CCTV "attacking" Baidu


Lieutenant General
All private interests will give themselves a pass. Do they parade around pretending that free media is the best thing since sliced bread? Yes. Does that mean they're right? Not necessarily. However, just because the propagate a myth of free media, doesn't mean that there aren't real and significant difference. In the case of information restriction there is a difference of means, proportionality and consequence, which is substantive and important, and creates a different outcome. I did not say interests in a free media system don't manipulate information for their own ends. I am saying that the power to manipulate is not a monopoly, and with the right tools and conditions anyone could do it. That clash of different interests creates a more open system. Whether that is good or bad is another matter, but the fact is I do have the option of airing my views in public without being punished.

Your example of someone saying Chinese people would have treated African slaves worse also entails an example of you disagreeing. Both were held in a public space. He believes one thing, you believe the other, and guess what? Both of you got to share your views in public without fear of being legally punished. And btw, that person could easily turn around your argument around and accuse you of trying to manipulate fact.

I could argue the other side and say the Chinese media system is meant to prioritize stability in society, and I am sure that someone critical of the Chinese media system would attack me for supporting dictatorial ideology. However, that is not the contention here.

I agree with much you have said but there's a problem when you think the Chinese government is worse. Hillary Clinton is hinding behind Google to carry out her agenda. So when the US outsources torture hiding behind another country, does that mean it's not as serious of a crime? I don't understand why you would even bother tring to make less or more out of censorship. If you do it a little then you do it a lot. There's no measure of degree when the objective is to manipulate the facts to serve your own ends. You either do it or you don't. You can't kill someone less and say it's not as serious as murder.

I did not say it was an excuse. If you haven't noticed, I'm not saying it's great that they can behave that way. Also, throughout this discussion I did not say that private interests don't censor. I am saying that whatever they censor, someone else can present what was censored, so even if the private interest censors the information, it can still exist in the public space. In regards to Google however, have you seriously not tried searching for 中国 in the news? I am sure you will pull up plenty of articles that are written in the Chinese perspective, since it's a bit difficult to find English articles written from a Chinese perspective (language barrier and all). In any case, I did not say private interests don't discriminate. I said that there are alternatives to those private interests that can counteract them. For example, I am free to read China Daily without censorship. If I remember correctly that's no longer the case with CNN in China.

I've already told you I've done such searches. And all you see from the US is a Western perspective and from a Western source 90% of the time. You only see a China Daily and Xinhui result maybe every other page. So if you're only getting their perspective, that's censorship. You make a difference from denial of access and denial of choice? At least Google was in China. Where are Chinese internet companies in the US? They can't read Chinese? When that works the other way around too. Because the Chinese government doesn't go out of their way to translate their articles into Chinese, I betcha they consider that censorship just like because they can't read Chinese they label it not being transparent. There was an American intellectual who said he could find nearly everything critics said China wasn't being transparent written somewhere he had no problem accessing. The problem was it was in Chinese. I mentioned that newbie earlier... that poster called everyone here "communist drones" because people dared to question and challenge "the West only knows what's best" position. So if you think anyway different from that poster and if the Chinese don't follow blindly and obediently, they're communist drones. And you see them as better? They're no different from the mentality of Mao's Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution. Better? Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Like I said before... they ain't no better. And given the fact they look at the Chinese as a whole as inferior to them, they ain't going to be better for the Chinese.


Junior Member
You're kidding me. Most protests aren't discussed? Ever follow the local news?

As for getting arrested, often it is through violation of laws regarding public disturbance. You don't see crackdowns on every protest and protester do you? Furthermore, protesting is only one of many mediums for public advocacy outside the mainstream. Cherry picking one does not eliminate the existence of the others.
Not cherry picking at all, the results of the protests against the empire and cost of sustaining it speak for themselves. Sure you may not get arrested every time, but that not the important part.

Mind quoting government guidelines that specifically attempt to limit information?
Try reading TOS

The problem is I never said censorship wasn't legally allowed. I said censorship wasn't enforced by the state. Two different things. You are trying to draw a false equivalence that's not there. Just because you can find comparable situations does not mean that the whole system is comparable. There is a difference of proportionality and context.
Laws are legally enforced by the state, no one else can do that. Dont try to redefine what is legal and what is not.

Did I ever say it wasn't? I said that those controls are not implemented by the state and are through multiple competing interests.
Yes they are, in reality the state is not simply the government, the whole system is driven fiscally.

Yes, because that infringes on a more fundamental right of safety. I'm not talking about public safety. I am talking about personal safety.
Now you want to redefine safety?

Evidence? In any case, as unfortunate as those circumstances are, I don't see any arrests that happen because someone said something disagreeable to they system. Again, false equivalence.
You can deny all you want, but its reality not false equivalence.

So when I say that there are problems with the free media system, and when I say the free media system does not guarantee fair, balanced, or recognition of information by the public that is defending it? Who's putting words in whose mouth now? If you disagree though, you'd best tell me what I've said makes you believe that.
You also said its not being controlled since its free, your own words not mine.

Again, rights infringing on more fundamental rights. The "free" media does not define what these rights are though. The law does, and the media can protest it (and it does). Don't conflate the actors.
You are the one who put the media and rights in the same boat which I pointed out is not the same.

Except that wealth concentration wasn't always there, nor was the military industrial complex. You're not going to tell me every American President is the same now are you?
I never said it have always existed with the founding of America, but certainly it exists now and has been getting worse for many years, ever since from a republic to the empire.

