Look I have a friend working inside NICA (National Intelligence Coordinating Agency) so I know how the system work because once they try to recruit me as well. I fit the criteria, A Hua Qiao, always travelling due to my business especially to China. From my previous post I mentioned that the allege spy "could be me". Its a charade using agent as the suspect, If its a legit operation you will see their faces and be interviewed by the media.
From my intel, what my friend told me that when Trump won the election, Ambassador Romualdez is busy trying to set a meeting with President Elect Trump, when it fail he try to lobby with both house of congress and received NO reply. So you see the desperation, Marcos need to remind the American of their promises (especially releasing the Family wealth freeze by the American bank) and the only way that the US will listen is when the topic is about Chyna....lol.
Marcos is an idiot, he should follow Duterte's independent foreign policy where both China and the US vie for favors, It's like being courted, receiving multiple gift and favors instead of tying yourself for one party. Now you are being ignore and your previous suitor had found an attractive lover in Indonesia and you're left with an unwanted child.