rommel said:So how's the australian army ?? Is it hard or relax like us over here (at least for the reservist like me ) What's your service weapon in Autralia ?? Talk about your army, I'd like to see how australian infantry reserve are different of canadian infantry reserve.
The Australian army reserve recevies the same training as the regulars, just not as frequent as the regulars. The service weapon are Steyr AUG (F88). A very nice piece of equipment. easy to assemble and clean, and fairly accurate. SAW is Minimi(F89), two gun per section. Pistol is only issued when needed. COLT, M9 and some others have been seen. compaurrny firesupport have M60 pig and 82 mortar. We spent most time in bush. The Whole Aussie army are "bush masters". We fight base on active patrolling, and silent attacks. if 2 or less enemy are found, a section will attack them. If there are more, we will call fire support. Every one are trained on "all arms call for fire". The weakness is air defence and anti armor. The 40mm rocket is good for killing soft target and light Armored Vehicle, but not a real tank. Come to think of it, RAAF's F18 don't really have much of a match in surronding territory. And landing a sizable tank force in Australia is very very difficult. Reserve force is more a defensive force, so we don't trained much on anti armor warfare. Negotiating with harsh terrian is more useful for what we needed.
I'd say that we are light infantry ready to fight a limited regional battle.
They say Aussies and canadian are very much alike . The atmosphere is relaxed with a lot of hurry up and wait. A trait of Infantry. The Marchs are base on UK style with Australian salute.
Hope these helps
Lazzy Digger