I realising my suggestion fell outside the Solarzs inniatial parameters for discussions as stipulated in his opening post, i did not bother to clarify my initial suggestion. But considering that he broke his own guidelines laid out in his first post by introducing an insurgency and polititical sitution with his England Scotland scenario, I felt entitled to do do like likewise. Futhermore to turn around and accuse someone of politicising his thread is the height of hypocrisy when his England Scotland scenario , does just that.
Solarz did not 'politicise' the thread with the Scotland-England scenario. He was merely following my suggestion that we borrow real world places and forces as a template on which to build our
fictional match-up so that we can get on with discussion possible tactics and outcomes without having to spend a great deal of time and effort setting out all the information needed to allow a meaningful discussion of the subject.
And I for one think the Scotland-England example is very apt for the situation precisely because the likelihood of Scotish independence is fairly remote, and an actual arm conflict emerging as a result is unlikely in the extreme.
Your insistence on using Xinjiang as a counter-example is poorly judged to say the least. Firstly because of how obsurd it would be to suggest that an infantry only force would be able to stand up to a military force as advanced and vast as the PLA (the only real world examples where a poorly equiped force managed to defeat a far superior equipped and competantly led force was through sheer numerical superiority, something not possible against the PLA.); but secondly because unlike the Scotland-England
fictional scenario, there is actually a real life insurgency movement going on in Xinjiang that has, and is still costing lives. Thus using that as an example is crass at the very least, and could be easily seen as ill-meaning at best, and active encouragement and moral support for the Xinjian insurgents at worst.
I m well aware that insurgents would not stand a chance in a toe to toe fight with PLA forces.so they do their best to they are avoid such a firefight. In my scenario which is based in time period , say 15-20yrs from now the insurgents are based in the Stans and supplied with the most up to date weaponry such as Manpads and up to date intelligence, by Russia and others, they are proving to be an effective thorn in Chinas side in rebuilding the old sik road and turning Kashgar into the hub of the SEZ. Chinas military forces are seriously defanged and with out air cover as a condition of being able to cross borders on seek and destroy missions. So when they do clash, its very much on even terms.
That is just ridiculous in so many ways.
Firstly, you are actually changing the parametres of the original scenario by this completely unrealistic and frankly, nonsensical suggestion that the PLA would be facing the insurgents
'very much on even terms'. So, instead of infantry only force taking on a combined-force modern military, it's Xinjiang insurgents taking on the PLA on even terms.
When you do that, can you blame people for feeling that you are less interested in discussing what the thread was started for, and more interested in finding ways to play 'how to beat up the Chinese'?
Secondly, your pre-requisits are ridiculously far fetched to say the least. Russia actively supporting an insurgency against China? It'll be more believable if you changed "Russia" to "little green men".
The Stans supporting and arming a muslim insurgent movement that sees the Stans as also occuping territory belonging to their greater homeland that they wish to liberate? How high do you need to be to swallow that? You do realize that there is a reason the Stans holds anti-terror war games with China annually other than for poops and giggles right?
Thirdly, what mannor of illogic would drive the PLA to leave behind all their tactical advantage at home when they do after such insurgents? You post an article claiming that the PLA was threatening to go into Pakistan, China's closest ally, after a few insurgents because of bombings that caused mostly superficial damage and post no realistic threat to Chinese rule in Xinjiang on the one hand, yet expect us to think they would tiptoe about with a well resourced armed insurgency that could actually cause China to loose control of Xinjiang on the other hand? It is hard not to take that as an insult on our intellegence tbh. Or as a desperate attempt to come up with a scenario where the PLA will loose.
In any half realistic scenario, if something like that was even close to developing, the Stans would be cracking down hard on these insurgents without needing any prompting from Beijing, as these insurgents would represent as much a threat to the Stans (and Russia) as they do to China.
If any of the Stans are actively supporting such an insurgency movement, it would be because the insurgents have taken over there. If that happened, China, Russia and most of the other Stans will be launching a combined invasion before the insurgents have even consolidated power, never mind thought about launching operations in any other country.
The end end result is that they manage to drag it out until China, beset with other problems, such as its world wide economic strategy in the developing world going pear shaped, the effects of the long predeicted economic correction have come about and are starting to bite, with food production down to droughts caused by decades of enviromental degradation, she decides to settle for a negotiated settlement.
At this point, it reads more like your entire argument was constructed to arrive at the conclusion rather than following the normal process of developing and following a scenario to it's
logical conclusion. Which in term reads like someone looking for any excuse to try and contribute to the topic this thread was created to discuss.
This Jamestown foundation Article reproduce at WAB provided the background for my POV.
Its a little off topic but IMO , an interesting read nonethe less.
How Pakistan’s Unstable Tribal Areas Threaten China’s Core Interests
The Jamestown Foundation has a certain reputation, and once you know it, you would know to what kind of audience their articles are written for.
Just look it up yourselves.