China's Internet Boom, Games, Addiction & other news


VIP Professional
Hi Crobato, I was wondering where you were. You usually bring up good articles and good analysis about the military.

Please notice there is a difference between "censorship" and "to censure." You use these two words as if they have the same definition. Last time I checked, "to censor" means to stop someone from expressing themselves. "To censure" means to punish someone a lot for doing something wrong or allegedly wrong. I will assume you are talking about both definitions.

In the past, China's censorship was far more oppressive than America's censorship system. In the past, America's censorship system was directed at non-whites, especially Native Americans, but China's censorship was directed at almost everyone in China. The same applies to "censures". Nowadays, I see China improving (but I obviously haven't traveled all over China, met every person in China, and been in every situation in China). Unfortunately, I see the US declining when it comes to correct, moral, or appropriate censorship and censors, but China is improving. I don't just look at someone's current location. I also look other things, such as where the person is going and where the person started. I apply this assessment to organizations, institutions, and nations.

Tell that to the Chinese minorities, including Tibetans and Uighyurs.

How is the US declining? There is hardly any censorship at all. The proof of lack of censorship is knowing how bad the state of your country is. We know every crime, every bit of grime in the streets and in the politics of the US. That is proof there is no censorship.

How is China improving? Your statements are exactly opposite being reported. This year, at least 60 new regulations are handed against the media. Chinese bloggers are joking even thinking is going to be censored.

You're really living in a "fantasy" what is happening inside China.

I notice how the US government works with US media corporations (i.e., Google) to questionably spy on US citizens and visitors (easily search news articles on this).

I see how the US government works with various media corporations (i.e., Google) to censor information regarding the US government's war crimes or human rights violations in regions all over the world. For example, journalists, military personnel, and bureaucrats have lost jobs and their articles have been deleted by media corporations when they reported about how the US military has been engaged in drug trades and prostitution in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and other regions. War crime photos and videos are top secret information. Photos of human rights violations have limited release.

BS. Guess who exposes this---yes the American media. Stuff that happened in Guantanamo and Abu Gharaiv. Yes, in the American media.

A lot of that stuff gets posted in places like err...Flickr and YouTube.

I read news about the US government and US media corporations conducts closed discussions with the Middle East nations and companies. The US government and US media corporations want the Middle to censor or minimize Middle East news that criticize the US, Israel, and the EU.

Oh is that right? Tell that to Apple who approved of Al Jazeera iPhone app. Or US cable companies that introduced CCTV channel from China. Or Western corporations like Sky International who has Al Jazeera and other Middle Eastern channels hosted in their cable network.

The US government and US media corporations have monopolized the TV system and most print media, and they promote information that is highly biased in their favor. I don't mind contrasting opinions and information, but I don't like monopolies mixed with biases. For example, the US government and US media corporations are very tolerant and supportive of US terrorism abroad (i.e., many Middle Easterners believe they are being invaded, and not liberated, by the US military) and Israeli terrorism, but the US government and US media corporations are usually severe towards anyone who is accused of terrorism by the US or Israel. This manifests in the form of both soft censorship (highly biased news) and hard censorship (ending the dissemination as much as possible).

Nonsense. Especially the fact that US media are quite liberal. You need to sit down and watch 60 Minutes or Amanpour in CNN.

I follow the news feeds, and I'm quite sorry to tell you if there is a report that a US air strike killed civilians on the ground its usually first from media that you just criticized of censoring, aka CNN, BBC, Google, Reuters, AP, News Corp.

The US government and US media corporations love to highlight China's problem with piracy (theft of IP, trademark, copyright, and patents),

Which of course is really a true problem.

but the US government and US media corporations don't do enough to highlight domestic piracy and alleged international piracy, thefts, and pillages by the US government and US corporations.

You mean like reporting things like Nokia suing Apple and Apple suing back on IP violations? Guess who reporting this.

That again is quite BS on the truthometer. Case in point, Microsoft lost a case regarding XML IP and being forced to removed Microsoft Office from the shelves last month.

I compare the way the US government and US media corporations handled religious extremists in the US (Waco Texas, Christian extremists, Jewish extremists, and Muslim extremists) and religious extremists in China (Muslim extremists, Falun Gang (sp?), and Tibetan extremists). The US government and US media corporations are VERY harsh towards religious organizations that challenge their power, but they are very kind to religious organizations that challenge the Chinese government's power and Chinese corporations' power.


The US government is rightfully harsh against religious organizations that use suicide bombers to implement policy, whether its Muslim or one of those survivalist Christian organizations or one of those cults that ask its members to commit mass suicide. Everyone still remembers one of the most hideous acts of terrorism committed on American soil is by an American (bombing of Federal building in Oklahoma).

The Chinese government has every right to be harsh against religious organizations that use force and bombs to implement policy, but does it has to be equally harsh against religious organizations that do not?

Now compare international religious extremists. In the past, the Taliban and Al-Queda were a great US ally against the Soviet Union. US media corporations even made a Rambo movie about the heroic Rambo allying with brave, militaristic Afghanis battling against the Soviet Union. Now the Taliban and Al-Queda are critical threats to world safety and world justice according to the US government and US media corporations. I don't see Google making lots of noise about the lack of or the need to publicize Taliban viewpoints, Al-Queda opinions, Palestinian perspectives, Iranian arguments, and so forth. Google and US media corporations seem to enjoy working with the US government to misrepresent and suppress information from alleged terrorists, and the manipulation favors them almost all of the time. When international religious extremists strike at China, the US government and the US media corporations usually claim China somehow deserved the attacks.

