In my opinion, China needs to redress its quantity by introducing quality into its armed forces. In order to do so, China needs to evaluate its economic feasability, vis-a-vis the current growth. For such a thing to happen, China would need to weigh in the productive aspect of having a 2 million plus army. Whether that many troops are really needed, and if so, for waht purpose.
The basic doctrine, from what i gather, is that China's historical doctrine of its armed forces, has been defensive as opposed to offensive. Taking this into account, China would need to counter balance its rather lumbering weight of a big army, to a size which resembles more of the characteristics of a force multiplier.
Here technology plays a pivotal role. And unlike the United States, China has the advantage of shedding the burden of billions in R&D where starting from scratch would kill the economy. To that of an intermediatory technological advancement where proven or progressive technology is taken in. This allows China a far rapid pace in providing its armed forces with better equipement, at a cheaper cost.
The way i see it, over the next 20-25 years, China needs to shed atleast 900,000 troops in order to maintain a force that is able to project globaly.
Here there should be advancements in three aspects.
First one would be the army, where troops are trimmed down to about roughly 1.7 or 1.8 million. These are gradually trained and equipped with standard issue modern weapons. Also, the army needs mobility and for that China would need a significant capability in the Military Transport Dept (both fixed and rotary winged aircrafts).
Second one would be the airforce, where introduction to fighter aircrafts are based on two main capabilities. Range and detection. In terms of detection, China would need to develop a replica of Link 16 Datalink which would inter-connect not only the fighters with the AWACS, but also fighter with other fighters. As for range, well that should be achieved with Air Refuelers.
Third one would be navy, where its mobility and capability would entirely rest on carrier battle groups. For this, China would need to develop, over the next 15 years, aircraft carriers.