This is an opinion piece written by a serious China scholar who specializes on China-Africa relationship. Her blog is also excellent for information about China-African affairs.
to be continued...
Is China the World’s Loan Shark?
Some say Beijing lends money for infrastructure and development to pressure poor countries with debt. Not so.
By Deborah Brautigam
Ms. Brautigam is an expert on China-Africa relations at Johns Hopkins University.
WASHINGTON — Representatives from more than 150 countries began to gather in Beijing on Friday for to celebrate China’s grand Belt and Road Initiative. Since , B.R.I. — a vast, worldwide web of infrastructure-development projects mostly funded or sponsored by the Chinese government — has generated both tremendous enthusiasm and .
Some call the program , arguing that it could radically of international trade as well as .
Others accuse China of using B.R.I. as a way to flex its economic muscle for political gain on the sly. The whole effort is a cover for “,” goes one common criticism — or, , the United States national security adviser, China is making “strategic use of debt to hold states in Africa captive to Beijing’s wishes and demands.” ( with him, at least about this.)
Yes, in the developing world, and Chinese overseas lending is, for the first time, . But a number of us academics who have studied China’s practices in detail have found scant evidence of a pattern indicating that Chinese banks, acting at the government’s behest, are deliberately over-lending or funding loss-making projects to secure strategic advantages for China.
in southern Sri Lanka: The government handed control over the port to a Chinese company in 2017 after struggling to make its loan payments to China. But that’s a special case, and it is widely misunderstood.
China does not publish details about its overseas lending, but the at Johns Hopkins University (which I direct) has collected information on , totaling more than $143 billion. Boston University’s has identified and tracked .
Based on the findings of both institutes, it seems that .
Take Africa. The International Monetary Fund estimates that as of late January some 17 low-income African countries already were in, or were at risk of, “debt distress,” or of experiencing difficulties in servicing their public debt. We at the China Africa Research Initiative based on our data on Chinese loans as well as statistics from the World Bank and the I.M.F. — and we discovered that a crowd of global banks and bondholders were involved: notably, in Mozambique, ; or in Chad, the . In some of the 17 countries the I.M.F. identified as vulnerable, including Cameroon and Ethiopia, China was the single-largest creditor, but non-Chinese lenders still held the majority of the debt. Only in Djibouti, the Republic of Congo and Zambia did Chinese loans account for half or more of the country’s public debt.
to be continued...