Through 20 years of use, the US space shuttle has proven to be high maintainance and prone to failure after significant use.
Thiis is possibly one of the most ludricous statements I have ever read in this forum. It is the most ludricous I have ever read about the US Space Shuttle program.
Space travel is a high risk venture. Period. Space craft of anytype require high maintainence. Period. The US Space shuttle program has had two disasters. When you consider that NASA has a 37% failure rate built into the shuttle program you can see how highly succesful it really is. How many shuttle launches do you suspose NASA has made? One hundred and eighteen.
The astronauts on the Space Shuttle have performed many sicentific & Military missions. Plus the countless missions to the International Space station.
The Russian abandoned their shuttle program because they did not have the money to maintain the program.
The rest of the entire world has not performed as many manned space missions as the US NASA Space Shuttle program.
Russia is second with 97 total missions.
The one and only space flight of the Russian space shuttle "Buran" was unmanned.