china vs al qaida


Banned Idiot
IMO The Uyghurs who want indefence, given the choice, would rather maintain the status quo with China , than have the Taliban and AQ with their sharia law amongs't their community.

i believe any rational muslims or normal people will refuse the sharia law

enforcing religion doesnt make the person practice it. a religious practitioner needs to obtain guidance from their faith and self awareness


Senior Member
China's response:

So they're opting to take the diplomatic road, denying any supression of muslims, but with a friendly "don't screw with us" remark at the end.

That's just a standard diplomatic response to queries from the media. If you read Chinese websites to see the complete Mandarin version of the response, you'll see that they also basically said more verifications are needed on the so-called Al-Qaeda threat.
So everyone should refer back to SampanViking's post. The whole 'terrorism' thing is rarely as black & white as many in the western media like to portray.
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You guys seem to be neglecting the fact that while it is extremely unlikely for Al-Qaeda to carry out terrorist attacks in the heart of China, it is quite possible to attack Chinese interests in Africa and elsewhere abroad, and to train Uighur extremists and likely increase the frequency of terrorist attacks in Xinjiang. Don't forget that Xinjiang has suffered a number of terrorist attacks even before the July 5 riots. It is, by no means, a safe place from terrorism, not even in Han-majority cities like Urumqi.

From what I've read of Chinese media sources, they're taking this threat very seriously. After all, why wouldn't they? It's both a prudent attitude, and helps further their political aims in Xinjiang.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Messing with China would be a) dumb b) quite worthless and is c) highly unlikely to create any kind of Sharia state.

So, basically, much ado about nothing.