i think this is even less likely than the much talked about Su-35 and Lada deals.
I tend to agree...but with Aviation News running with it, and with the story being about buying the entire production line and the technology transfer...it is a completely different flavor than just buying a few of the aircraft. And this would be the TU-22M3, which began service in 1983 and was upgraded regularly thereafter, so the production line would include all of the latest enhancements for the aircraft the russians continue to fly today.
I believe the TU-22M, as probably upgraded by the PLAN, would be a heck of a standoff maritime aircraft for the PLAN. Very fast and able to employ varying sorts of advanced cruise missiles very quickly.
IMHO, much more capable of delivery and survival than the older, slower Badger rebuilds. The Backfire, even in the 80s, had some pretty good EM capabilities and upgrading those for this platform would make them all the more a threat.
It is capable of Mach 2, has a 1,500 mile radius range without refueling, has a rotary launcher in its bomb bay for six missiles and can carry up to four more on hard points on its wings, service altitude of 45,000 ft, and can (of course) also carry various bombs (both free fall dumb bombs as well as precision gudied smart munitions as well). Nothing to sneeze at particularly if China had all the equipment, technology and expertise to build their own.
Russia still has about 90 of these in its air force (as of 2010) and sixty of them in its naval services (also as of 2010).
As one poster said, it would be like a PLAN B1-B.
Anyhow, it is likely to prove false, but was worth posting because of the source and the nature of the story IMHO.
Time will tell.