This is not about denial. If there is something wrong with the Chinese, I would not hesitate to point it out. Please to read about the science threads in the members' club if you don't believe me. However, in the case of the body armor, I truly believe is is about the doctrines. What the PLA believe may not be correct, but they definitely have their legitimate reason not to mass equip their troops with body armor. Most likely, they don't think it's neccessary to issue armor when China is not at war with anyone. Say all you want about training with the armor. Like Wolfi has been saying, the PLA has been training uth excess weight for a long time. It's very possible that they had the armor in mind when they designed their training course. And another fellow poster pointed out not long ago, China does have many types of armor, which shows they are actively researching body armor.
Nobody can deny the fact that body armor does not last long. I think the typical lifetime is 5 years. Each unit costs couple thousand dollars. The PLA has 2.5 million troops. You do the math. Logistically, I don't think there is a nation under the sun that can afford to shell out that much money every 5 years when it is not absolutely needed. Tis is especially the case with the PLA when they desperately need to advance in all aspects of military. The money can be spent on stealth fighters, carriers, missiles, etc. to them, these items might be the priority, especially when China is NOT at war with anyone.
We all care about the safety of our houses and everybody agrees that metal bars increases the security. However, only houses in a bad neighborhood have metal bars on their windows and doors. It doesn't mean the houses in good neighborhood don't care about security. It just means it is not necessary to have them. Same goes with the body armor. China does not need it at the moment. And it can be substituted easily with weights in training. And The money can be better spent on stealth fighters and tanks, which, if designed well and used well, may be much more useful than body armor in time of a war. Just think about losing air superiority to your enemy. No amount of body armor can save you from enemy bombs and missiles. On the other hand, your body amor can only be useful with the air and sea fully secured.
And unlike the US, who leads the world in almost all aspects of military, China still lags behind. So China has to pick a priority and allocate its funds wisely. When it's not absolutely needed, the fund can be diverted to something much more urgent. And I think everyone here should agree that China needs to advance so many aspects of their military in order to actually get a chance to use their body armor in a battle against an advanced foe.
We all love a ferrari, and I believe many of us can actually afford one if we really have to buy one. Let's face it, a ferrari is about the price of a house and many of us have houses. But does that mean we have to buy one?