So it is 1937 Northern China Scenario?
Except with satellites, jets, and rocket launchers. But you're right. I'm wondering whether the 70-some years since WW2, technology has widened the military gap or narrowed it.
So it is 1937 Northern China Scenario?
Remember that the infantry army will likely enjoy a substantial numerical advantage. The question is, how substantial of an advantage would be needed?
I imagine that the best cover for the infantry army would be large urban centers, with possible bases in remote mountain ranges like the Taliban.
However, would the infantry army be capable of disrupting the supply lines of the combined-arms army, and launch attacks on its military bases and airfields?
If you feel that the infantry army really has no chance with the current restrictions, what would you give them in order for them to have a fighting chance?
It depends upon the goal too?
If the goal for the Infantry Army is just to bleed the combined arm force then the tactics would be different if it were asked to go offensive and destroy the combined arm force.
I think it is becoming harder and harder for a light infantry to stand up to an advanced combined armed force. Technology is advanced enough that any movement, tactics will be defeated soundly by technology alone. Note that I am NOT saying tactics is useless now. Nowadays, maneuvers and tactics will still play a huge part in fighting when the opposing forces have near-equal technology. However, the days when a inferior force can out-maneuver and out-tactic an advanced force has long gone, in my opinion. Against an advanced force with satellites, missiles, etc., any movement of the inferior light infantry will be detected way ahead of time. Even if the light infantry manages to encircle its advanced opponent, they can call for re-enforcement, which can come to the rescue in no time in many forms. It would be nearly impossible for the light infantry to successfully complete any of their missions.
I think it is becoming harder and harder for a light infantry to stand up to an advanced combined armed force. Technology is advanced enough that any movement, tactics will be defeated soundly by technology alone. Note that I am NOT saying tactics is useless now. Nowadays, maneuvers and tactics will still play a huge part in fighting when the opposing forces have near-equal technology. However, the days when a inferior force can out-maneuver and out-tactic an advanced force has long gone, in my opinion. Against an advanced force with satellites, missiles, etc., any movement of the inferior light infantry will be detected way ahead of time. Even if the light infantry manages to encircle its advanced opponent, they can call for re-enforcement, which can come to the rescue in no time in many forms. It would be nearly impossible for the light infantry to successfully complete any of their missions.
JSTAR and ASTOR has difficulties tracking down foot infantry man.
What about UAV's, constant air surveillance by fixed-wing planes and choppers? The premise of the argument is light infantry possibly winning by number, which means large amount of troops and can be detected easily by anything in the air.