Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


suddenly the British upgraded Falkland radar makes some sense.
Of course a long road to recovery.

The Argentine military is a pale ghost of its former self. Chile which at one time trembled could occupy a great portion of Argentina, since the Republic no longer has an Air Force. The only threat it can currently pose to any neighbors would be Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia. Even Uruguay will be most likely purchasing Chiles old F-5E tiger II


Last month, the Russian Aircraft Manufacture Corporation (MiG) introduced the world to MiG-35 - a radar-imperceptible fighter capable of flying at any time of day and under any weather condition - and Made it available to 30 countries in the world, including some in Latin America.

Forbes Mexico spoke electronically with Ilia Tarasénko, CEO of MiG to learn more about the vision and plans of the corporation in Mexico and Latin America. The following is a condensed version, edited for clarity purposes.

Forbes Mexico: Did the Corporation have meetings with representatives of the Mexican government? How is the collaboration between the Corporation and the Mexican government going?

Ilia Tarasénko: The Latin American market is very important for MiG and the whole Corporation OAK (United Corporation for the Construction of Airplanes, by its acronym in Russian). As the head of civil aircraft company Sujói, under the SSJ100 program, I had the opportunity to have a major project in the civilian market in Mexico for several years under my command. Our team managed to transform a financial option into the fixed contract with the airline company Interjet. Therefore, this market is not foreign to us. There is a common platform for the development of relations between partners in the field of aircraft construction. We are currently focused on constructive and mutually beneficial collaboration.

Although our business relationship is optimal, at the MiG Corporation we would like to move towards even closer cooperation. We see two broad paths of collaboration. The new MiG-35 fighter aircraft, presented a few days ago, surpasses its Russian and foreign competitors in terms of price-quality. This aircraft has no analogues in the world and is capable of sufficiently strengthening the combat capability of Mexico's air forces. The MiG Corporation has all the powers to participate in the strengthening of the aircraft construction industry in this Latin American country in the framework of the production of aviation technique as a whole.

You have a business relationship with Peru and have said that it is one of the countries with the greatest interest in hunting, what other countries are ideal to offer the new MiG-35?

The new MiG-35, has a high export potential. At present, there are 29 countries around the world that operate the MiG-29 fighter jets. However, its term of exploitation will expire during the next 5 to 6 years. Under these conditions, it is economically viable for these operators to begin the transition to new models of fighter jets from the same manufacturer, since it does not require any additional retraining for pilots or new training of technical personnel, nor does it require a radical reconditioning of The infrastructure of airports. For these reasons, the new MiG-35 fighter jets have the highest export potential among Russian fighter jets.

In Latin America, in addition to Peru, we see interest from Colombia, Cuba and Argentina, among other countries. Pilots from Latin American nations delivered a high-tech evaluation of the new MiG after having the opportunity to evaluate the performance of the aircraft, its handling qualities and the combat capabilities of the aircraft.

Read also: Russia offers its new fighter plane to Latin American countries

The quality of Russian aviation technique is well known in Latin America, in particular, thanks to the successful exploitation of MiG fighter jets in Peru as well as other aviation techniques in the region. This creates a technological platform for the countries thanks to long-term technical-military cooperation, which guarantees a serious economic advantage for the MiG-35, since the operating budget of the aviation system can be reduced by up to 20% less , Compared to competitors.

The MiG-35 can be integrated into the aircraft strength of the air force, practically from any Latin American country. From the technological point of view, the airplane is universal. In many countries there is the United Air Traffic Control and Missile Defense System. Russian avionics and their aircraft are integrated into these systems. That is to say, all avionics, whether a friend-enemy identification system, radionavigation equipment and communication equipment, are adapted together for control from a single control station. The integration of the aircraft into the united information space and, consequently, the complete integration of the airplane into the system of the country's armed forces is guaranteed.

Is there a perception by MIG of a commercial opportunity in the face of US withdrawal? Do you believe that the Defense and National Security industry can increase its relevance and influence at the moment?

