China military schools, education and training


New Member
Finn McCool said:
I think it is the PLA National Defence Academy. Like I said earlier, the Navy and Air Force are both branches of the Army in China, so I would assume there is one military academy that trains PLAN, PLAAF and PLA officers.

According to President, the NDA is:

National Defence Academy located at Beijing, it is directly under the leadership of PLA Central Commitee. It mainly provide trainings or post-graduate level education to PLA brigade commanders and candidates of PLA General. it also recruit student from middle level officers of PLA.

That does not sound like an undergraduate institution. And yes, I was asking if there were "one or more schools", since the navy and airforce are probably all under "PLA".


Junior Member
what is a 'commisioned officer'?:confused: someone please translate 'commisioned officer' for me plz. some people compare ShiJiaZhuang army command college(石家庄陆军指挥学院)to 'chinese west point', but this school recruit mainly senior rank officer, not people age 17-22.:)

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
President said:
what is a 'commisioned officer'?:confused: someone please translate 'commisioned officer' for me plz. some people compare ShiJiaZhuang army command college(石家庄陆军指挥学院)to 'chinese west point', but this school recruit mainly senior rank officer, not people age 17-22.:)

I don't know about the PLA but generally speaking in most militaries world wide.. "Commissioned officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position. Commissioned officers are typically the only persons in a military able to exercise command (according to the most technical definition of the word) over a military unit".

"Commissioned officers generally receive training as leadership and management generalists, in addition to training relating to their specific military occupational specialty or function in the military. Most developed nations have set the goal of having their officer corps university-educated, although exceptions exist in some nations to accommodate officers who have risen from the non-commissioned ranks. Most advanced militaries, however, require university degrees as a prerequisite for commissioning, even from the enlisted ranks".


New Member
President said:
what is a 'commisioned officer'?:confused: someone please translate 'commisioned officer' for me plz. some people compare ShiJiaZhuang army command college(石家庄陆军指挥学院)to 'chinese west point', but this school recruit mainly senior rank officer, not people age 17-22.:)

The term "commissioned officer" is mainly a formal term for "officer". The PLA, like all militaries, has commissioned officers and enlisted men. Lieutenants and colonels are examples of commissioned officers. Corporal and sergeants are examples of enlisted men.

A commissioned officer has a university education from a civilian university or a military academy for young people (age 17 to 22). He becomes an officer as soon as he graduates, so he is usually over age 20.

An enlisted man usually has no education. He simply joins the military by walking to the recruiting office. He might join as young as age 16. If he works hard enough, he can be promoted to "non-commissioned officer", like a corporal or sergeant. :)
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New Member
yoda9999 said:
Thanks President!
What is China's equivalent to the US military academies like Annapolis and West Point? What I mean is, is there one or more schools that is specifically for young people, like ages 17-22, to train to become commissioned officers in the PLA?

Also, are there any officer training programs for civilian university graduates, or for PLA enlisted people?

I think China's equivalent to Annapolis is PLAN Commanding College in Dalian, Shandong provice. Most of officers and captains of PLAN graduate from there. The PLAN first training ship 81 was assigned to this college. But PLAN also has a college for officers specailly for submarine in Qingdou, also in Shandong provice.


Junior Member
thanks for detailed explanation. i think i got some clues for ‘commisioned officer’. for army, young people go to schools like Guilin army college,(桂林陆军学院) for infantry unit comanding studies, graduates will be reward a first lieutenant rank and a under-graduate degree or diploma. And then dispatch to a company as vice-commander(副连长correct??). after several years, they will be promoted as commander who hold full charge of a company. but their power are shared by political instructor of that PLA Company(指导员). again several years later, they go to higher level schools for combined combat tactical studies if they want further their career. for navy, they go to Dalin Navy warship college (大连海军舰艇学院 not sure english name:confused: ). for airbone, they go to Airforce Engineering academy for airbone unit studies. for artillery, they go to shcools like artillery unit command for artillery unit comanding studies. i forget where should the cadidate marine corp officer go:D


New Member
President said:
thanks for detailed explanation. i think i got some clues for ‘commisioned officer’. for army, young people go to schools like Guilin army college,(桂林陆军学院) for infantry unit comanding studies, graduates will be reward a first lieutenant rank and a under-graduate degree or diploma.

Thanks for the info! What kind of qualifications does a young person need to enter Guilin army school? Do they need to take an examination to qualify? Is it difficult to enter this school? Do the parents have to be Communist Party members?


New Member
yoda9999 said:
Thanks for the info! What kind of qualifications does a young person need to enter Guilin army school? Do they need to take an examination to qualify? Is it difficult to enter this school? Do the parents have to be Communist Party members?

I don't know the detailed. but if the cadidates are the existing soldiers, he or she should finish at least high school. the performance in service should be excellent. A "political check" is necessary to the family, parents, grant parents, such as criminal records, ect, but definitely no need to be Communist Party members.


New Member
Which is the most prestigious military academy in China? If you were a parent with lots of money and influence, or if you were a high ranking PLA officer, which military school would you send your son to? :)

ordinary dude

New Member
I think young men in China can list military college/university on their university entrance exam list. Its the same process as applying to any other university in China. From what I hear, military college is more competetive that Beijing or Tsinghua university due to the fact that it grants free tuition to students. This is one of the reason PLA never has a shortage of soldiers or officers