Dusting off this old thread by posting this awesome photo:
A important vehicle
But China amphibious force development is slow really slow
I think the two color schemes of the PLAN marines are meant for different regions. The blue/green is for tropical regions such as SCS and ECS. The brown/white is for north, possibly around Korean peninsular where the landing sites are cloudy, darker and grayish especially in the winter with snows and dried grasses.
This is not to say the northern marines are meant to invade Korea, but it is a place surrounded by waters and hostile where amphibious fighting is required.
And here is the follow-up photo...
(2500 x 1822)
A important vehicle
But China amphibious force development is slow really slow
Thanks for the info. And to correct myself, I should have used Amphibious Forces instead PLA Marine.The PLA Marines consists of the 1st and 164th brigade, both of which are based in Zhanjiang, bordering the SCS. They both use the blue camo scheme seen above, not the forest green one.
The amphibious vehicles seen in green camo are not Marine units but Army amphibious warfare units. The northernmost such unit is the 1st GA's 1st Amphibious Mechanised Infantry Division based near Shanghai; quite some distance away from the Korean Peninsula. They can be transferred to the North if need be but their primary target is Taiwan.