You are right in principle.Many of the sentiments expressed in this thread are exceedingly foolish and, if put into practice, would ultimately be highly damaging to China's long-term strategic interests.
To create a real containment network of China akin to that of NATO+Japan/RoK against the USSR in the Cold War would be a herculean task requiring the surmounting of various geographical, cultural-historical, economic and political challenges. Nonetheless, if the more bellicose posters here had their way, such a China-containment axis would likely be in place within a decade.
Indeed it would seem to be a universal rule that the most bellicose and aggressively nationalistic elements in any nation would lead their nations over a cliff. One can only hope that the CCP can continue to control such sentiments in China, as it has done to date, such that they remain confined to internet message boards and have no purchase in the real world.
But there is nothing special that you need to worry. This is a forum around matters of China. Of course you should expect more of sentimental posts. The seemingly high temperature is because of the concentration of the opinions. If you put all anti-China articles from all media centers, think tanks etc. from around the world, you will see that the reality is the opposite, there are more nationalistic or even racist sentiment against China. So don't worry about the Chinese, worry about elsewhere.
Talking about specifics, the very recent posts that you referred to was caused by an article from NDTV article "xclusive: Why Indian Air Force May Best Chinese Jets In An Air Battle Over Tibet", right? Is there any advice to whoever and whichever government behind that kind of authors, journalists? Any suggestion to control the populations that are immersed in that environment? Any control to the ultra-nationalist sentiment that is being brewed by that kind of articles?
I have kept saying that the road is always two directional, and now I want to bring up another old Chinese saying "one hand can not clap to make a sound". It need two people to do good, or bad. That task is on Indian's shoulders as well.