Google has nothing to do with Taliban viewpoints. You can use Google to find all the pro Moslem extremist arguments and forums you want. Google is just a search engine, a machine that is extremely efficient in doing what it is asked and does not have all the ideological color that you claim to have. The most used search engine in the Middle East by an enormous margin is Google.

Sigh. In Hollywood, for every Rambo, there is going to be a bunch of Platoon and Apocalypse Now. This is Hollywood you know, a hotbed of liberal thinking. For that matter, go watch Full Metal Jacket.

I do notice how the US government works with various media corporations to censure people who showcase information considered "unfit for public consumption" by the US government and US media corporations. For example, US citizens have filmed police brutality and police corruption, then they try to put the videos on the Internet. Eventually, these US citizens are forced by the US government to stop their actions, and the US government's justification is usually something questionable, such as the US citizen possessed drugs so the US government must search and confiscate the US citizen's belongings (including his/her electronics and records). The US media corporations do NOTHING or very little to help these people.

Why don't you actually cite some data? I'm sorry but I never heard of anything you claim like this, other than against child pornography.

I never heard of the US government telling YouTube to take down videos of police brutality or corruption, nor even of videos of US soldiers getting shot or bombed in Iraq. They're still there.

The groundswell against the Bush Administration for their Iraq policy was because of the reporting of liberal Western Media whom you accused is in "cahoots" with the government. If that is true, you won't have an Obama in the highest office of the US.

Unfortunately, a diverse nation like the US still suffers from cultural problems, socio-economic problems, political problems, crime problems, and ethnicity problems between various people in the US. The US government and US media corporations do a lousy job reporting about these problems.

Contradiction. The reason why you know the US suffers all these problems is because of a vigorous and free press. The fact that you know all these is proof they do a terrific job in reporting these problems.

Instead, the US government and US media corporations choose to create news or information that keep them in power (i.e., playing various groups of people against each other instead leading people to develop real solutions).

The US government and US media corporations even apply censorship and censures to domestic and foreign businesses. They are very prejudiced in how they promote or demote businesses within and outside of America, which is very unfair, because the US government and US media corporations have a monopoly over the TV and major print media, and they still have fundamental control over the Internet (power to regulate and power to create monopolies or cartels). Remember "Too big to fail"? That was total hogwash to perpetuate the wealthy, but incompetent class. IMO, China would be censured by the US government and US media corporations if it either had large savings or large debt.

Again nonsense. Its also the very same media that also roasted the Fed, Bernanke, Greenspan, the AIG and Wall Street for their role in the US recession. You are claiming that the media is unanimous in supporting the US government and its policies? Hogwash. If a liberal government is in power, the conservative media would roast it. If a conservative government is in power, the liberal media would roast it. That's how it works. Maybe you don't watch the people in Fox News heavily criticizing over and over Obama's bailout and health care plans, or CBS or CNN showing and discussing how Bush's Iraq plan went awry.

You fail to understand that a duality in the US exists so that one side conflicts the other and by this conflict, creates a balance that restores the country to a moral center. This is Ying and Yang, originally a Chinese concept but it exists and works as a fundamental principle of the US government and society.

Right now, the US is more fair and free than China, but I think the situation is rapidly changing in reverse. I hope both nations and other nations do a better job with the free flow of factual information, artistic information, and opinions that do not promote injustice (I don't believe in 100% unrestrained freedom of information).

Wrong. I would say that its China that lately has turned its back to liberalism of the media, and is now looking boarish and arrogant to the rest of the world. When Bush became the world's "villain", China gained enormous prestige as a US alternative. Now its turning to the reverse, due to Obama, the US image to the rest of the world is rapidly improving and it is China's that is actually worsening.

A great example of censorship is with the movie Avatar. The movie has so many built in messages, it can easily be interpreted in so many ways. There is a strong anti-military anti-corporation message in Avatar, yet the US government isn't pulling out Avatar from theaters because it sounds anti Wall Street and anti US military.

In China, Avatar is grossing---now the highest grossing movie in modern China history---because many people are identifying the displacement of the Nagii with their own urban displacement for the sake of progress. Then the Chinese government became uncomfortable with that and wants to pull out the movie from 2D theaters early.


Banned Idiot
Tell that to the Chinese minorities, including Tibetans and Uighyurs.

How is the US declining? There is hardly any censorship at all. The proof of lack of censorship is knowing how bad the state of your country is. We know every crime, every bit of grime in the streets and in the politics of the US. That is proof there is no censorship.

My country? I am a Chinese American. I am as American as any European American, probably more American than any Jewish American with dual citizenship with Israel (massive human rights abuse there against Palestine), any Middle Eastern American, African American, Hispanic American, and so forth. I am fully aware of the problems in the US, but I think the average American is a moron when it comes to domestic and foreign problems. I say the same about China. Nonetheless, at least China has been improving must faster than the US in recent years.

Chinese minorities are not in danger of extinction and losing the vast majority of their land. The Native Americans are in danger of extinction and have lost the overwhelming majority of their land.

The US government censors lots of government secrets, military secrets, and corporate secrets.

How is China improving? Your statements are exactly opposite being reported. This year, at least 60 new regulations are handed against the media. Chinese bloggers are joking even thinking is going to be censored.

You're really living in a "fantasy" what is happening inside China.

Most Chinese and Chinese Americans I know think China has been improving, even when it comes to freedom. Yeah, the US also has lots of regulations. Check out how big the US tax code is getting. That's just the tax code. Every nation has lousy regulations. Hopefully, the net result is more good than bad.

