Bandar Abbas Iranian Naval Base: Does China Supply Iran?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
This is aerial imagery of Bandar Abbas Iranian Naval Base, you can also see 3 Kilo class submarine docked. I wonder does China supply and aid Iran with their arms and missile program? Seeing how China probably prefers a Iran that opposes USA than one that is allied, i wonder if they use Pakistan to send arms through, seeing how Pakistan just landed a fat arms deal, i wonder if any of it will make its way to Iran....

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VIP Professional
This is aerial imagery of Bandar Abbas Iranian Naval Base, you can also see 3 Kilo class submarine docked. I wonder does China supply and aid Iran with their arms and missile program? Seeing how China probably prefers a Iran that opposes USA than one that is allied, i wonder if they use Pakistan to send arms through, seeing how Pakistan just landed a fat arms deal, i wonder if any of it will make its way to Iran....

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From public sources, the PRC exported anti-ship missiles to Iran in 1990's, but stopped after US applied pressure.

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Following the 1991 Gulf War Iran imported the C-802 antiship cruise missile from China. China suspended exports in 1996 in response to comlaints by the the United States. In December 1996 Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, John Shalikashivili, warned Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian that arms exports would increase destabilizing factors in the region. No international agreement bans transfers of anti-ship missiles, and the C-802 is not covered by the MTCR, which controls exports of ballistic and cruise missiles that can deliver 500 kg. warheads to 300 km. Iran expected to purchase 150 C-802 missiles from China but only received a half of them because of the arms suspension. By mid-1997 Iran reportedly possessed some 60 of the missiles deployed in coastal batteries on Qeshm Island, a strategic point on the eastern side of the Arabian peninsula. In 1997, General J.H. Binford Peay, Central Command commander, said that China transferred 20 patrol boats with 15 equipped with C-802 missiles (Washington Times, January 29, 1997). [Some reports claim that China may have transferred hundreds of C-802s, although these claims are not widely attested].

In early 2000 it was reported that North Korea and Iran were jointly developing an advanced version of the C-802 cruise missile. These missiles initially acquired by Iran were not equipped with advanced systems, and the missiles acquired by Iran were rather outdated. Iran turned to North Korea for missile system technology, and the two countries are jointly developing an upgraded version with improved accuracy. ["N. Korea, Iran Jointly Develop Missile: Report" Korea Times February 17, 2000]


Lieutenant General
There's no international embargo on the sale of arms to Iran so if China or any other country wanted to sell weapons to Iran, they could. Meaning that China doesn't have to sneak weapons via Pakistan. Besides Pakistan and Iran don't have a history of good relations. That's why Iran has had longer good relations to India than with Pakistan and China in modern times.

The West opposes arm sales to Iran and expect everyone else to get in line with that policy. It would be hypocritical of China to follow those policies when the West itself works at preventing arms sale to China. Also the West sells arms to the enemies of their enemies. If they really wanted to stop the arms trade, then no arms should be sold to anyone even their allies. But then the arms trade is the number one business in the world.


Bug Driver
VIP Professional
If they really wanted to stop the arms trade, then no arms should be sold to anyone even their allies. But then the arms trade is the number one business in the world.

I think the world's fast food budget exceeds international arms sales.


Junior Member
Big-E is right in that the arms trade is not the biggest business in the world, though I'm not exactly sure if it's the fast food industry.

It just makes more publicity and waves because the deals are all pretty big, and are lower frequency. (The fact that the weapons tend to kill people also raises attention)


Well I have no numbers and wouldn't say it's the biggest business, but there's a general behaviour to underestimate arms trade.

It just makes more publicity and waves because the deals are all pretty big

The best selling arms wich also kill very most people are simple, cheap Kalashnikovs and so on ...
Ok this also incorporates those have-legal trades and those said to be non-legal. But you still can made mony with it. see "Lord of war" :)
But I know, :eek:ff


VIP Professional
Considering that the majority of the world's wealth is concenrated in the top-tier first world nations, and that in those nations the largest economic sector is the service industry, I'm inclined to think the world's largest industry = service industry.

The US is the world's largest economy and its service industry accounts for 55% of all economic activity.

Half the world's assets held by 2% of population:
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Banned Idiot
China continue to sold large number of arms to Iran but under joint venture and renaming the weapon to avoid publicity. Like C-701 which PLA rarely deploy is being used by Iran arm forces. QW series of Manpad is also untilised by IAF. Fast attack craft and other small arms too.


Junior Member
Iran purchased 800 Steyr .50 cal sniper rifles from Austria. These sniper rifles have an effective range of 1500 m, and can punched thru armoured vests at close range. The U.S. tried to stop the sale but failed.