China's maturing navy


Junior Member
The author seems to be really skeptical(or unsure for a better word) about C4I and air component of ASW capabilities. I was expecting atleast some mention of increased Y-8 (maritime survelliance version) activity and potential.
Also, the author seems to be betting too much on MaRVs. Either speculation on his part or he knows something that we don't (i am inclined towards the later).

However all in all a good read (minus the loooong unending

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I wonder how certain he can be that PLAN training has not dramatically improved as much as PLAN technology has. You can observe, somewhat, the technology platforms, but how does he observe the training?

No you can't measure classroom time or what type is going on in the classroom. But if you measure the training by how much time is spent at sea I think that would be a good yard stick by which to measure training. When a ship is at sea everyone is donig their jobs. That's real training.

Isn't it possible for the PLAN to figure out ways to train for a real battle in a different way than the USN does it? After all, some USN exercises are highly scripted anyway

So true Roger..wargames an excersises are highly scripted. Some like the USN's COMUTEX do have a few twist and turns in them to confound the sailors. The best way to train is to be at sea away from any distractions and operate the ship and it's systems. You can't do that quatered in a barracks or in a classrom simulator. Being at sea requires your undivided attention to yopur job. By the way the USN does make extensive use of the classroom and simulators but the real training takes place at sea. Does anyone know how many days a year a PLAN ship spends at sea? I don't. I've read estimates but won't post them here.


VIP Professional
MIGleader said:
What would it take for China to have a "World class fleet"? China has more surface combatants than india, and arguably(not definitively) more modern ones too. Is it the SSBN or Carrier that is limiting China?

renmin said:
It is the carrier. China has perfect abilities in creating nuclear balistic sibmarines. Carriers of course is still being constructed.

Carrier does not make World class fleet. Brazil and Thailand have carriers but they are not 1st class navy`s, CCCP did not have real carrier until it`s break up but Soviet Navy was 1st class navy. Nieder the number of surface combatants… What makes navy "World class" is the ability to deploy battle grupe (on short notice ), to any place in the World and to support it there for as long as it is needs to be there….
Core of PLAN is modern, but the rest is obsolete... PLAN lack`s fleet replenishment ships, LHD ships, ASW capabilities, ocean going subs etc. It is mostle still "green water" navy with limited ocean going capabilities...