BS. Guess who exposes this---yes the American media. Stuff that happened in Guantanamo and Abu Gharaiv. Yes, in the American media.

A lot of that stuff gets posted in places like err...Flickr and YouTube.

The US media exposed a fraction of US military war crimes, and the US media is NOT exposing the full damage of the US wars in the Middle East and military operations in other regions throughout all of US history.

Oh is that right? Tell that to Apple who approved of Al Jazeera iPhone app. Or US cable companies that introduced CCTV channel from China. Or Western corporations like Sky International who has Al Jazeera and other Middle Eastern channels hosted in their cable network.

Nonsense. Especially the fact that US media are quite liberal. You need to sit down and watch 60 Minutes or Amanpour in CNN.

I follow the news feeds, and I'm quite sorry to tell you if there is a report that a US air strike killed civilians on the ground its usually first from media that you just criticized of censoring, aka CNN, BBC, Google, Reuters, AP, News Corp.

China has access to international news and entertainment in the form of legal access and piracy. Many of China's censors are easily bypassed. Recently, China has been holding discussions with international press to develop accurate news all over the world. Like I said, look at where China is currently at, where it started, and where it is going.

Again, the full damage caused by US military operations are NOT reported by the US government or the US media. If it is, it is tucked away in some small corner or an unpopular site most people are unable to reach outside of their daily routines. Heavily prejudiced information is soft censorship.

You mean like reporting things like Nokia suing Apple and Apple suing back on IP violations? Guess who reporting this.

That again is quite BS on the truthometer. Case in point, Microsoft lost a case regarding XML IP and being forced to removed Microsoft Office from the shelves last month.


The US government is rightfully harsh against religious organizations that use suicide bombers to implement policy, whether its Muslim or one of those survivalist Christian organizations or one of those cults that ask its members to commit mass suicide. Everyone still remembers one of the most hideous acts of terrorism committed on American soil is by an American (bombing of Federal building in Oklahoma).

The Chinese government has every right to be harsh against religious organizations that use force and bombs to implement policy, but does it has to be equally harsh against religious organizations that do not?

The US government works very closely with a few, wealthy people and corporate officers. Lobbying and special interest groups are MAJOR problems in the US political system. The Supreme Court recently expanded the ability of corporations to buy politician's or political candidate's favor.

The US government does have a right to force extremists to end their behavior if the extremists refuse negotiations, and so does China's government. However, there is a difference between ending extremism, and suffering from blowback. For a long time, the US government and Israel are suffering from blowback caused by the US and Israel controversially interfering in the Middle East and other regions. Not all Muslim fighters are offensive terrorists. Many are fighting against what they perceive as a US invasion or an Israeli invasion.

Many Tibetans claim to have the moral high ground, yet, Tibet has been stuck in horrendous feudalism for a long time. The Tibetan monks are involved in controlling politics, economics, culture, the military, and other aspects of life. Tibet was a NOT a religious, agrarian utopia. Tibet was a feudal society ruled by a theocracy. The theocracy has a long, brutal history. The same goes with the Uighur region and their Muslim religion.

The US solution to Native Americans was extermination and forced assimilation. The Jewish solution to their diaspora was the conquest, expansion, and extermination of Muslims in Palestine. The former is too late to fully fix, but the latter is still occurring with very strong support from the US government and US corporate media (and the same from Europe), which has a monopoly on the US education system, US TV, US radio, and US print media. They are a very influential presence on the Internet.

Google has nothing to do with Taliban viewpoints. You can use Google to find all the pro Moslem extremist arguments and forums you want. Google is just a search engine, a machine that is extremely efficient in doing what it is asked and does not have all the ideological color that you claim to have. The most used search engine in the Middle East by an enormous margin is Google.

Sigh. In Hollywood, for every Rambo, there is going to be a bunch of Platoon and Apocalypse Now. This is Hollywood you know, a hotbed of liberal thinking. For that matter, go watch Full Metal Jacket.

Google works with the US government for domestic and foreign spying, and Google's search engine (like all search engines) gives higher rankings to certain websites and lower rankings to other websites.

Hollywood has long worked closely with the US government, and Hollywood is part of the US corporate media. It's easily available information. "Full Metal Jacket" doesn't even show the full damages caused by the Vietnam War, and anti-war protests and movies only occurred because of the high casualties. Notice how Hollywood and the average American could care less about the devastations occurring in the Middle East by horrible US government policies. It's because the US casualties are low.

If China waged such a pointless, bloody war, the Chinese people would organize resistance and protests, too. I notice Chinese people are increasingly complaining to the Chinese government, and the Chinese government is doing a better job of listening to protests. You can't fix all of China's problems in a day, in a year, or even in 1 decade. If you don't think China is improving (even when it comes to freedom), then so be it. We'll agree to disagree here.

Why don't you actually cite some data? I'm sorry but I never heard of anything you claim like this, other than against child pornography.

I never heard of the US government telling YouTube to take down videos of police brutality or corruption, nor even of videos of US soldiers getting shot or bombed in Iraq. They're still there.

It's not hard to read amateur reports of what happens to people who try to film police corruption. They get arrested for something trivial or false. The full extent of police corruption is hidden or misreported by the US corporate media. You have to read blogs, local news, and specialized news. Stay away from that CNN and Fox News junk.

Here's a quick search result:
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China does not censor everything negative about the government. My experience in China is limited, but I had no problems holding long discussions with Chinese people about China's governments' flaws. Even on the Internet Chinese people display outrage against China's governments' errors. I say again: China's censorship is still worse than America's, but China has been improving.

