Red_Sword, population growth being good for the economy and public finances is a principle applicable to all nations, China is no different. The particulars of how to implement population policy is different from nation to nation, maybe that's what you are trying to say. Public policy always depends on the national circumstances. Knowing China's political, economic, and demographic situation, I feel confident recommending China reverse course and start promoting more children ASAP. If the One Child Policy is not to be "dumped" as you say, how should it be amended?
@ Geographer, up to #103, I have saw you have made a very good debate, one with certain rational which can not be simply overlooked. The last paragraph of yours at least showed we are able to consider each other's opinon - despite IT IS CHINA, that make the decision, and face the outcome.
However, the same situation can also be argued different way. When you presume that "shrinking the population size" is simply ELIMINATE certain "group of people", or (more as you describe), certain status / life dependecy style / social classes... I think it is too "off" an assumption.
Shrinking the overall population size of China, as we Chinese always keep a lore on such "methods" - it is a process / a way / a method of solving problem. It is NOT the ultimate goal.
The ultimate goal is to raise the overall Chinese living standard, while everything is still sustainable, while "self-sustainable", more precisely.
The shrinking of overall population, as PART OF EFFORTS, in the example you memtioned, "who's gonna do the street cleanning dirty work?" - there SHALL BE always "not that high status" percentage of people, living, and doing these works. The thing I differ yours, is that many efforts to made, that even these group of people, can have certain social welfare that is DIRECTLY benifiting them (like medical care coverage)...
It is impossible for a "World Factory" and cheap labor country, to achieve such goal I just memtioned - Cheap labor means NO welfare concerns them. And
make China a non-cheap-labor country, is the whole idea. The FAMILY PLANNING POLICY, is simply one part of the bigger picture.
So you ask, "why shrink the population size can achieve that?" - I am no expert to give graphics and charts on "How poor families REMAIN POOR, generation after generation." to you, but I simply say, cheap labor ain't the way out. Those ALREADY POOR familiese, having more birth than recommended (one Boy, or maximun two child) is simply statistically showing - THEY ARE GETTING POORER, if not remain poor, generation after generation. Cause the extra human power they produce, do not getting their family anywhere, nor getting China anywhere close to "resonable" welfare coverage.
On the contrary, we don't expect "no one do the street cleaning work", or "outsource these works to illegal emigrants like other 'developded freedom country' dose". It is by RAISING THE OVERALL China's national standard, can China makes the "dirty work labors" having diligence yet welfare coverd life.
FYI, historically, Song 宋 dynasty, the gate guards, which are the lowest level of "a job", IS HAVING better medical care coverage, and food, clothsure standard - than many lords at europe, who lives in dark age. - This comparison is no where near the current situation of the world, but this historical FACT, have a point on its own.
Population size dose not (THAT) matters, the living standard dose.