Warned member: ZeEa5KPul
Reason: mockery/expression of mirth towards civilian victims of a violent terrorist attack. That is beyond what is acceptable here.
Sentence: 1 week ban -- with immediate permanent ban on next offense.
Now, a week might seem light, but let me be clear -- the next time that anything remotely controversial is posted by you, there will be an immediate permanent ban. No discussion, no protests. You've had enough warnings before and even banned before with subsequent retractions. I thought with that many warnings you would recognize that being on your best, PG rated behaviour and keeping a perfectly clean nose would be your number one priority, but perhaps this will make it more obvious.
To everyone at large, this forum is not reddit, it isn't a playground for people to crack abhorrent jokes about violence. Just because other forums and message boards are more virulent, toxic and racist doesn't mean this forum shouldn't set its own standards for itself.
Take some pride in what you're writing here.