1. That story is bull, only the American chattering class can produce something like that.
2. When the enemy is running away, you chase! Isn't that basic Sun Tzu Bing fa! You know what, I don't even remember.
3. The only new front that was problematic was the incident with the Indians. But, no one should be too concerned about that.
4. The most important next chapter in the story is November this year, and the signing of the RCEP, which was delayed a whole year because of the Indians.
5. That story is bull, because the bottom-line is China decided to press it advantage and not in the ways that mimic what the American chattering classes approve of. What do we have to say to that? We will say something that, but could cause a riot!
One way or another it is still too early to say which system failed.... lets wait to see what happens in the US by the end of this year... I think there is couple suprises waiting for everyone that no one is gonna predict right now...
But for sure, China's easy days are over and in the rear view mirror...
The US government has awakened to that reality and now the long standing foreign policy with China has taken a dramatic u-turn, reverse course 180, etc and is especially blunt under the Trump administration but would still stay the course regardless who is the figurehead POTUS... its a repudiation of the US reapproachment with China 45 years ago... Pompeo himself recently said that US got nothing out of the nearly 50 year relationship and "nothing to show for it"... for sure, China's easy mode is over, and now has to seriously contend and defend itself against an anger and vicious Amerikkka that want nothing more than to rip China apart for daring to challenge the white world order...
US got wrong some of its core assumptions about China, that as China opened up its government would become more democratic (as in easier for CIA influence/ coups/etc) and its people would demand the so called freedum of speech and other so called liberties (so US can push its proganda into China and turn the Chinese citizens against their own "repressive" goverments if the said governments don't do what Washington asks etc) and all the way up until around 2013 America still believed that a stronger China was a net benefit to US hegemony rather than competition against it, because it was (in retrospect) overly confident in that end China would be ever content under the wings and umbrella of Uncle Sam and would acqueise much like the Japanese during the 80's and the Plaza Accord.
If you understand what the US gov had planned for decades and that it didn't pan out, then you can understand why the US is so pissed off at China right now... US helped faciliate China's growth not out of the kindness of their heart, and certaintly not because they cared one iota about the wellbeing of the Chinese people, but because the endgame had always been to grow China large enough that one day when the it got ripe enough the US was planning on harvesting China, and recapturing that wealth by taking China to the slaughters and in essence China was supposed to be one big piggybank that the US was storing up for its own retirement phase! Instead China wised up and said no, and went for Africa, to give the African countries a better overall deal, and now in one fell swoop the US is in danger of losing its cheap labor pool and its resource pool (the objective was to have China always be America's cheap factory by making sure China never climbed out of the middle income trap and to keep Africa poor so it can get the lowest rates on resource extraction since a developing Africa would have more bargaining power and cause the price of commodities and resources to go up etc)
The American system, as it currently is, was always unsustainable and could only ever keep on keeping on if China went with it as well... America is not going to leave China alone no matter how peaceful China is because China takes up enough of the world pie that if it didn't willingly integrate under the US system and if it could go off and do its own thing or set up parallel system etc, then the US collapses and the house of cards comes crashing down...