Why would it be meaningless to ask to the question “are Scottish British”? If they want a “divorce” then this exact question becomes the raison d’etre of an independence vote. Just like asking Tibetans if they are Chinese.
This is what I understand the definition of British and Britain, Scottish and Scotland.
Britain is the whole island where Scotland, England and Welse are located. British is populace on that island.
Scotland is the northern part of Britain, Scottish is an ethnical group living primarily in Scotland who was Celtic origin. On the south side is England, English is another ethnical group (although mixed with locals) originated from mainland Europe, called Anglo-Saxon Germanics.
See that?, Britain and British is geographical terms, no culture, language or ethnical meanings. The others are the opposite. I think it was the Romans who created the name "Britannia" to refer their newly conquered land, similar to China being the name of Qin dynasty used (created) by the Persians without knowing anything culture, language or ethnical.
So, if Scotland eventually become independent, the Scottish are STILL British, but not English nor Welsh. If one want to redefine the meaning of Britain to only mean English+Welsh, then that is redefinition, asking that question TODAY and before that new definition was widely accepted is STILL meaningless.
I don't want to ask because I don't like the answer? Learn before you speak.Again, you don’t want to ask because you probably wouldn’t like the answer is my suspicion.
I won't ask because it is a pervert question. You need to first understand the difference of geographical term and ethnical term.
Also a new question to add to your studying list, "Are Mexicans Americans"? or "Is Hispanic people Americans?"