China depends less on Russian Technology


VIP Professional
China has caught up with a lot of things but powerplants is still the biggest issue. J-10s, WZ-10s, 054As and Yuans all rely on foreign powerplants. And powerplants are a big reason why China doesn't possess things like large transport jets/helicopters, aircraft carrier, 5th generation jets, etc. China needs some engineering advances that provide economy of scope so the entire arms industry can break through this bottleneck.

The engines for the Song/Yuan, the ships (including the 022 btw), and even the tanks are all manufactured in China under license. So that part is already taken care off. However, China should work towards an insurance card where it can develop the next generation of diesel engines on its own.

Gas turbines are already on the way, given news of stationary and naval adaptations of the WS-10 core, but ironically, a power plant for a carrier with nuclear and steam turbine propulsion is the one thing China could probably best make for itself.


Senior Member
China still heavely depend on Russia for technology, by this time China may also realized the technology they getting from russia is one or two decade old.second, refusal by russia to offer co production of certain technology or out right refusal to offer higher level cutting edge technology.
this may explain why the russia arm sale collapse, unless Russia may come up with F-22 type aircraft.

This was true in 2005 but as of now, China is in the midst of a technology revolution.

Last year the indigenous fighter turbofan entered service and now a huge variety of project (small fighter turbofan, cruise missile turbofan, transport turbofan, passenger aircraft turbofan, gas turbines, helicopter motors) are all nearing completion within the next 2 years.

In many areas, China has surpassed Russia. Within about 2-3 years, it will surpass Russia in nearly all fields.

There is no doubt that J-XX will enter service sooner than PAK-FA. Heck, even the design of PAK-FA isn't finished. J-XX finished design in 2006.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
In many areas, China has surpassed Russia. Within about 2-3 years, it will surpass Russia in nearly all fields.

No flaming lad....

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Junior Member
Actually I doubt that J-XX will enter service sooner than PAK-FA, You are right that Chinese are experiencing a tech boom atm. but I would say China still havn't catched up to russia yet, and it will take more than 2-3years for china to do so, Russian stil have more experience in weapons system incorperation, material science(although china's heavy investment in basic science the last 15years are starting to yield results), and a clear edge in engine technology, fighterborn AESA is also something that china still lack behind russia currently, as well as super-sonic cruise missle tech. and space tech., these are basicly everything where Russia still have a advantage over china, some of which are not just surpassing china but also still have a edge over the West as well, and for china to fully surpass russia in military tech, I'd say will take at least another 10years.

China are putting more and more resources in education and R&D recent 2decades, today chinese universities pour out more graduated students than any other country in the world, surpassing even USA since several years ago, so I would expect nothing less than a technological boom that will continuie indefinitely.
But this doesn't mean the military technological cooperation between china and russia will end anytime soon, I would expect a new form of cooperation between the two nation such as co-development of systems, as arms purchase and co-development doesn't only mean money and equipment, but also a military/geopolitical co-operation and alliance, although for this to happen you need wait until china to show the ability to develop systems that are equally or more advanced than any russian weapons system development.
Take the Pak-FA, project for example, reason why china firmly declined to join this program is that China alrdy have a J-XX program up and running well, but anoher important reason is because of Russian's plan for this program, basicly, neither china nor India is to be treated as equal partner, this program is thought to be planned as US JSF/F35 program, all the "partner" that join the development of this fighter are basicly just there to give money and some limited expertise, in turn Russia gets all the copyrights and tech while other get the right to buy this fighter and proberbly at a lower cost ofc, this however is obiously not acceptable for china, which are capable of developing it's own program now.
For the co-operation between the 2 countries to continuie, Russia needs to start treat China as a equal partner, and this soon, or the risk is that military equipment co-operation might really break off into a stop someday.
The co-operation neeeds to become equally beneficial to both side, not only oneside spend cash and the other side make product, it needs to become 2 directional.
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Lieutenant General
Sorry thats not true. Give me one military area where china is ahead of russia.

Consumer Electronic(Haier, Changhong), Telecommunication gear(Huawei,ZTZ), Avionic( High speed Gallium arsenide T/R for AESA), Car(Chery,Lifan, FAW), Shipbuilding, Construction machinery(Sany), CNC machinery, Green Technology(Sinovel). Supercomputer(Dawning), Microprocessor(Longson).High speed Train. the list is endless
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I think in 2011, in general Chinese military tech is already more advanced than the Russian
I have to respectfully disagree with your statement. China does possess a more robust manufacturing industry, a more organized state run military industry and maybe even the ability to bring something out quicker but speaking strictly from a technology advancement standpoint Russia is still ahead generally speaking.
However in practical terms does it matter? probably no because some of the Russian tech may never see the light of day due to lack of resources, industry adoption, politics, red tape you name it.


Banned Idiot
I have to respectfully disagree with your statement. China does possess a more robust manufacturing industry, a more organized state run military industry and maybe even the ability to bring something out quicker but speaking strictly from a technology advancement standpoint Russia is still ahead generally speaking.
However in practical terms does it matter? probably no because some of the Russian tech may never see the light of day due to lack of resources, industry adoption, politics, red tape you name it.

Definitely agree with you. Russia is like a puddle of dead water and China is like a flowing stream, it is much more vibrant and alive. China right now is using its technologies and developing newer ones, whereas Russia is still dependant upon those technologies mainly developed in the late 80s.

If my memory serves me correctly, the high speed rail project in China still imported few welding robots from Russia. It was one of those that could weld and polish at once.

But we have to understand that China is alive and it has astronomical amount of demands in all fields. Things are usually only developed when there is demand for it. On the other hand, Russia is pretty dead at the moment, its technologies are no longer advancing. The Chinese have already caught up and even surpassed in many many areas. But at the moment, there are still many fields, especially those in the heavy industry sector, that China still lags behind on. One obvious one is metallurgy. There is no solid evidence to prove that China could produce those flight-deck steel needed for large carriers.