China would be stupid to allow Google to operate unhindered in China. China's development would be damaged if it was flooded with US government and US corporate propaganda. Overwhelming, dishonest information. Hard-to-find facts. Just examples of soft censorship, which is the norm on US TVs, US major print media, and US radio. Google ranks US government and US corporate news above other news, even if the news is blatant propaganda.

Look happened to Iran's president vs. Israel's actions. The Iranian president reminds everyone his nation's international right to obtain nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and the other nation is violating so many international laws (even international nuclear laws) (of course, international laws are not set in stone for all nations). Iran's nuclear policy has followed more UN laws and international laws than Israel's (according to my amateur research). Nonetheless, Google's search results, the US government, and the US corporate media propagandizes nonstop about Iran's nuclear policies while doing everything they can to promote Israel as a good nation.

The groundswell against the Bush Administration for their Iraq policy was because of the reporting of liberal Western Media whom you accused is in "cahoots" with the government. If that is true, you won't have an Obama in the highest office of the US.

Obama is part of the Democrat Party, and the Democrat Party is the second half of the US government. If the US corporate media supports the Democrat Party, it is working with the government. The same applies to the Republican Party. Notice how the US corporate media, US corporations, and the Democrat/Republican Party all gang up against 3rd parties.

Obama and Bush have very similar policies. Look at the War on Terrorism. Many Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Iranians, and other people around the world don't see a difference betwen Obama's policies and Bush's policies.

Contradiction. The reason why you know the US suffers all these problems is because of a vigorous and free press. The fact that you know all these is proof they do a terrific job in reporting these problems.

It's not that simple. 1980's China had a more oppressive censorship than today's China. This didn't stop the 1989 Tiananmen protests. The Chinese government brutally crushed the protests, but they were still forced to improve relations with Chinese civilians. Chinese then, Chinese now. It's not even close. Chinese people do have their own press and flow of information, and it is more oppressed than in the US, but remember what I said: Look at where China started, look at where China is today, and look at where China is heading. Most Chinese people I know are somewhat optimistic to very optimistic. I am cautiously optimistic, because the future is so unpredictable.

I rarely watch US corporate news and US government news (it's filled with propaganda). I read independent news and blogs. I hope the average Chinese does the same. US corporate news and US government news turn people's brains into mud.

Again nonsense. Its also the very same media that also roasted the Fed, Bernanke, Greenspan, the AIG and Wall Street for their role in the US recession. You are claiming that the media is unanimous in supporting the US government and its policies? Hogwash. If a liberal government is in power, the conservative media would roast it. If a conservative government is in power, the liberal media would roast it. That's how it works. Maybe you don't watch the people in Fox News heavily criticizing over and over Obama's bailout and health care plans, or CBS or CNN showing and discussing how Bush's Iraq plan went awry.

You fail to understand that a duality in the US exists so that one side conflicts the other and by this conflict, creates a balance that restores the country to a moral center. This is Ying and Yang, originally a Chinese concept but it exists and works as a fundamental principle of the US government and society.

Here's my comparison. The US government's 2 party system and the US corporate media is similar to professional wrestling, popular culture, and the movies: it's all about showmanship. Neither side really cares about the average American; both sides just want to make money off of the average American and control the average American. I have nothing against profits or politics, but I am just differentiating between real political representation and fake political representation.

What really occurs is not shown or barely shown by the US government and US corporate media. If you enjoy watching the World Wrestling Federation and think it's real wrestling, then go ahead (but I'm not). If you think Hollywood celebrities/actors/actresses/singers/personalities are the real deal or real heroes or real role models, then go ahead (I know how fake they are). If you think movies or on-screen drama is all real, then go ahead (I enjoy entertainment, but I don't confuse it with reality). If you think porno represents real sex and real relationships between typical people, then go ahead (it represents a very small minority of society).

Yeah, Bernanke got grilled real bad by the US corporate media. I am sure his career and his millionaire/billionaire wealth are in trouble. The same with his buddies. They must live a tough life now because they were "exposed" by the US corporate media.

I wish I could swindle people like Bush, Bernanke, Obama, and Gore, get a slap on the wrist by the US corporate media, and then continue to live the high life.

US corporate news is more like daytime soap opera. It's entertainment, not real analysis and it's not highly accurate about what's really occurring.

Wrong. I would say that its China that lately has turned its back to liberalism of the media, and is now looking boarish and arrogant to the rest of the world. When Bush became the world's "villain", China gained enormous prestige as a US alternative. Now its turning to the reverse, due to Obama, the US image to the rest of the world is rapidly improving and it is China's that is actually worsening.

Right, Obama is the world's savior! Change! Hope! Yes, We Can! It's an audacious dream come true! Maybe this is why his poll numbers are returning to normal (maybe worse). Maybe this is why he failed to help Democrat politicians win elections. Maybe this is why he failed to win the Olympic bid. Maybe this is why he achieved so little at the recent climate change forum. Maybe this is why many Middle Easterners are protesting against his military policies. Maybe this is why China has expanding trade relations, military relations, media relations, and political relations with nations around the world.

Last time I checked, most people around the world like Obama as a person, but they think he is a another dishonest politician. Why? Obama's policies are the same Bush's. Superficial changes; big whoops.

Anyhow, I don't worship popularity contests. I like to believe in democracy or mob rule, but after experiencing, I can't. I believe in human rights and the individual freedom to associate with others. If Apple worshiped popularity contests, it would have given up by now, yet, Apple is one hell of a company. Maybe we should have daily meals at McDonald's, Burger Kings, and Pizza Hut because they are so popular. Then life would be perfect (until health problems arise).

