China's overland Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road Thread



In such circumstances, what shall the human kind do? China’s proposal is to build a community of shared future for mankind and achieve shared and win-win development. President Xi Jinping of China pointed out that we should pass on the torch of peace from generation to generation, sustain development and make civilization flourish. All countries should jointly shape the future of the world, write international rules, manage global affairs and ensure that development outcomes are shared by all.
How to materialize that? I think one of the major actions is to promote the Belt and Road initiative. This Initiative goes beyond the boundaries of ideological values, so that countries along the initiative could enjoy a greater level of integration and cooperation.
Here, I would like to point out a very interesting phenomenon if you look into the world map. Economically developed regions of the world usually are coastal areas. Inland cities and countries are relatively lacking behind. Looking through the lens of history and reality, an important reason behind is that the vast majority of the world's trade are through the oceans. Farther distance to the sea means greater disadvantage to trade and connectivity.
The very aim of the Belt and Road initiative is to promote regional connectivity, shorten the gap between inner lands and coastal areas and let more countries and regions participate in the process of globalization and industrialization, so as to solve the problem of imbalance during the process of economic globalization. This conforms to the development needs of the regional countries and the trend of the times.
The Belt and Road initiative firmly grasps the key linkage of connectivity, opens up global distribution channels of production factors, contributing to a balanced, inclusive and shared benefits of economic globalization. This initiative focuses on policy communication, road connectivity, unimpeded trade, currency circulation and people-to-people bonds between countries. It promotes a higher degree of integration and interdependence, leads to the great goal of building a community of shared future for mankind.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My fifth point is that China and Pakistan can play a major role in promoting the Belt and Road initiative as all-weather strategic cooperative partners.
The foreign minister of China Wang Yi once said that, if the Belt and Road initiative is the symphony benefiting many countries, the CPEC will be the first sweet chapter.
Among the countries along the Belt and Road initiative, CPEC is one of the earliest, fastest and most effective projects. Over the past three years, 19 early-harvest projects are under smooth construction with a total contract amount of 18.5 billion USD. With the completion of some of the major projects in 2017 and 2018, CPEC will step into the period of early-harvest. As the flagship of the Belt and Road initiative, CPEC has accumulated valuable experiences for China, Pakistan and even the countries of the region to promote the initiative.
Among these valuable experiences, the first is to adhere to the principle of scientific planning and top-level design.
China and Pakistan jointly established the “1+4” cooperative layout and opened all-dimensional cooperation. Both sides established JCC mechanism and have successfully held six meetings, identifying Gwadar port, energy, infrastructure transportation, industrial cooperation as the four key areas. At present, both sides are working for CPEC medium-to-long term planning to establish a higher level relationship of cooperation.
The second is to adhere to the basic principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.



