied by the Queen's Army, the better the world is. Now, it's a small country notorious for bad weather and worse food, kissing the rear end of the former colony it took an ass-whooping from and languishing away telling stronger nations they once bullied that bullying is wrong LOLYour ancestors must be spinning in their graves.
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