China and the End Times


Lieutenant General
By the way, AMace, we have to give credit to the ancient peoples that they may know more about the world during their day that what we think they do.

Of course there have been explorers, sailors, and merchants that know more. But the bible was written by God. Shouldn't God know about China's history more than being relegated to a single cryptic word? The reason why Christians are trying to spin China into the bible today is because they can't explain the omission of China in the bible. Which tells you how the process works because it isn't God trying to spin China into the bible. It's mortal human beings. China's reemergence only exposes the flaws of the bible. Even if China is mentioned in the bible, no Christian looks at the Chinese as something positive. They're not going to admit that the bible is fiction written by mortals. So the only way to explain China to their followers is put the Chinese in league with the devil. And history has proved that has always been the case to this day. China is not obedient like a dog to the West. So how can they explain this other than putting China on the side of evil?

And look how this way of thinking goes beyond just religion. Their religion is the only true religion also translates into politics and economics. How do they explain China? This financial crisis brings up the exact same questions as the religious ones. The guardians and preachers of the Western system are the very ones that can't explain China's rise except to place China as a negative force in the world. And why are they so protective of their system when this financial crisis shows its disasterous flaws? Why can't they let people just do what works best for them? Because they're trying to get everyone in line with what they do in order to keep their power over others. Just like religion does.