Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Chile to upgrade Leopard 2 tanks

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, Chile is said to be looking for an upgrade of the Leopard 2A4 main battle tank (MBT) since 2013. Chile is operating the Leopard 2A4 since 2007, after purchasing an initial batch of 128 tanks for less than €1 million a piece - this low price is understood to be the result of political ties and separate contracts for refurbishment. Later the number of tanks has been increased to 140 and then to 172. The MBTs were modified to the Leopard 2A4CHL standard, which has a modified powerpack.

At low air pressure (a result of the high altitude in the Andean mountains) the turbocharger has to make more rotations per minute in an attempt to transport the same amount of air, which will still fail in most cases due to the air being extremely thin. Less air being delivered to the engine will reduce the efficiency of the fuel combustion and increase fuel consumption. As there is less air to transport the heat, several interal engine components and the fuel system will get hotter. The higher temperatures of the fuel system and the higher drive of the turbocharger will reduce the lifetime of said components. This is a common problem with all combustion engines being used at high altitudes.

On the Leopard 2A4CHL the German company MTU has installed a special "high altitude kit", which consists of a number of modified powerpack components to deal with the low air pressure and the higher temperatures. If the temperatures still rises above a certain threshold, the engine will slightly throttle in order to prevent overheating.

The aim of the upgrade is to reach a technological level comparable to the Leopard 2A5. The upgrade should include electric drives for gun and turret, which are less dangerous than the inflammable hydraulic drives and can offer increased performance. The armor protection should be improved by changing the base armor composition or by adding a modular armor package to the tank. It is also meant to receive upgraded optronics and an improved fire control system (FCS). Mönch writes about a program to digitize the vehicle, which most likely means adopting new digital radio units and a battlefield management system (BMS). Last but not least, the upgraded Leopard 2 tanks are mean to feature a remote weapon station (RWS).

The Chilean Army has negoatiated with the three companies KANT, Rheinmetall and RUAG. KANT (Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Nexter) is a joint-venture of the German company KMW and the partially state-owned French company Nexter Systems. The company is also known as KNDS (KMW + Nexter Defense Systems), the name KANT is understood to have been only a preliminary naming suggestion. KMW is the original manufacturer of most Leopard 2 tanks and was the main contractor for the Leopard 2 program in Germany. Nexter (formerly GIAT) has manufacturered the French Leclerc MBT.

Rheinmetall has won contracts in Indonesia and Poland for the upgrade to the Leopard 2RI and Leopard 2PL configurations respectively.
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includes new turret armor, new electric turret and gun drives, an auxiliary power unit (APU) and an improved fire control system, which features new optics and modifications to the gun, allowing the use of high-explosive air-burst ammunition such as the 120 mm DM11 round.
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includes a better applique armor kit, which also covers the hull, aswell as an air-conditioning system, but lacks further upgrades to the fire control system (except a module to fire air-burst ammunition). Like the Leopard 2PL, it is fitted with electric gun and turret drives however. Rheinmetall is expected to make use of it's
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; a version of the Leopard 2 Revolution mounting all required components for the Leopard 2A4CHL upgrade will probably be offered.

The company was
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beating KMW and RUAG among other rival bidders. This might mean that Rheinmetall has an advantage in terms of price or technology compared to the other contenders.

KDNS is in theory capable of using it's complete product range and thus include technology used on the French Leclerc tank; however the production lines for the Leclerc have been retooled and the tank is out of production. Nexter will modernize the
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for assymetric warfare, but it seems rather unlikely that KDNS will react to the Chilean tender in its whole entity. It seems more likely that only Krauss-Maffei Wegmann will propose an upgrade for the Leopard 2, offering system similar to the ones purchased by other nations. The main question is wether KMW will offer a Leopard 2A5 variant or an upgrade kit similar to the Leopard 2A4M?

Offering an improved Leopard 2A5 (mounting the FLW-200 remote weapon station and a battlefield management system) seems to be a obvious offer to Chile, if the Chilean Army demands an upgrade of the tanks to the Leopard 2A5 level. However the Leopard 2A5 upgrade is a deep modernization, which requires cutting and welding of the original turret and hull structures. This makes the upgrade rather cumbersome and probably also expensive.