A great example of censorship is with the movie Avatar. The movie has so many built in messages, it can easily be interpreted in so many ways. There is a strong anti-military anti-corporation message in Avatar, yet the US government isn't pulling out Avatar from theaters because it sounds anti Wall Street and anti US military.

In China, Avatar is grossing---now the highest grossing movie in modern China history---because many people are identifying the displacement of the Nagii with their own urban displacement for the sake of progress. Then the Chinese government became uncomfortable with that and wants to pull out the movie from 2D theaters early.

That's your interpretation of the situation. Here is mine:

Chinese people, Chinese businesses, and the Chinese government are open minded to foreign entertainment when compared to their US equivalents.

Last time I checked, Hollywood hates to fairly compete with Chinese films and other foreign films on equal footing, and the average American is prejudiced against Chinese films and other foreign films. The US government has lots of trade restrictions on how popular and how influential Chinese businesses can be in the US. On the other hand, Chinese people have huge access to foreign films when it comes to legal access and illegal access.

Hollywood has a done a great job of propagandizing itself as a free, liberal entertainment industry. The truth is Hollywood is greedy and corrupt. Did you know the blockbuster, "The Lion King," was ripped off of a Japanese cartoon? (That's just off the top of my head) This is only one example out of many. I swear Hollywood steals ideas from so many obscure fiction writers and from so many artists around the world. Hollywood has done an amazing job pirating other people's stories, while claiming they are major victims of piracy.

If not for Hong Kong and other Chinese regions, Bruce Lee would have been a nobody. That's how screwed up Hollywood is. Lee learned from Hollywood westerns, but Bruce Lee is pretty much the inventor of topless, ripped heroes with kicka** hand-to-hand fighting with bloody and bruised heroes, and Lee greatly popularized personally styled martial arts or mixed martial arts or contemporary martial arts. Hollywood still refuses to formally apologize to Bruce Lee and other Asian actors who refuse to kowtow to Hollywood. Instead, Hollywood continues to give Asian actors lousy roles, and then acting like Bruce Lee was a nobody, then Hollywood has nonstop promotions of how we all gotta worship Norris, Van Damme, Seagal (sp?), Arnold, and other imitators.

Jackie Chan's worse movies are done by Hollywood. The same with Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat. Asian women are stereotyped as sex objects for white guys.

If it wasn't for China's government and China's film industry, Chinese people wouldn't have a film industry. It would all be monopolized by the US corporate media, such as Hollywood. Then all of China and Chinese people would get is crap like "Dawson's Creek," BET, the NFL, and so forth. China and Chinese entertainment fans would be ruined if China's media was monopolized by the US government and the US corporate media. I am glad China's government plays hardball with the US corporate media and the US government.

So yeah, "Avatar," go screw yourself. If Chinese people can handle foreign heroes, then why the extreme censorship and extreme prejudice against Chinese heroes in the US government, the US corporate media, and in the white majority? I label it as a monopoly mindset. Hollywood is an arm of the US corporate media cartel and a confidant of the US government to monopolize US movie theaters, US TV, US radio, and US print media.

I don't like certain aspects of China's government, but I do think China's government has positive attributes. If not for them and Chinese civilians, I would be stuck with Hollywood junk (oh yeah, Hollywood still stereotypes minorities (especially Chinese people) while screaming about anti-Semitism that doesn't exist and how wonderful Jews are), and I wouldn't be able to access Chinese entertainment and other Asian entertainment. I have to go to hard-to-find Asian film stores in America to access Asian films. On the other hand, when I go to Asian nations, I could easily access Asian films and foreign films. Even in China this is true.

I have no idea where you get this idea China is regressing when it comes to accepting positive foreign ideas and products. Almost every Chinese American I know is amazed when they visit China. They assume it's an oppressive sh**hole, but when they visit, they are like "Wow, the US media is wrong. China has problems, but it's improving so quickly." I agree. I don't know any nation that has improved as quickly as China.

Again, screw "Avatar." I didn't even watch the movie like the majority of people in Latin America, America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. What China is doing to Hollywood is what Hollywood has done to me for my whole life and still counting. China doesn't have to fight fair if Hollywood, the rest of the US corporate media and the US government is fighting dirty.

You don't think China is improving, then fine. We'll agree to disagree. I think China has problems, but at the very least, China is fixing its problems at a rate that is unique in history. China's future isn't certain, but everyone's future is unpredictable.
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Senior Member
Wow, 'Don't be evil' Google teams up with the Gestapo, oops, I mean NSA.
Isn't NSA the one featured in that Wil Smith and Gene Hackman movie ?

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‘Don’t Be Evil,’ Meet ‘Spy on Everyone’: How the NSA Deal Could Kill Google

The company once known for its “don’t be evil” motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens.

The National Security Agency is widely understood to have the government’s biggest and smartest collection of geeks — the guys that are more skilled at network warfare than just about anyone on the planet. So, in a sense, it’s only natural that Google would turn to the NSA after the company was hit by an ultrasophisticated hack attack. After all, the military has basically done the same thing, putting the NSA in charge of its new “Cyber Command.” The Department of Homeland Security is leaning heavily on the NSA to secure .gov networks.

But there’s a problem. The NSA and its predecessors also have a long history of spying on huge numbers of people, both at home and abroad. During the Cold War, the agency worked with companies like Western Union to intercept and read millions of telegrams. During the war on terror years, the NSA teamed up with the telecommunications companies to eavesdrop on customers’ phone calls and internet traffic right from the telcos’ switching stations. And even after the agency pledged to clean up its act — and was given wide new latitude to spy on whom they liked – the NSA was still caught “overcollecting” on U.S. citizens. According to The New York Times, the agency even “tried to wiretap a member of Congress without a warrant.”