It is well known that in Mexico 85% of the aerospace companies are linked to US capitals; Between 5 and 7%, with respect to European capital and the rest are purely Mexican companies. And, from my point of view, for this situation to change, it depends a lot, not on a spontaneous political agenda, which has a very variable character, but on the economic potential of players in the technical-military sphere. MiG occupies world-leading positions and focuses on long-term collaboration. Therefore, we offer not only products, but a complete program that includes both the airplane, the automated training system, and even the most modern coaches, as well as the after-sales service system.

The MiG Corporation also offers its potential customers off-set programs that include the use of the local aviation base, the training of specialists and the creation of additional jobs, transfer of modern technologies, as well as the execution of works In combination of design and testing and establishment of licensed production. In addition to aviation technology supplies, the MiG Corporation can provide training and reform of pilots and employees on the ground both in its own facilities and the facilities of the client country. To this end, a number of solutions have been developed to prepare, train and familiarize high-quality specialists with the use of the most modern technologies in short time frames and with minimum operating costs.

In order to prepare an offer of the purchase advantages of our aviation technique, the MiG Corporation together with Rosoboronexport and the Russian financial institutes are willing to consider several financing mechanisms for purchases, including the term payment permit, also in the Framework of the mechanisms of State guarantees.

This allows us to be sure that our competitive advantages are much higher. The MiG-35 has tremendous export potential and high competitiveness.

How does the MiG-35 compare with other next-generation fighters on the market?

With respect to combat aircraft such as the JF-17, made in China, the US-made F-16, and the Rafale, made in France; All are lower than the MiG-35 from the point of view of the relationship of efficiency and price of the aviation system at all stages of its life cycle. Our aviation system is several times cheaper than the one of our competitors, in particular, if it is a plane with standard avionics.

I have to remember that the MiG-35 is a completely new aircraft that can carry out highly complex independent multirole missions. The aircraft inherited the aerodynamic composition of one of the most popular fourth-generation fighter jets and has passed the test of time: the MiG-29. Along with this, the MiG-35 carries on board a new equipment system, with high combat capacities essentially in its radius, as in its load. Previous MiG model systems destined for export already had some advantages of the new MiG-35, while our new aircraft brings together the best qualities of its predecessors.

The propellers of the MiG-35 are engines of the modernized RD-33 family, of the modification MK. The joint propulsion of the two engines grew compared to the previous modification by 12%. The MiG-35 medium-weight aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 24 tonnes (the Su-35 has 10 tonnes more), but can carry up to 6 tonnes of combat cargo, which is 3 times higher than The MiG-29 appeared in 1980 of the last century.

The MIG-35 is only comparable to the middle-class and heavy combat aircraft. The plane is multifunctional and imperceptible to radar, since it has stealth technology. The MiG-35 can take part in missions focused on all targets, not only individually, but also as part of the air control group during any time of day and under any weather conditions. The aircraft allows to use the entire range of existing weapons, as well as the most advanced, including that armament designated exclusively for heavy fighter jets. In addition, the operating costs of the MiG-35 have been considerably reduced, thanks to the strengthening of the resources and time frames of the planer and its accessories, strengthening the safety of the equipment and, consequently, reducing regular and scheduled maintenance during The operation and the services outside the planned deadlines.

It is important to note that the MiG-35 provided an answer

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The ARA "Malvinas Islands continues to patrol Antarctica; Snapshots of work on the white continent.





The Mountain Infantry made summit in Patagonia.

It should be noted that during the long days of the march, the mountaineers endured adverse weather conditions and yet they met the objective of continuing training in Andean heights.






The Management Company for Marine Projects (EMGEPRON), is a Brazilian state-owned company linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, through the Navy Command. In addition to project management, the company markets naval defense products and Brazilian services.




Defense Secretary Michael Fallon had already advanced in 2015 that Britain would spend $ 187 million over the next ten years to renew and strengthen the Falkland Islands' defenses.

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