The Canadian Army received a total of twenty Leopard 2A4M tanks. Unlike the Leopard 2A5, the base armor composition of these tanks remains unaltered - instead additional armor modules are installed at the tanks surface. At least Rheinmetall and RUAG claim that their applique armor kits reach a protection level equal or better than the original Leopard 2A5; it seems plausible that KMW can also offer an applique armor kit to boost the Leopard 2A4 protection level to an equal or higher level than provided by the Leopard 2A5's armor.

The Leopard 2A4M itself does not include all features wanted by the Chilean Army, but other KMW-made Leopard 2 variants feature a RWS, a BMS and improved optronics. KMW could simply combine the features from these tanks for an offer to Chile.

The Swiss company RUAG has been rather unsuccesful on the tank market. This might be the result of the company being a smaller player in the armored vehicle market, but might also be affiliated with the offerings of the company. RUAG modernized the Swiss Panzer 87 (Leopard 2A4 tanks) in cooperation with KMW to the new Panzer 87WE standard. While original plans saw the adoption of a mine-protection kit, a modular 360° armor package including anti-bomblet armor at the roof, a battlefield management system, improved optronics, a remote weapon station, an engine muffler, electric gun and turret drives aswell as a rear-drive camera, the final tank included only a fraction of these features due to bugdet constraints. At least one prototype of the Panzer 87WE also included the longer-barreled L/55 gun from Rheinmetall. RUAG also has won a contract for the modernization of Austrian and Belgian Pandur 6x6 wheeled vehicles, but it is not known if there were any other bidders involved.

Currently RUAG is offering the Leopard 2 Midlife Upgrade (MLU). This modular upgrade concept appears to be similar to Rheinmetall's MBT Revolution concept. It includes enhanced survivability by using SidePRO-ATR armor and electric drive systems. The tanks internal systems are fully digital and includue a new battlefield management system. The MLU also includes a new commander's sight with integrated thermal imager.

Currently Chile has probably the best equipped land forces in South America, so it is a bit odd to see them pushing for even more upgrades. The neighbouring countries currently have noticably worse tank forces, even when compared to the very basic Leopard 2A4. Argentina only has light tanks and the Tanque Argentino Mediano (Argentinian medium tank; TAM). The
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, but still lacks a lot of features to be considered superior to the Leopard 2A4 - the 105 mm main gun and the thin armor are in most cases not sufficient. Meanwhile Peru has been searching for a new MBT since a few years, but has yet to make a decision. While several options were considered - including buying the US Abrams tank, the Ukrainian T-84M or second hand Leopard 2 tanks from the Netherlands - the Chinese MBT-2000 (VT-1A) was selected by the Peruvian officials, the order was however canceled shortly after. Currently China is offering the VT-4 (MBT-3000) tank to Peru.

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Embraer and
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(Brazilian Air Force) successfully completed the first dry contact (without fuel transfer) between the multi-mission aircraft KC-390 and F-5M fighters at the Santa Cruz Air Force Base, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Feb 19.





Honduras to invest $ 200 million with Israel to boost armed forces


By the end of 2017, the Armed Forces will be strengthened with more than 20 reconfigured combat aircraft, new and powerful boats to combat drug trafficking, and also the arrival of armament and intelligence equipment for the Order Military Police Public (PMOP).

The cooperation agreement signed with the Israeli government will allow Honduras to balance its forces in comparison with other countries in the Central American region, which in recent years have been equipped with powerful aircraft, tanks, helicopters, Earth.

Last July, the Executive Branch, through the National Congress, entered into an agreement with the Israeli government to upgrade more than 20 Honduran Air Force (FAH) fighter jets and purchase intelligence and weapons equipment for The PMOP.

Likewise, it is planned to buy the OPV patrol boat, with capacity to transport helicopters, and an Amphibious Landing Ship (BDA) to the Corporation of Science and Technology for the Development of Industry (Cotecmar), Colombia.

It is anticipated that by the cooperation of the Israelis will be achieved the renewal of personal equipment, that is to say, rifles like the Galil-ACE and the Tavor X95 like standard arms and sophisticated equipment of communications of combat, in addition, three radars valued in 30 million Of dollars, details the specialized site Defensa.com.

The plan also includes the restoration of at least a dozen F-5 fighter jets, an A-37 number, about six T-27s and a helicopter fleet.