All of which makes the NSA a particularly untrustworthy partner for a company that is almost wholly reliant on its customers’ trust and goodwill. We all know that Google automatically reads our Gmail and scans our Google Calendars and dives into our Google searches, all in an attempt to put the most relevant ads in front of us. But we’ve tolerated the automated intrusions, because Google’s products are so good, and we believed that the company was sincere in its “don’t be evil” mantra.

That’s a lot harder to swallow, when Google starts working cheek-to-jowl with the overcollectors. The company pinkie-swears that its agreement with the NSA won’t violate the company’s privacy policies or compromise user data. Those promises are a little hard to believe, given the NSA’s track record of getting private enterprises to cooperate, and Google’s willingness to take this first step.

Google may need help in fighting off these hacks. But turning to Ft. Meade could wind up permanently damaging the company’s image — and the foundation of its incredible success. Already, the Russian press are talking about Google’s decision to spy with NSA, for instance. Hackers might be able to compromise some of Google’s services, for a little while. The association with the NSA could permanently cripple the company. The telegram companies and the old-school telcos were virtually monopolies; customers had nowhere to turn, if they wanted private communications. Bing and Yahoo Mail are just a click away.


Banned Idiot
Here's an amateur report on media cartels in the US:

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In summary, a few people in the US have monopolized most of the media in the US. Hmm, why isn't Google protesting about this. Instead, Google seems to be part of the cartel. They scratch each other's back, while claiming to stand up for justice and to fight against injustice.


Banned Idiot
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Russia's largest Internet company Yandex may bid for the ICQ messenger, put up for sale by the U.S. company AOL, a respected business daily reported on Thursday.

ICQ, a popular instant messaging computer program with over 40 million users around the globe, largely in Russia, Germany, Israel and some East European countries, is estimated at over $200 million, Kommersant said.

Other bidders for ICQ, originally developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis and now owned by the New York-based AOL, include Russia's Digital Sky Technologies (DST) and its web portal partner Naspers from South Africa, Chinese Internet company Tencent Holdings Limited and the Czech Republic's largest web search engine Seznam, the paper said. [Bold font added]

The information on Yandex joining the race for the ICQ messaging service was published on Tuesday by Trading Markets.

Yahoo was excluded from the bidder list as the U.S.-based online service giant made an offer lower than expected. Most bidders are prepared to offer about $200 million for ICQ, the paper said, referring to Trading Markets.

A Yandex spokesman neither confirmed nor dismissed information on the company's participation in the talks with AOL, saying "the company was satisfied with its current cooperation with ICQ," while AOL declined any comment, the paper said.

MOSCOW, February 11 (RIA Novosti)


VIP Professional
My country? I am a Chinese American. I am as American as any European American, probably more American than any Jewish American with dual citizenship with Israel (massive human rights abuse there against Palestine), any Middle Eastern American, African American, Hispanic American, and so forth. I am fully aware of the problems in the US, but I think the average American is a moron when it comes to domestic and foreign problems. I say the same about China. Nonetheless, at least China has been improving must faster than the US in recent years.

Chinese minorities are not in danger of extinction and losing the vast majority of their land. The Native Americans are in danger of extinction and have lost the overwhelming majority of their land.

The US government censors lots of government secrets, military secrets, and corporate secrets.

Most Chinese and Chinese Americans I know think China has been improving, even when it comes to freedom. Yeah, the US also has lots of regulations. Check out how big the US tax code is getting. That's just the tax code. Every nation has lousy regulations. Hopefully, the net result is more good than bad.

The US media exposed a fraction of US military war crimes, and the US media is NOT exposing the full damage of the US wars in the Middle East and military operations in other regions throughout all of US history.

China has access to international news and entertainment in the form of legal access and piracy. Many of China's censors are easily bypassed. Recently, China has been holding discussions with international press to develop accurate news all over the world. Like I said, look at where China is currently at, where it started, and where it is going.

Again, the full damage caused by US military operations are NOT reported by the US government or the US media. If it is, it is tucked away in some small corner or an unpopular site most people are unable to reach outside of their daily routines. Heavily prejudiced information is soft censorship.

The US government works very closely with a few, wealthy people and corporate officers. Lobbying and special interest groups are MAJOR problems in the US political system. The Supreme Court recently expanded the ability of corporations to buy politician's or political candidate's favor.

The US government does have a right to force extremists to end their behavior if the extremists refuse negotiations, and so does China's government. However, there is a difference between ending extremism, and suffering from blowback. For a long time, the US government and Israel are suffering from blowback caused by the US and Israel controversially interfering in the Middle East and other regions. Not all Muslim fighters are offensive terrorists. Many are fighting against what they perceive as a US invasion or an Israeli invasion.

Many Tibetans claim to have the moral high ground, yet, Tibet has been stuck in horrendous feudalism for a long time. The Tibetan monks are involved in controlling politics, economics, culture, the military, and other aspects of life. Tibet was a NOT a religious, agrarian utopia. Tibet was a feudal society ruled by a theocracy. The theocracy has a long, brutal history. The same goes with the Uighur region and their Muslim religion.

The US solution to Native Americans was extermination and forced assimilation. The Jewish solution to their diaspora was the conquest, expansion, and extermination of Muslims in Palestine. The former is too late to fully fix, but the latter is still occurring with very strong support from the US government and US corporate media (and the same from Europe), which has a monopoly on the US education system, US TV, US radio, and US print media. They are a very influential presence on the Internet.

