Does that newspaper have any special meaning to you? My wife used to work at The Commercial News, and they do keep history newspaper. Even 10 years later, we can still find a specific newspaper as long as you know the exact date and have a proper reason to do so. The Commercial News does not have an electronic version because it is almost closed down as of today. Its electronic version is 柬中时报 which you can read it on website or its Facebook channel. Another major Chinese news in Cambodia is 柬华日报 .Thank you for sending pictures!
First of all, I noticed that the name of the place located to the right of your grandfather's tombstone is “Guangdong Huiyang Yuechang ......”(广东惠阳约场... ... ). However, I am not sure that the last character is “村”, ”村“ does not have traditional Chinese edition and looks like a different character to me. More information may be needed on the last character.
Also, I noticed the newspaper on the ground. For the bent newspaper at the top, I checked the headline “ASEAN Car Rally departs from Nanning(东盟汽车拉力赛南宁启程)”, which is dated September 11, 2019, and tried to see what region it was from as best I could.
As well, the newspaper below is “The Commercial News”, a Chinese language newspaper in Cambodia, but unfortunately they don't seem to have an online electronic version... ...
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The second picture, located to the right of your parents' tombstone, is inscribed with the words “Huiyang County(Xian), Guangdong Province(广东省惠阳县)”, which I am certain of, but the problem lies in the latter part of the sentence, which reads “约淐村揽水埳乡”(Yuechang cun lanshuikan xiang) is a guess.
Here are my thoughts:
“淐” pronunciation and “场” is the same, may be when the moment monument person's negligence, or because of other reasons and the use of homophonic characters. I think it still refers to the Yuechang village.
I'm not so sure about “揽”. I've searched all the modern dictionaries I can find so far, and I can't find a word that looks exactly like “揽”. I did find the traditional form: “欖”, which, if you combine them, spells exactly the same thing. Between the fact that it might have been easy to carve a monument or some other reason to use this “combination” of characters? Need more info.
As for “埳”, it's the most similar character I could find, and it's partly different from the inscription, but again, it could be due to folklore/the engraver or something else. More proof is needed.
Also, I noticed that in the second image, second column from right to left, “本生波罗勉县近知铭县”, where “波罗勉县近知名县”” I think is “Kamchay Mear District, Prey Veng province ” in Cambodia. Do you have any relatives from that area who can help you?
That's all I can find at the moment, if you have more information, you could provide it to me. If you don't feel comfortable, we can chat privately.
My total trip time is one week but I plan to shorten it due high price air ticket during the Khmer new year (April 13 to April 15). I will try to balance my time in both Guangzhou and Beijing.@SteelBird I suggest to spend some time in Guangzhou. The food there is for sure much better than in Beijing.
Include Chengdu in your plan if you can. Fabulous food, wonderful culture, countless historical and scenic attractions, pandas... And with some luck, you can witness J-20 or even J-36 flying overhead in person.
My time is too limited so I will only traval between Guangzhou and Beijing. I may drop by Shanghai if time allows.If you get a chance, do make a trip to Shanxi, we have the best 面食 in all of China, in fact, the best in the world!
We also have the best vinegar in the world.
I also recommend Shanxi's halal beef and mutton.
We also have a lot of ancient buildings on the ground, known as “Shanxi‘s on the ground, Shaanxi's under the ground”(地上山西,地下陕西). In fact, many of the sculptures and architectures of the Black Myth: Wukong are from Shanxi. There are also tips on the Internet about this. Tell you how to go to visit all over.
Welcome to play!
I was trying in the beginning to check where that newspaper was distributed and sold, and it might be helpful in finding that one location. Of course, if the photo was taken by you or a family member, my action would be redundant.Does that newspaper have any special meaning to you? My wife used to work at The Commercial News, and they do keep history newspaper. Even 10 years later, we can still find a specific newspaper as long as you know the exact date and have a proper reason to do so. The Commercial News does not have an electronic version because it is almost closed down as of today. Its electronic version is 柬中时报 which you can read it on website or its Facebook channel. Another major Chinese news in Cambodia is 柬华日报 .
If it's “淡水埳乡”, I didn't find the exact name of the place directly, but there is indeed a place called “淡水街道Danshui Street” in Huiyang, which used to be called “淡水镇Danshui Town”.Your suggestion regarding my grandfather's hometown makes me think that 揽(lan)水埳乡 is actually 淡(dan)水埳乡, is it possible? Further, this 波罗勉省近知名县 is my mom's birthplace. It's not related to my grandfather's hometown. After the Pol Pot regime, everyone has move out from Prey Veng province(波罗勉省). We no longer have any relative there.
I see. It seems that “本生” refers to mother's hometown and “祖籍” refers to father's.Further, this 波罗勉省近知名县 is my mom's birthplace. It's not related to my grandfather's hometown. After the Pol Pot regime, everyone has move out from Prey Veng province(波罗勉省). We no longer have any relative there.