China's overland Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road Thread


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CDWP approved two new Interchanges at
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Motorway M-2, construction of Kot Pindi Das interchange on M-2 for CPEC Economic Zone in district Sheikhupura with a cost of Rs595.629 million.

Construction of Farooqabad interchange on motorway M-2 in district Sheikhupura with a cost of Rs861.38 million.



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toll income to be thrice the budget of Pakistan after the completion of the project by 2030..

“It is on top of the business, economic, and employment creating activities of special economic zones (SEZs), and other industries,” Zulfiqar Ali, director Board of Investment (BoI) said while briefing Lahore Economic Journalist Association.

“The national investment agency is targeting to increase the foreign direct investment (FDI) to $250 billion for infrastructure development and other industrial activities by 2025, including joint industrial cooperation between
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Finland confirms rail study underway for ‘ice-Silk Road’ link with China, Russia
Project gains traction

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October 7, 2017 1:39 AM (UTC+8)

Finnish Transport and Communications Minister Anne Berner has confirmed that a survey is underway to explore the feasibility of building a railway between Rovaniemi, Finland and Kirkenes, Norway that could serve as an Arctic gateway for China’s Belt and Road project.

“International cooperation is key,” Berner reportedly
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High North News.

“We have started a cooperation with Norwegian authorities on investigating the profitability and potential for building the Arctic Railway. The purpose of the project is to survey potential railway lines and arrive at a potential business model,” High North News quoted Berner as saying.

She noted that recent talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have provided momentum for the project.

“The initiative of the Chinese President Xi Jinping in discussions with the Russian (President) about proceeding with the plans for the Northern Sea Route in order to realize an ‘ice-Silk Road’ and creating various connection projects is considered positive,” Berner says.

She says the Northern Sea Route and the infrastructure linking Asia to Europe must be further developed.

“International cooperation plays a key role when doing research into navigation routes, climate and environmental changes in the Arctic. The Northern Sea Route must be considered a transport connection that complements land-based railway routes and the Suez Canal,” Berner reportedly said.

Asia Times
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earlier this year that a group of Finnish business leaders and academics have proposed building a US$3.4 billion “Arctic Corridor” railway that would connect Northern Europe with China and Arctic Ocean deep-water ports. The rail link would connect the city of Rovaniemi in northern Finland with the Norwegian port of Kirkenes on the Barents Sea.

Ships could move goods from China as well as oil and gas from Arctic fields in Russia westwards along the Northern Sea Route to Kirkenes. Cargos would be offloaded to the railway and sent southward through rail connections to Scandinavia, Helsinki, the Baltic states and the rest of Europe.

Norway’s transport minister
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earlier this week that he’s “very positive” towards the Finnish plan for an Arctic rail link between the two countries.

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Junior Member
Recent Atlantic Council report on US strategy to BRI

The conclusion is "Better In than Out"

You know what China should do?

EXCLUDE America. And watch american economy slowly implode by itself.

With the current Trump Adminstration's "America First, everyone else last" policy, the above prophecy will become reality sooner than you guys think! :D
After Trump completely bankrupt and broke america, he is going to blame the democrats for not stopping him. LOL. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.


Registered Member
You know what China should do?

EXCLUDE America. And watch american economy slowly implode by itself.

With the current Trump Adminstration's "America First, everyone else last" policy, the above prophecy will become reality sooner than you guys think! :D
After Trump completely bankrupt and broke america, he is going to blame the democrats for not stopping him. LOL. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.

That's not very productive nor realistic.

The US in BRI does mean it is participating in a china led endeavour.


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Delegates from Sichuan University of Science and Engineering (SUSE –
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) visited Iqra National University (INU)
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on the 9th October 2017. The main purpose of this visit was to further strengthen our collaboration with them and to discuss other future projects and opportunities.

The main highlight was the inauguration of Chinese Language Center where students can have easy access to learn Chinese for their potential studies and jobs in the upcoming Chinese projects. The President of SUSE – Dr. Tuo Xiangou while addressing to the students and faculty members of the university, appreciated the efforts of INU Peshawar for promoting higher education in the country.

Chancellor INU – Mr. Obaid Ur Rehman presented shield of appreciation amongst the delegation.