Google works with the US government for domestic and foreign spying, and Google's search engine (like all search engines) gives higher rankings to certain websites and lower rankings to other websites.

Hollywood has long worked closely with the US government, and Hollywood is part of the US corporate media. It's easily available information. "Full Metal Jacket" doesn't even show the full damages caused by the Vietnam War, and anti-war protests and movies only occurred because of the high casualties. Notice how Hollywood and the average American could care less about the devastations occurring in the Middle East by horrible US government policies. It's because the US casualties are low.

If China waged such a pointless, bloody war, the Chinese people would organize resistance and protests, too. I notice Chinese people are increasingly complaining to the Chinese government, and the Chinese government is doing a better job of listening to protests. You can't fix all of China's problems in a day, in a year, or even in 1 decade. If you don't think China is improving (even when it comes to freedom), then so be it. We'll agree to disagree here.

It's not hard to read amateur reports of what happens to people who try to film police corruption. They get arrested for something trivial or false. The full extent of police corruption is hidden or misreported by the US corporate media. You have to read blogs, local news, and specialized news. Stay away from that CNN and Fox News junk.

Here's a quick search result:
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China does not censor everything negative about the government. My experience in China is limited, but I had no problems holding long discussions with Chinese people about China's governments' flaws. Even on the Internet Chinese people display outrage against China's governments' errors. I say again: China's censorship is still worse than America's, but China has been improving.

China would be stupid to allow Google to operate unhindered in China. China's development would be damaged if it was flooded with US government and US corporate propaganda. Overwhelming, dishonest information. Hard-to-find facts. Just examples of soft censorship, which is the norm on US TVs, US major print media, and US radio. Google ranks US government and US corporate news above other news, even if the news is blatant propaganda.

Look happened to Iran's president vs. Israel's actions. The Iranian president reminds everyone his nation's international right to obtain nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and the other nation is violating so many international laws (even international nuclear laws) (of course, international laws are not set in stone for all nations). Iran's nuclear policy has followed more UN laws and international laws than Israel's (according to my amateur research). Nonetheless, Google's search results, the US government, and the US corporate media propagandizes nonstop about Iran's nuclear policies while doing everything they can to promote Israel as a good nation.

Obama is part of the Democrat Party, and the Democrat Party is the second half of the US government. If the US corporate media supports the Democrat Party, it is working with the government. The same applies to the Republican Party. Notice how the US corporate media, US corporations, and the Democrat/Republican Party all gang up against 3rd parties.

Obama and Bush have very similar policies. Look at the War on Terrorism. Many Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Iranians, and other people around the world don't see a difference betwen Obama's policies and Bush's policies.

It's not that simple. 1980's China had a more oppressive censorship than today's China. This didn't stop the 1989 Tiananmen protests. The Chinese government brutally crushed the protests, but they were still forced to improve relations with Chinese civilians. Chinese then, Chinese now. It's not even close. Chinese people do have their own press and flow of information, and it is more oppressed than in the US, but remember what I said: Look at where China started, look at where China is today, and look at where China is heading. Most Chinese people I know are somewhat optimistic to very optimistic. I am cautiously optimistic, because the future is so unpredictable.

I rarely watch US corporate news and US government news (it's filled with propaganda). I read independent news and blogs. I hope the average Chinese does the same. US corporate news and US government news turn people's brains into mud.

Here's my comparison. The US government's 2 party system and the US corporate media is similar to professional wrestling, popular culture, and the movies: it's all about showmanship. Neither side really cares about the average American; both sides just want to make money off of the average American and control the average American. I have nothing against profits or politics, but I am just differentiating between real political representation and fake political representation.

What really occurs is not shown or barely shown by the US government and US corporate media. If you enjoy watching the World Wrestling Federation and think it's real wrestling, then go ahead (but I'm not). If you think Hollywood celebrities/actors/actresses/singers/personalities are the real deal or real heroes or real role models, then go ahead (I know how fake they are). If you think movies or on-screen drama is all real, then go ahead (I enjoy entertainment, but I don't confuse it with reality). If you think porno represents real sex and real relationships between typical people, then go ahead (it represents a very small minority of society).

Yeah, Bernanke got grilled real bad by the US corporate media. I am sure his career and his millionaire/billionaire wealth are in trouble. The same with his buddies. They must live a tough life now because they were "exposed" by the US corporate media.

I wish I could swindle people like Bush, Bernanke, Obama, and Gore, get a slap on the wrist by the US corporate media, and then continue to live the high life.

US corporate news is more like daytime soap opera. It's entertainment, not real analysis and it's not highly accurate about what's really occurring.

Right, Obama is the world's savior! Change! Hope! Yes, We Can! It's an audacious dream come true! Maybe this is why his poll numbers are returning to normal (maybe worse). Maybe this is why he failed to help Democrat politicians win elections. Maybe this is why he failed to win the Olympic bid. Maybe this is why he achieved so little at the recent climate change forum. Maybe this is why many Middle Easterners are protesting against his military policies. Maybe this is why China has expanding trade relations, military relations, media relations, and political relations with nations around the world.

Last time I checked, most people around the world like Obama as a person, but they think he is a another dishonest politician. Why? Obama's policies are the same Bush's. Superficial changes; big whoops.

Anyhow, I don't worship popularity contests. I like to believe in democracy or mob rule, but after experiencing, I can't. I believe in human rights and the individual freedom to associate with others. If Apple worshiped popularity contests, it would have given up by now, yet, Apple is one hell of a company. Maybe we should have daily meals at McDonald's, Burger Kings, and Pizza Hut because they are so popular. Then life would be perfect (until health problems arise).

