Hey Golly, I seriously doubt the range numbers supplied in this article. Especially without knowing the % of composite used on J-10, it really can't get a lot of the weight numbers incorrectly. Having said that, J-10 should have better payload and range than most of the fighters in plaaf. If Q-5 is still used for ground attack, J-10 definitely can be too.The flight hour estimation may well be different with J-8III and J-11...
Anyway I cannot comment on the dimension exagerations as I lack the proper tools to calculate it. However the first dimensions that had been lying around form J-10 stated that the aircraft was about 14.5 meters which is clearly incorrect. The 16.5 meters seems to be more close to reality.
About the other "errors" of the article, lot is explained by the timeframe, not all information where around when that article was beeing constructed. Also unlike us forumlingers, the publisher of that article cannot seddle for data that is at it's best "around-". The famous "disgussed in chinese language forums by some really knowlidgable guys" explanation is likely to be unheard and without a doupt unacceptable for authors of respectfull military journals.
But thats why there's internet forums so that we can "put these guys in line"![]()
But regardless of the numerical errors, do you guys think that the article got it right when it stated that the J-10 is intended to serve as a groundattack plane as first priority? At least I remeber hearing just the opposite claims that the plane was a air superiority fighter for main task. Could the claim be resulted for some mistake in calculations that led to over-estimated playload and range data which then led to wrongly diagnosed primary role??
But as far as I know, all of the pictures showing J-10 so far have been with AAMs. J-10B has been rumoured as the ground attack version, but I don't recall seeing any pods or PGMs on it.