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Mexican Air Force withdraws from service its F-5E Tiger


During the military parade for the Independence of Mexico, held on September 16 last, the legendary F-5E Tigre of the Mexican Air Force (FAM) flew for the last time. It was thus that three of the four Tiger that were operative, crossed the sky of the City of Mexico, of the twelve that in time conformed the Aerial Squadron 401.

The F-5E have completed 34 years of service, no longer meet their strategic objectives (surveillance, interception of hostile aircraft and protection of strategic facilities); Its operation and maintenance costs are very high and unsustainable; And will be replaced by a squadron of twenty-four F-16, of which twelve will be operating in 2018.

FAM sources confirm the farewell of the fighters, the combat jets that during three decades were seen like the best thing of the military air power of the country. The leader of the squad will be the two-seater 4502 and will be accompanied by another two-seater, the 4501, and a single-seater, 4508.

The twelve F-5E Tiger aircraft, which formed the 401 Air Squadron, arrived in Mexico in August 1982. They were purchased directly from Northrop Gruman Inc. at ten million dollars each and presented in September of that same year. Last military parade that led the then president Jose Lopez Portillo. And it is that its acquisition was realized, in economic terms, during the years of the petroleum bonanza; In strategic terms, in the context of the Cold War.

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Argentine Air Force continues to Nose Dive

According to the magazine "Jane's Defence Weekly" article Santiago Rivas "Argentina officially suspends fighter replacement program", Argentine Defense Minister Julio Martinez February 1, 2017 announced that after discussions with the Argentine president Mauricio Macri, the Government decided to suspend the acquisition program of new fighters for replacement of old American attack aircraft Lockheed Martin (McDonnell Douglas) A-4AR Fightinghawk.

Argentine Air Force plans to retire all the A-4AR Fightinghawk until 2018 due to lack of spare parts and production resource. Previously, the entire fleet of Dassault Mirage Argentine Air Force fighter aircraft was decommissioned in November 2015 without any replacement.

The decision on refusal for the purchase of new fighter jets made in connection with the Argentine economic problems and, according to Martinez, it was decided that it will not undertake any new aircraft purchases in the short term, at least, as long as the country's financial situation does not improve.

Argentine Air Force has long been trying to acquire at least some fighters instead of write. If in respect of retired fighters Mirage failed, the Argentine Air Force leadership hoped to replace at least A-4aR as a temporary measure 12 light fighter / trainer aircraft - potentially such as Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50 or Leonardo M- 346FT.

Martinez said that now the Air Force Argentina will seek to focus on the purchase of about ten turboprops to control northern border against illegal flights, enhance aircraft fleet IA-58 Pucará and the partial replacement of the Embraer EMB-312 Tucano as advanced training aircraft. Proposals were received regarding the possibility of deliveries of aircraft Beechcraft T-6C + Texan II and Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano, but the status of the negotiations is uncertain.

The current decision to the Government of Argentina is that Argentina will have no fighter jets after the write-off of aircraft A-4AR, resulting in the Argentine Air Force will not be able to fulfill one of its main tasks to control Argentine airspace.

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Mexican Air Force withdraws from service its F-5E Tiger


During the military parade for the Independence of Mexico, held on September 16 last, the legendary F-5E Tigre of the Mexican Air Force (FAM) flew for the last time. It was thus that three of the four Tiger that were operative, crossed the sky of the City of Mexico, of the twelve that in time conformed the Aerial Squadron 401.

The F-5E have completed 34 years of service, no longer meet their strategic objectives (surveillance, interception of hostile aircraft and protection of strategic facilities); Its operation and maintenance costs are very high and unsustainable; And will be replaced by a squadron of twenty-four F-16, of which twelve will be operating in 2018.

FAM sources confirm the farewell of the fighters, the combat jets that during three decades were seen like the best thing of the military air power of the country. The leader of the squad will be the two-seater 4502 and will be accompanied by another two-seater, the 4501, and a single-seater, 4508.

The twelve F-5E Tiger aircraft, which formed the 401 Air Squadron, arrived in Mexico in August 1982. They were purchased directly from Northrop Gruman Inc. at ten million dollars each and presented in September of that same year. Last military parade that led the then president Jose Lopez Portillo. And it is that its acquisition was realized, in economic terms, during the years of the petroleum bonanza; In strategic terms, in the context of the Cold War.

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And finaly no CAM confirm not retired and they are reliable... remains 10, 7 operationnal same unit ofc 401th Sqn.