That's your interpretation of the situation. Here is mine:

Chinese people, Chinese businesses, and the Chinese government are open minded to foreign entertainment when compared to their US equivalents.

Last time I checked, Hollywood hates to fairly compete with Chinese films and other foreign films on equal footing, and the average American is prejudiced against Chinese films and other foreign films. The US government has lots of trade restrictions on how popular and how influential Chinese businesses can be in the US. On the other hand, Chinese people have huge access to foreign films when it comes to legal access and illegal access.

Hollywood has a done a great job of propagandizing itself as a free, liberal entertainment industry. The truth is Hollywood is greedy and corrupt. Did you know the blockbuster, "The Lion King," was ripped off of a Japanese cartoon? (That's just off the top of my head) This is only one example out of many. I swear Hollywood steals ideas from so many obscure fiction writers and from so many artists around the world. Hollywood has done an amazing job pirating other people's stories, while claiming they are major victims of piracy.

If not for Hong Kong and other Chinese regions, Bruce Lee would have been a nobody. That's how screwed up Hollywood is. Lee learned from Hollywood westerns, but Bruce Lee is pretty much the inventor of topless, ripped heroes with kicka** hand-to-hand fighting with bloody and bruised heroes, and Lee greatly popularized personally styled martial arts or mixed martial arts or contemporary martial arts. Hollywood still refuses to formally apologize to Bruce Lee and other Asian actors who refuse to kowtow to Hollywood. Instead, Hollywood continues to give Asian actors lousy roles, and then acting like Bruce Lee was a nobody, then Hollywood has nonstop promotions of how we all gotta worship Norris, Van Damme, Seagal (sp?), Arnold, and other imitators.

Jackie Chan's worse movies are done by Hollywood. The same with Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat. Asian women are stereotyped as sex objects for white guys.

If it wasn't for China's government and China's film industry, Chinese people wouldn't have a film industry. It would all be monopolized by the US corporate media, such as Hollywood. Then all of China and Chinese people would get is crap like "Dawson's Creek," BET, the NFL, and so forth. China and Chinese entertainment fans would be ruined if China's media was monopolized by the US government and the US corporate media. I am glad China's government plays hardball with the US corporate media and the US government.

So yeah, "Avatar," go screw yourself. If Chinese people can handle foreign heroes, then why the extreme censorship and extreme prejudice against Chinese heroes in the US government, the US corporate media, and in the white majority? I label it as a monopoly mindset. Hollywood is an arm of the US corporate media cartel and a confidant of the US government to monopolize US movie theaters, US TV, US radio, and US print media.

I don't like certain aspects of China's government, but I do think China's government has positive attributes. If not for them and Chinese civilians, I would be stuck with Hollywood junk (oh yeah, Hollywood still stereotypes minorities (especially Chinese people) while screaming about anti-Semitism that doesn't exist and how wonderful Jews are), and I wouldn't be able to access Chinese entertainment and other Asian entertainment. I have to go to hard-to-find Asian film stores in America to access Asian films. On the other hand, when I go to Asian nations, I could easily access Asian films and foreign films. Even in China this is true.

I have no idea where you get this idea China is regressing when it comes to accepting positive foreign ideas and products. Almost every Chinese American I know is amazed when they visit China. They assume it's an oppressive sh**hole, but when they visit, they are like "Wow, the US media is wrong. China has problems, but it's improving so quickly." I agree. I don't know any nation that has improved as quickly as China.

Again, screw "Avatar." I didn't even watch the movie like the majority of people in Latin America, America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. What China is doing to Hollywood is what Hollywood has done to me for my whole life and still counting. China doesn't have to fight fair if Hollywood, the rest of the US corporate media and the US government is fighting dirty.

You don't think China is improving, then fine. We'll agree to disagree. I think China has problems, but at the very least, China is fixing its problems at a rate that is unique in history. China's future isn't certain, but everyone's future is unpredictable.

Honestly, what a piece of bs.

I don't see the West or in the US censor Chinese games like Evony do you? As a matter of fact, Chinese MMOs are slowly creeping into the US.

World of Warcraft? Somehow deemed a threat to China and getting banned?

How the hell a tech blog like TechCrunch getting banned?

Or Sinodefence getting banned just having Tankman in one of the articles?

Lets ask yourself how much the Chinese government controlled media has done to expose the corruption in business and government before they get out of hand.

You honestly never been to China, talked to mainland Chinese to see what's right and wrong. There.

There are a lot of shitty things happening the US but that does not excuse the even shittier things happening in China right now.

You criticize Hollywood and go watch mainland Chinese movies for a change. You realize why Taiwan, Japanese, Korean soap drama are more popular in China than their mainland equivalents? You realize why overseas Chinese in Asia watch more of the Korean soap opera than those in mainland China? Ever figure out why China's youth don't really watch TV anymore but spending their entertainment hours in the Internet?

Bruce Lee's best work are not done in China, they're done in Hong Kong when it was under British law and rule. As a matter of fact, it seems the best films made in Hong Kong were made before the PRC turnover.

The only reason why Asian films are more "accessible" in Asian nations is because of the natural interest of the viewing audience. European shows aren't that accessible in the US either, and its not because of censorship, its market taste.

The question remains. Do you think China would have allowed Chinese equivalents of Apocalypse Now, Platoon or Full Metal Jacket, or are they going to allow only their own Rambo equivalents?