Chengdu next gen combat aircraft (?J-36) thread


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Please stop posting amateur RCS analysis of an airframe that we don't even have a clear image of. In fact, don't post anything RCS related regarding any of China's stealth birds unless it's from an official source, such as academic papers. By the way, I don't understand why you're asking @Stealthflanker for opinions. He's demonstrably not an expert at anything I'm aware of, as evidenced by the exchanges seen here and here. Please keep content from pretend-experts away from the flagship threads.

I think the couple responses responding to it have value in themselves. But sure.

As for why him, it's because there was an interaction (I didn't mention the Zhihu post). It's not that deep.


I think the couple responses responding to it have value in themselves. But sure.

As for why him, it's because there was an interaction (I didn't mention the Zhihu post). It's not that deep.

Just make sure amateurish content, which is essentially misinformation, is kept off this thread. The standards here are much higher than other military forums, and we'd love to keep it that way.


I think the couple responses responding to it have value in themselves. But sure.

As for why him, it's because there was an interaction (I didn't mention the Zhihu post). It's not that deep.
It has been over 15 years since I started doing PLA watching and I have never seen a better answer in all those 15 years to “eyeball” RCS efforts than “you cannot eyeball RCS”. If it were that simple and easy they wouldn’t need to hire teams of PhDs doing years of R&D work. People should respect the engineers and scientists who actually do real work on these designs by not pretending their toy models on their hobby computers tell them anything meaningful about multibillion dollar machines. And anyone who wants to be smug and overconfident about this should be required to submit their full credentials before they are granted even a basic level of respect as someone who should be taken seriously.

If people want to get smarter about a topic they should hold smart conversation. Dumb conversation only leads to dumb topical literacy. Do people here want to be smart or dumb?


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It has been over 15 years since I started doing PLA watching and I have never seen a better answer in all those 15 years to “eyeball” RCS efforts than “you cannot eyeball RCS”. If it were that simple and easy they wouldn’t need to hire teams of PhDs doing years of R&D work. People should respect the engineers and scientists who actually do real work on these designs by not pretending their toy models on their hobby computers tell them anything meaningful about multibillion dollar machines. And anyone who wants to be smug and overconfident about this should be required to submit their full credentials before they are granted even a basic level of respect as someone who should be taken seriously.

If people want to get smarter about a topic they should hold smart conversation. Dumb conversation only leads to dumb topical literacy. Do people here want to be smart or dumb?

Not to mention that we don’t even have clear photos of the plane from the front yet. How could he accurately model the frontal RCS if we aren’t even 100% sure if it has tandem cockpit?

PS Found his Reddit account. Pretty biased individual… Why would you guys take someone who posts on r/ADVChina unironically seriously?
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Not to mention that we don’t even have clear photos of the plane from the front yet. How could he accurately model the frontal RCS if we aren’t even 100% sure if it has tandem cockpit?

PS Found his Reddit account. Pretty biased individual… Why would you guys take someone who posts on r/ADVChina unironically seriously?
Because some of the greener members are looking to fight over dignity points on the internet rather than have informed discussion. Which I mean, not saying this too judgmentally because we’ve all been there before, but if we want to keep conversation on here intelligent people should not be bringing knuckle dragging internet beefs from outside this forum in here since that’s pretty much opposite from the point of this forum. Leave that stuff in the place you found them please. It crowds out the higher value discussions we’re trying to maintain here.

EDIT: And if it's not clear this advice doesn't just apply to this thread.


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Not to mention that we don’t even have clear photos of the plane from the front yet. How could he accurately model the frontal RCS if we aren’t even 100% sure if it has tandem cockpit?

PS Found his Reddit account. Pretty biased individual… Why would you guys take someone who posts on r/ADVChina unironically seriously?
Ok we can bury this to the grave now, esp when r/advchina is spotted


Staff member
Super Moderator
Ok we can bury this to the grave now, esp when r/advchina is spotted

He had a whole host of other claims in Reddit posts that are red flags from a technical standpoint.

1) Professional academic simulations are lazy and not as accurate as what he does.

2) protrusions such as rivets and discontinuities such as seams don’t matter much because even X-band radar wave lengths are around 3cm. As long as they are smaller than 3 cm it is okay…

Not credible even from casual military enthusiast standpoint. At this point I’m not sure he even ran a proper simulation…
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Because some of the greener members are looking to fight over dignity points on the internet rather than have informed discussion. Which I mean, not saying this too judgmentally because we’ve all been there before, but if we want to keep conversation on here intelligent people should not be bringing knuckle dragging internet beefs from outside this forum in here since that’s pretty much opposite from the point of this forum. Leave that stuff in the place you found them please. It crowds out the higher value discussions we’re trying to maintain here.

Criticism of posting standards is fine, but you should not make assumptions on whatever internet points or imply bad faith in the discussion. It is not your place to do so.

PS Found his Reddit account. Pretty biased individual… Why would you guys take someone who posts on r/ADVChina unironically seriously?

Frankly, this is off-topic but in short, it has to do with my impression of certain Chinese STEM students (even some very smart ones) and some of their behaviour politically. As well as having a more balanced view. I routinely look at comments from those whose opinions differ greatly from what many here might think.

Though I had no idea about the background in this specific case.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Criticism of posting standards are fine, but you should not make assumptions based on whatever internet points or imply bad faith in the discussion. It is not your place to do so.

Frankly, this is off-topic but in short, it has to do with my impression of certain Chinese STEM students (even some very smart ones) and some of their behaviour politically. As well as having a more balanced view.

Though I had no idea about the background.

Well, just because they are smart STEM students don’t necessarily mean that they are technical experts in all fields. I have a bit of software development experience from really low stuff like assembly/C to stuff like Java and Python but you don’t see me claiming that I’m better than Huawei engineers because I’ve taken undergrad courses in Linear Systems and DSP. Don’t be frightened by people throwing around technical jargons. Good chance they don’t understand it fully themselves and bank on that to frighten non-technical people.

Usually a good rule of thumb is getting them to explain things in layman terms. The best algo tutorials on YouTube can explain complex concepts in layman terms whereas bullshitters try throwing shit till something sticks during technical interviews.


Criticism of posting standards is fine, but you should not make assumptions on whatever internet points or imply bad faith in the discussion. It is not your place to do so.

Lol I’m senior and seasoned enough here to know what motivates people to pursue certain kinds of conversation and I will call it as I see it. If you feel embarrassed about it then don’t do it again. Don’t try me :)