That is the H-6M, which is a PLAN version with four underwing pylons for cruise missiles. Its already in service as I understand it and is a complete new build.This is slightly off topic but does anyone have some info on the H-6H bombers? Or, if thats not their designation, im talking bout the version with four underwing pylons for cruise missiles. I was under impression that those were older H-6 bombers that have been refurbished but folks at are saying they are in fact newly produced planes, that the whole production line has been restarted. Is that true? If so how many have been delivered and how many more are planned for delivery?

The latest is the H-6K, which came out this year. It has six pylons for crusie missles, a new wholly glass cockpit, and uses two new Russian engines. Quite a redesign and new build actually meant to extend the life of these aircraft as cruise missile carriers for another 10 or more years.

Read about it at I do not believe it is in service, or maybe not even accepted by the PLA yet.
SinoDefence said:The H-6K is the H-6 bomber family’s latest member that first flew on 5 January 2007. This variant features some radical modifications, including six under-wing pylons to carry an unknown model air-launched land-attack cruise missile; two Russian-made D-30KP turbofan engines; a solid nose replacing the original framed glass-in nose; and a completely refurnished ‘glass’ cockpit featuring six large multifunctional displays (MFD). XAC hopes that these modifications would significantly improve the performance of the 40-year-old design, thus extending its service life well into the next decade.