Jesus Christ, is it so hard to understand the difference between
income and
wage? Wage by necessity can only be divided by the number of residents who actually earn a wage, in other words the workforce, whereas income can be averaged by the entire population.I was always referring to income and never said anything about wage.
BTW the source is here
I can see you're really getting tangential here. Not sure how relevant to bring in the income vs. wage discussion. Please focus on the larger issue here: how much does it cost to enlist PLA personnel today (both average soldiers and officers) and what are its implications to defense spending.
My challenge to you was that you quoted some dubiously low number (26k) to justify your arguments that the PLA personnel cost in general are quite low. I also pointed out, with sources, that today's PLA recruits are not at the lowest rung of the society ladder and therefore you don't expect to enlist them cheaply. Understand the issue here, then you don't need get into these very technical definitions of income, wages, stipend, bonus, subsidiaries etc. The bottom line is what the personnel cost to PLA (not equipment or training cost), because that's ultimately counted in defense spending.
It's better if you can find more direct sources to back up your arguments, instead of debating the social status of nannies in contemporary China, the mathematical definitions of income vs wage, or getting into long-winded rants on NCO and such. That would be a more productive contribution to the discussion.
I've made my points, and don't see any point to get suck into some side arguments. Therefore I will not respond to your comments on this topic any more.