Beautiful, full, double rainbow in Springtime Idaho. Stunning.

kim jong il must be turning over in his glass coffin right now. must be a horrible sight who those who sees this fat corpse no longer in state.


This evening, about 20:25, on the way home from a church social, it was raining and the sun was setting in the west through the resulted in this beautiful, absolutely full rainbow. I had to stop and take a video.


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Did you take the video with your mobile phone? They are fine for most purposes but don't do justice for atmospheric scenes like this as I've found out. The actual view must be better.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Did you take the video with your mobile phone? They are fine for most purposes but don't do justice for atmospheric scenes like this as I've found out. The actual view must be better.
Yes, I was driving home when I saw this and all I had with me was my cell phone.

And you are correct, the actual view was much, much better.

The fact that the whole rainbow shos up on this video can tell you how nice it was. In acuality, what you see on the two ends of the rainbow on the ground was about as bright as it was in the sky, and the ground even brighter with the golden sheen radiating away from it (due to the rain and wind) like a golden hue, diffusing the rainbow into the atmosphere. Unbelievably scenic and wonderful. I wish I had had my good Cannon with me, it would have shown a lot better.

As it is, this came off nice just the same, and I was glad it showed all of the rainbow.

The second rainbow showing on the video was almost completely visible all the way around too.
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