China and Pakistan always enjoy equal treatment, make decisions by consensus, fully accommodate and take care of each other's needs in cooperation. Huge energy shortage was a bottleneck constraining Pakistan’s economic growth and people's lives. After consulting with the Pakistani side, China gave priority of cooperation to energy. Now, it grows fastest among the four key areas of CPEC. 11 of the 19 early harvest projects go to energy projects. After their completion, they will increase the electricity capital of about 11000MW, greatly ease the energy shortage and bring more vitality and dynamics to Pakistan’s economic development.
I have an example to share with you. Zonergy solar power project is listed as CPEC “early harvest” project. The energization of the first 300MW in Phase One was achieved in March last year. It is the first completed energy project in priority projects in CPEC. According to the statistic data, approximately 459 million KWH could be generated every year and will meet 30% electricity demand of Bahawalpur region. This will directly benefit 190,000 families, and local schools, factories and hospitals. In addition, Zonergy has paid PKR 1.033 billion of taxes & levies and makes an important contribution to improving the local financial situation.
A power plant of only 300MW could bring such big changes to local development and improvement of livelihood. We can imagine what CPEC will bring to Pakistan after the large projects of energy and infrastructure are completed.
Under construction of CPEC, China's cooperation projects adopt international advanced standards and technology. They will not bring environmental problems to Pakistan. China will not transfer outdated capacity productions here. The CPEC construction will not increase the financial burden of Pakistan.
The third experience is CPEC faces the whole country and benefits all Pakistani people.
At present, CPEC projects cover all the provinces and regions of Pakistan. According to an incomplete statistics, Chinese enterprises have employed 60,000 Pakistani work inside and outside the CPEC projects, more than 19,000 people are directly employed in present CPEC projects. Some of the Pakistani employees are sent to be trained in China by Chinese enterprises and become the backbone of bilateral cooperation.
Chinese enterprises are also actively fulfilling their social responsibilities, including donating generators, water purifiers, electric fans and other living equipment to local people, funding a number of Pakistani students, teachers and doctors to study or be trained in China. In 2016, the Gwadar Faqueer primary school was completed with Chinese donation. It is the first completed CPEC livelihood project and warmly welcomed by the local people. Besides, last year a total of 3,500 Pakistani students went to study in China sponsored by Chinese government scholarships, making Pakistan the country with the largest number of students learning in China with scholarships.
CPEC will not only benefit China and Pakistan, but also bring peace, stability and prosperity to the region. It upholds the principle of openness and inclusiveness, adhere to promoting the construction of all the projects in an open, transparent, comprehensive and balanced manner. It will benefit all the countries in this region and does not aim at any third parties. Here I would also like to make a free advertisement. Pakistan-China Institute chaired by Senator Mushahid and China Radio International jointly set up the "China-Pakistan Economic Corridor" website. We welcome everyone to log on the website and find general information and latest progress information of CPEC projects.
The fourth experience is leveraging both on economic development and security.
China and Pakistan always put the construction and security on the same important position. We have established security cooperation mechanism at various levels, keep alert on security all the time. Pakistan has attached great importance to the security of CPEC projects and personnel, an in this regard established a special security division of nearly 14,000 people. We highly appreciate the efforts made by the Pakistanis side.
China and Pakistan has unique advantages in promoting CPEC. We are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. The people of the two countries are so close to each other from their hearts. We have solid political foundation for cooperation. The two countries are highly complementary to each other in terms of industrial structure and development level. Through CPEC and The Belt and Road Initiative, the fate of the two countries would be closely linked which will lead to mutual benefit and joint development. This will be a successful example for developing countries to pursue mutual beneficial cooperation and build a community of shared future for mankind.



Here, I would like to stress that bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and Pakistan will also face new opportunities with the smooth progress of the construction of CPEC. China is not only Pakistan's largest trading partner, but also Pakistan's second largest export destination. China attaches importance to bilateral trade balance. We never pursuit unilateral trade surplus. We welcome Pakistan exports marketable products to China and would like to provide facilitation in this regards. It is totally groundless to report that Pakistan is not producing goods that China needs. For example, the shirt I am wearing was made in Pakistan and my favorite fruit is Pakistani mango.
The Chinese side believes that the CPEC will help Pakistan to improve the energy supply, enhance transport infrastructure, thus inspiring its investment and business environment. At the same time, China is willing to strengthen production capacity cooperation between China and Pakistan for the enhancement of international competitiveness of Pakistan's industries and promote the healthy development of bilateral trade. China's door is always open to Pakistani products.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to conclude with a short story. In a construction site, there are some workers working hard under the burning sun. When they were asked what are you doing? The first worker said angrily, I am carrying the bricks. The second one said coldly, I am building a wall. But the third man said with pride that I am building a magnificent palace.
This story tells us that heights comes from vision, impetus are determined by objectives. When people consciously engage themselves in a grand undertaking, our blueprint will become reality.
Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative and build a community of shared future for all mankind is unprecedented practice in human history. It is the great and grand palace in our hearts.
China and Pakistan are good neighbors, friends, partners,and brothers. Let us work together towards this goal and make our due contribution to build a peaceful, safe, open and prosperous new world. We are building this grand palace together!
Long live China-Pakistan friendship!
Thank you.

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Construction of koto hydro power project (40.8MW) was started on 2 february ,2015 and schedule to be completed in 48 months i.e on 31 january,2019
Koto hydro power project is situated on panjkora river in Distric Dir lower .project area is accessible frome timergara Town through the main Dir Timergara raod (N45) .the road to the project site remains operational round the year .
(this project is under by KPK govt)

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1223 MW
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Power Plant has received its 1st
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9HA Gas Turbine. Balloki power Plant team is all set to create a new installation record!

The Balloki Power Plant is a 1,223 MW natural gas power plant currently under construction near
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, in the
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province of
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CDWP approved 25.8 km 56.8 billion
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Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project of
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govt. The project, planned to be constructed with 48 billion loan of Asian Development Bank, envisages construction of 25.8 km long road track with 32 stations . The project planned to be executed in one year .The provincial government to ensure constructions of station and other building, aligned with the historical architecture of Peshawar. He also advised to allot separate enclosures for women and prayer spaces on the stations

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