China Flanker Thread II

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
This was taken a while ago but has just been released (I believe).

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How could ???anybody???? not love the "Flanker", she's as cute as an 8 week old puppy, all tail wagging, and just wants to play?? WOW!

and the T-50??? my, my, my, what pretty sisters!


Junior Member
Unlikely any civilian could just book a flight there, you will probably need to prove you have a good reason to go there.

So either local fishermen returning from a visit from the mainland, or civilian technical specialists/consultants working on projects on the island and maybe family of those civilian techies and soldiers based there coming for a visit.

Any civilian allowed on the islands would almost certainly have been given a security brief and been asked to sign some form of NDA on what they saw on the island.

Until they build a huge hotel and actively encourage tourism on one or more of those islands, it will be difficult if not near impossible for regular civilians to just book a flight there and have a nosy because those are essentially largely military outposts and there will be a lot of sensitive work still being carried out there that the PLA would not appreciate being splashed all over the net thanks to some snap-happy tourists.

That's pretty much spot on, for civilians you either have to be family members of the soldiers/navy engineers/armed police, local fishermen, or Sansha city government staff. I don't think civilian contractors are allowed to bring anyone onto the island. If you are in any one of the categories I said above, and you want to go onto the island, you will need to give your contact on the island (family member, etc,) a month notice so they can process the arrangements. For now you can only travel by civilian replenishment ships, but I believe a flight will open later this year.
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