The goalpost goes much wider then just Canada, Australia and Britain you can add all of EU
That's the eventual goal because that's one of the few possible ways for the U.S. to outcompete, dominate, and then subjugate China. If Russia was to fall in line and made essentially a subjugate partner to the American interests, then you'll have India gladly play along to totally buy into the American bloc led to forever undermine China internally and torn the country to different pieces so to never again potentially threaten the American led order even if China were to adapt a western style democratic system.
A democratic system does not mean the Chinese people or it's future leaders were simply going to abandon it's sovereign interest or claims in the SCS or her border issues with India. Plus, such a system it wouldn't be inconceivable to have a Trump version of China that is more hypernationalist and eager to actually use it's military force against external threats. That's why it's really important for China to be broken into pieces, totally separate Tibet, Xinjiang, flare up ethnic tensions amongst the 50 plus or so ethnic groups within China.
But in order for such prospect to be successful America must deal effectively with it's own internal challenges and extreme divisions it frankly didn't fully anticipate or appreciate would happen. So nothing is certain.