Well u might be right, but who really knows the true extend of the information gained by the PRC.
But one thing is when the EP3 landed in China, i was out in the field doing some infantry training. And then we were ordered to listen a "top brass" talk about crap. Basically he gave us all these new radios and took the old ones back because he said that the codes in the EP3 were the same ones used by us (Aussies), since its in China now, we have to change the codes in the radio.
I know that all the IFF(Idenity Friend or Foe) codes were changed buy the US military worldwide after the incident...Plus probally every electronic signal the US has. As an added note..I know from working with folks in intelligence that they have very specific destruct proceedures when aspects of inteligence data, proccedures or equipment is compromised.