BRICS & New World Order Thread


Lieutenant General
BRICS is all about being an alternative to the West. The West makes it out to be more than that just so they can point out how it failed at this or that like in this article. Build them up just so they can tear it down. India is only in BRICS because the West hasn't fully accepted India as an equal. It pisses them off hence why they're putting their other foot in BRICS. They don't want to be left out if the other fails. Look at how India seems to be affable to BRICS now when before they were hesitant. That changed when the honeymoon with the West giving them a superficial praise quickly ended with charges that India conspired having people assassinated in Western countries and not breaking it off with Russia. India is an example that the West fears where they want everyone to have no choice except for them. Knock BRICS they will do but being an alternative from them is everything.

The G7 will brag of their military alliance when BRICS has none. And the West is afraid to decouple with China and more over China decoupling with them. How does their military alliance handle that? The ultimate end is an exchange of nukes. The West was afraid of North Korea with one nuke and ultimately did nothing because now North Korea has more than one. What does that all mean? The West is helpless because they're afraid first of how much they will suffer if they tried anything. The military takes a back seat on its importance.

All the countries that want to join BRICS have the strategic resources the West needs that they don't have to run their first world economies. Now those resources are very valuable because the West has to pay for them now where before they just took them for free. That's a huge difference affecting their economies. That's why the West is crying over global supply chains like never before.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
The G7 will brag of their military alliance when BRICS has none. And the West is afraid to decouple with China and more over China decoupling with them. How does their military alliance handle that? The ultimate end is an exchange of nukes. The West was afraid of North Korea with one nuke and ultimately did nothing because now North Korea has more than one. What does that all mean? The West is helpless because they're afraid first of how much they will suffer if they tried anything. The military takes a back seat on its importance.
No one is afraid of North Korea. The one they are afraid of is the one that provides security guarantees to the Kims.