Besides, if you're asserting that subversion happened, Obama didn't go into Egypt, or Iran, or Syria, or Yemen, and only dipped his toe in Libya. That's a pretty bad record if you're insisting they practice active subversion.
Please read what I have said. I never said every conflict is the result of US involvement. Certainly US is trying hard to subvert Iran and Syria. Also the Lack of necessary resources at their disposal means its impossible for empire to be involved everywhere militarily not that it doesn't want to. The very fact that the empire is vastly overstretched tell you what their record is. Again You may want to deny it, but its reality.

The media system, if you haven't noticed, also criticizes the "empire", and constantly harps about pulling out from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Not the mainstream media, and the harp about Afghanistan and Iraq is about staying there despite the costs involved. Why does the word empire need quotes, America is an empire.

I was offering an alternative interpretation, where, mind you, I openly criticized both. That is hardly a defence.
No you don't, you were just defending the empire and its involvement around the world.

They are foreign lobbies with a lot of influence. Allowance may legitimize that "empire", but it also reigns it in. Dependency is not one way.
Its a corrupt system where the emperor sit at the top, and it only give it more power not less.

*rollseyes* 1)Where did I discuss carving up a foreign country? 2) if that suggestion was brought up by someone, would disagreeing and repudiating that view imply they were "indoctrinated"? 3) Is your insistence that America is an empire itself not "indoctrination"?
It was a debate in a formal educational setting not a street corner discussion by random strangers with no agendas. As for the empire, its not an ideological indoctrination just look at the facts about America and its role in the world.

Seriously, let's drop this discussion. I already pointed out that no one is not "indoctrinated". The difference is whether we're all forced to believe one thing or if we can choose to believe what we want.
That make no sense, indoctrination is not a choice to begin with, you are creating choices where there is none.

And would you like to define clearly what "this power behind" is? Because so far, while you've been insisting that there must be "powers behind them", I have been pointing out instances where different "powers" have actually hurt each other. You may keep trying to spin out of that by going "it's all within a goal post", but what would actually qualify as outside it if you keep on moving those goalposts?
I have already told you whats outside the goalposts. As for the true powers, just take look at the banksters and the military industrial complex.

And last I checked, Rupert Murdoch wasn't looking too good in the UK. Did someone decide that Rupert Murdoch wasn't one of those spooky powers behind the veil?
When it gets too big they could not longer hide it. He certainly had power and influence, with the cover ups and involvement of politicians and the police. Dont forget the unexplained death of a former journalist involved ruled simply as suicide.

People who want the government to cease to exist, Ron Paul, the likes.
Hes one guy that doesn't seem to be part of it, but that doesn't prove anything. And no hes not saying the government should cease to exist, I have no idea where you get that from.

You underestimate how much those events actually hurt Bush's ability to conduct the war in Iraq, and public support, which btw, if we are to believe the "they went in there for oil and American influence" notion, would be contrary to those interests of your mysterious powers behind the scene.
Hurt what ability, the Iraq war did not stop or slow down because of them, it didnt change anything. I have no idea where you are going with oil and influence part and being contrary to what you implied that you dont believe to exist.

You can argue it's an "illusion", but when Rolling Stones magazine reports on General McChrystal bashing the Obama administration, that has real damaging effects. When the entire media is focused on Watergate, that has real damaging effects. When Valerie Plain's identity is leaked by the White House, that has real damaging effects. When the NYT reports that big business hardly pays taxes, that has real damaging effects. When they report on the Lewinski scandal and Clinton gets impeached, that has real damaging effects.
What damaging effects? You live in a democrat vs republican dichotomy that cant see whats going on on the outside.

You can call these distractions, but it hardly seems like the political institutions and the media institutions are united in common cause when one can seriously set back the other's agenda.
Of course it doesn't seem like it, because of this illusion of dichotomy.

Please point where where I put words in your mouth. As far as I could see, I was merely stating that everyone is brainwashed by something. Nowhere did I say you made the contrary claim. "Saying that"=/="You were saying that".
I have never said that brainwashing only exists in American media.

What do you think I was saying then?

1) I wasn't responding to you regarding google, 2) I wasn't explaining their "real intentions". I was pointing out their behaviors, regardless of whether you see it as moral or not, was not that unusual for a profit seeking corporation.
Obviously you are defending them, you were definitely trying to clarifying their intentions not behavior.

All private interests will give themselves a pass. Do they parade around pretending that free media is the best thing since sliced bread? Yes. Does that mean they're right? Not necessarily. However, just because the propagate a myth of free media, doesn't mean that there aren't real and significant difference. In the case of information restriction there is a difference of means, proportionality and consequence, which is substantive and important, and creates a different outcome. I did not say interests in a free media system don't manipulate information for their own ends. I am saying that the power to manipulate is not a monopoly, and with the right tools and conditions anyone could do it. That clash of different interests creates a more open system. Whether that is good or bad is another matter, but the fact is I do have the option of airing my views in public without being punished.
Again its not free and you do get punished. And of course with the right conditions anyone can do anything, thats a lame example.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
" ... SampanViking's
Re: CCTV "attacking" Baidu

I would be very wary of what you read in the Murdoch owned press regarding China. His fall out with Beijing is legendary, following their blocking of his attempts to significantly expand his media empire there.
... "
It completely agree

Mr T

Senior Member
It's not just the WSJ that has reported on this. Have a look at the following link. Of course the WSJ may have had a different spin on things.

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Lieutenant General
Well this is the pot calling the kettle black. Look who wants to punish journalists for embarrasing them with being linked to Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking scandal.

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